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Traveling sports mamas-a question..


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We have a swim meet 90 minutes away at the end of next month. I'm trying to figure out whether to get a hotel or not. There aren't many hotels to choose from in this city so we're looking at a minimum of $80 or so at the very least. We'll be done by about 4 or so on Saturday (I think). We'd have 4 kids to entertain if we do stay at a hotel and we'd have to buy dinner. In all honestly we'd probably pick up something cheap for dinner even if we don't stay at a hotel that night. I'm trying to figure out if it'd be cheaper and easier to just come home or to stay the night? Thoughts??

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We travel 90 minutes for soccer on a regular basis. We don't get a hotel for 90 minutes away, although we know people who do. We even have done tournaments 90 minutes away where we have had to go back the next day and haven't done a hotel. We just like our own beds. We have done hotels for soccer when we have left the state. Of course, soccer games don't take all day like swim meets, so that makes a difference. However, we have played three games in a day for a tournament and come home. However, we almost never have two kids playing at the same venue, and usually have three or four kids playing every weekend, so our situation is a little different.

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I wanted to add that this is a state swim meet that will last 9-4 Saturday AND Sunday. But the last time we had state we drove the hour home and it was fine. I liked staying in my own bed that night. I'm leaning toward coming home. The point about packing is HUGE. It's a PAIN to pack up stuff for 6 people for one night.

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I was up at 4:45 this morning for the second day of a lacrosse tournament a little over an hour away (warm up was at 7:15, and you can never be sure when the beach traffic is going to start).


Unless it's well over 2 hours away, playing exceedingly late or exceedingly early, we come home.

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No team dinner. This is an outdoor event so we will be gross and nasty when we leave. Both my older DC will have events both days. Now that I think about it warm-up may be earlier than 9. I think it was at 7:45 during the winter state meet. If we stay the night DH will drive the van and I'll drive the sedan. He'll either stay the night with us and leave in the am with our 2 and 5 year olds so they don't have to sit through two days of the meet. Or he'll go home on Saturday after the meet with the little two. If we don't stay we could ride together in the van Saturday and I could take the big two in the sedan Sunday. So the cost of gas really isn't a factor.


We're leaving for my parents house the Tuesday after state and packing for that will be crazy so I think I don't want to have to pack for Saturday as well.

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We had a couple of 2 day volleyball tournaments in Orlando which is about an 1 1/2 hour away from us, and we always came up the night before the first day. We usually paid about $80 per night with the team discount. It was fun because many of my daughter's teammates and their families were in the same hotel and everybody considered it a fun weekend getaway.

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90 minutes? I drive that every Friday morning for practice and I am planning to make that drive 6 days a week in the school year. I drove 3 and a half hours to be at a camp 3 and a half hours away by 8am earlier this month. I never stay in a hotel for one day events that are less then 4 hours each way.


If you are worried about being sticky and/or stinky look into getting a day pass to a local community center to use their showers before heading home.



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We come back home. If you are worried about stopping somewhere and being dirty, don't worry. Most people understand. One year after a full day of ball tournaments we met up with family at Olive Garden. We were sweaty and dirty while the rest of our family and everyone else in OG was clean. No one looked at us funny.

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Just got home about an hour ago from Day 1 of a baseball tournment...90 minutes away. Left at 8:30 a.m. this morning and got home about 8:30 p.m. Will get up and do the drive tomorrow (still waiting for today's results to come in to know what time we have to be there). The cost of a hotel/eating out/dog care for an overnight stay is not worth it.

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We'd drive home 90 minutes too. It has to be minimum 2-3 hours+ before we think about spending the night, and better yet, something interesting to stop and do the next morning in the area. We'd definitely go home if an event was ending by 4 (and possibly as late as 7 or 8 for a 90 minute drive).

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I guess I'm in the minority. My DC are groggy all day it they have to be rousted at 4:30 in the morning, and they want to swim well. Since swim meets aren't an every weekend thing (more like monthly, and then some of those are home meets), we grab a hotel. Of course, the next meet they have is in Savannah, Georgia, so we can look forward a few days of great food and awesome architecture!

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We don't stay in a hotel unless further than 3 hours away or if my ds has a tournament lasting a couple days (sometimes he might have to be there on a Friday night to weigh in but the actual wrestling doesn't take place until Sat.)


I drive 3 hours away twice a month for dd's fiddle lesson and do not stay unless she has something else planned in that area the next day. I have driven home even if we aren't getting home until midnight.

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Ok so here are my thoughts... I have a competitive swimmer that is often in a prelims/ finals meets over a 2-3 day period. How old are the swimmers and how many events do they have per day? Is this meet a prelims/ finals meet or just one time swimming per day? What time do warm ups begin? If you decide to drive home, you will need to take into account extra time added in for driving, in case you run into problems or traffic. Also realistically figure out gas costs to return home/ back to meet and subtract that from hotel costs. Is the difference worth it or not? If it were our family, we wouldn't drive back home for anything more than maybe an hour trip, depending on warm ups and if the meet was a prelims/ finals meet. For 90 miles away, we would stay overnight. First, the time on the road and the gas costs just don't make it worth it for us to be exhausted more than we already are. The swimmers really need some downtime, as well as a good night's sleep so staying locally just makes that easier. Can you find a hotel with a kitchenette like Homewood Suites, Residence Inn, Staybridge etc... That way you could fix something in the room to eat. If not, what about a crockpot meal? Just some ideas.

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