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What Latin programs are out there?


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I've been using Cambridge Latin with my 8yo this last year and we really like it. But he has a huge vocabulary from constant, high-level reading, so he does well with the translate-first-learn-later method with Cambridge.


My dd who will be 7 in the fall and in 2nd grade wants to start Latin but I don't think Cambridge would be a good fit for her. She is more inclined to like a structured, workbook-based approach though I wouldn't rule out a reading method for her if there was one at a lower level. She just doesn't read like ds did (she reads fine, but not several years above grade level or anything) and she's starting a year younger than he did.


I know about (and just sold, grrrr) Latina Christiana I and I am looking at Getting Started With Latin. What other programs are out there? I think we've ruled out Song School Latin. Our family has plenty of exposure to Latin and dh is an accomplished Latinist and uses it daily in his work so we don't need a program that is just about "exposure."

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My initial searches were coming up dry on getting a list of programs but I guess I picked the right words this time, because now I'm coming up with quite a list.


Though you're still welcome to throw recommendations at me :)

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I was just at the RFWP conference in VF and they have some new Latin materials coming out. I only attended the session on Latin for Younger Children, but the speaker was talking about publishing her child-friendly stories with more of a jump right in type of approach. I took a measly semester of Latin in middle school and don't recall 90% of it, but I liked what I saw in that session. I don't know what was said in the Latin for Older Children session.

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I was just at the RFWP conference in VF and they have some new Latin materials coming out. I only attended the session on Latin for Younger Children, but the speaker was talking about publishing her child-friendly stories with more of a jump right in type of approach. I took a measly semester of Latin in middle school and don't recall 90% of it, but I liked what I saw in that session. I don't know what was said in the Latin for Older Children session.



Thanks, I was just about to go see if RFWP has a Latin program. I was bummed to miss the conference.

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I love First Form latin and did take 4 years of Latin previously. DS also used Cambridge Latin past year at school but I found First Frorm a great supplement since it covers the grammar thoroughly. First Form I think might be comparable to LC. OTOH if she needs an easier intro you could start with LP.

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Have you considered Minimus? My daughter did it at 7&8 and loved it!



I had forgotten about Minimus, ironically, since we also use Cambridge. But I pulled it up along with a few others for dh to review last night and he voted overwhelmingly for Minimus. I've really enjoyed Cambridge so we decided to just go with it.


Thanks for all the input!

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Another vote for GSWL -- it might be just the right thing to give your 7yo a structured approach, if she's heard smatterings of Latin from the rest of the household. (Plus, it's sometimes humorous, like when sentences translate as things like, "We are sailors, but we do not like the water." ;) )


We also really like Latin's Not So Tough, but we started with Level 3 (after GSWL). Level 1 looks *very* basic, maybe even too basic for a 7yo (it seems like it's geared toward preschoolers who want to "do school" along with older siblings), so I'm thinking that Level 2 would be about right for your DD, but I haven't actually seen that level, so I don't know for sure.

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