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Man of Steel (Superman) Thread


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I enjoyed it a lot.


The end was a little too computer-gamey/punch-and-explosion-fest,

and his childhood was too depressing (I always thought Spidey was

the sad one and Superman was the optimist), but overall I really liked it. Lots

of cool special effects, I like Amy Adams, the acting by the Superman actor was good,

the designs were cool, etc.


The dialog was a little stupid, but we can't expect The Great Gatsby.


I liked Russell Crowe. He was great. I loved how he comes back and

helps Amy Adams open doors and fight bad guys.


I didn't like Superman's new costume. The texture was weird, and the

lack of red shorts was disturbing.


The plot was a little repetitive and confusing in the second half of the movie.


Overall it was fun. I am glad we went.

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My dh noted that we have that exact same copy of Plato's Republic! Lol


We really enjoyed it. I love that Loie Lane isn't stupid in this version. I really liked how they did a more realistic version of his childhood. I don't like Kevin Costner and this is the first time I've liked him in a role.


I liked it more than the originals with Reeve, which were hilariously cheesy to me.

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I didn't enjoy it. I thought it was boring and there was way too much missing. I'm not even sure how he got from one place to the next in the beginning. How did he end up where the ship was? Strange.


I liked all of the individual characters and thought the movie was well cast, but the movie itself had me checking emails and just wishing it was over so I could leave.

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He was listening to the military guys talking at the bar about some new big deal several govt were searching out in the arctic and hitchhiked from the bar heading there. He hears that right before the lecherous dude gets rude wi the waitress. The next time we see him, he has arrived there as a low key lackey worker of some sort.

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He was listening to the military guys talking at the bar about some new big deal several govt were searching out in the arctic and hitchhiked from the bar heading there. He hears that right before the lecherous dude gets rude wi the waitress. The next time we see him, he has arrived there as a low key lackey worker of some sort.



Ohhhh.....that makes sense! I remember the scene, but I guess I didn't hear what they'd said in the conversation.


Still didn't really like the movie (much to my dismay, because I love superhero movies), but at least knowing it wasn't completely random makes it better for me. Thanks!

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I enjoyed it. I could have done with shorter fighting scenes near the end, but that's what superhero moviegoers seem to expect, so it didn't surprise me.


I liked it in the way I liked Batman Begins (and, years ago, Titanic). I enjoy seeing a different twist on an old familiar story.


Diane Lane was excellent as his mother. She displayed just the sort of personality that could have successfully raised an otherworldly child.


The Christian imagery was notable (though Jor-El and I would not embrace the same gospel message). Interesting that the filmmakers leaned on that angle. Sets me to thinking, kwim?


Dd also enjoyed the film but said that to her it seemed more like a space alien movie than a super hero story.


And I can't believe no one has at least mentioned that Cavill is really easy on the eyes! And Russell Crowe, returned to his cute roots, complete with curly hair and Aussie accent. In fact, when I first saw movie posters, I thought Cavill was too pretty. But seeing some of the Kryptonites, like his mother, with their beautiful blue eyes - he fit the pattern a little better once i got the bigger picture. I found it interesting that the K-ites turned a planet to rocky rubble, but wore beautiful elaborate clothing and make up.

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ok, here goes... I'll start at the beginning. :lol: :D

I hated Krypton. The whole way that they did it, the things that they did, the weird thing where they didn't actually give birth to children but 'grew' them, so to speak, knowing what they would be in their life when they were born, etc... weird. And I greatly disliked it.

I didn't like the casting for Zod. That guy, to me, is too goofy and talks too weird (sorry, lol - I don't have a problem with him, per se, just with him in that role) to be this major bad guy that is Zod. *shrug*

I also didn't love Russell Crowe as Jor-El. It was meh for me.

I wasn't a huge fan of Amy Adams (that's her name right? That played Lois?) in this. I don't love her in general, but I felt in this she looked like they tried to squeeze her into things that were a size too small. She's not big at ALL, but there was one scene in particular (at the planet, I think?) where I could actually see that there was something extremely structured under her clothes that looked totally unnatural. She looks great without that, kwim? I also felt like she looked a little washed out in this, but I think that was just the overall coloring of the movie itself. I don't feel like Lois has EVER been portrayed as a weak woman, but I found her line towards the beginning about 'stop comparing d**ks' stupid and unnecessary. It was more obnoxious to me than cussing (which I'm totally used to) because it just seemed dumb. I wouldn't feel any different about it no matter who said it, though.

I thought Diane Lane (who played Martha Kent, right? I couldn't remember her name til I saw it upthread... ) did excellent, and I turned to DH partway through and was like, 'How bad is it that his mom is prettier than the girl he falls in love with?' :lol: :)

Let's see... aside from that... I didn't like the action sequences. The constant blowing through buildings, destroying parts of the city, etc - Superman's character has always been very different from that (putting so many innocent lives at risk). I've always seen him take the bad guy out into the middle of nowhere to fight him, or at least not be SO sensational with it. I feel like the people who make Superman movies are always just too tempted to make stuff like that happen because he is, after all, Superman. It just got old after awhile.

Oh, and the thing with the atmosphere on Zod's ship was silly. The atmosphere made him have trouble? Weirdness...

Overall, we just weren't impressed. DH thought it was all right, and I'm always like 'meh' about it. We're big superhero movie fans, but I really do just feel like they are incapable of making a decent Superman movie. We both felt there was very little character development and plot and a ton of nonstop action.


Note: this is coming from someone who loves superhero movies and action and hates chick flicks. Just so you know. :)

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Guest inoubliable

I didn't realize that there was another 2 hours and 58 mins to the movie beyond the part where he had his shirt off.

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My son and I saw it last week and we both liked it. I liked all the actors. Yes, I thought some of it felt like a video game and that got a bit old.


One thought I had while watching it (and this has probably been mentioned in some reviews, but I haven't read any) was: So, Superman had two fathers and they are both Robin Hood? No wonder he's got a thing for justice.

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