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Help! Prom-Texas-MUMS??

Tree Frog

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We moved to Texas last fall at the beginning of my dd's junior year of ps. She met a nice young man who has asked her to prom next month. While reading the other thread about proms, mums were mentioned. I remember a year or two ago (? may have been many years ago) reading a discussion about mums and proms in Texas, but I can't find the thread to reread it. (I didn't save it; didn't think I'd need it. We were hsing at the time and had no plans to move to TX. Yet, here we are...)


Is there anyone who could share info regarding current prom culture here? When I went to prom (many, many moons ago), he wore a nice suit, I wore a nice dress, we each had flowers, went to dinner, to the dance, then may have gone somewhere afterward or not, as we wished. How are thing different now in Texas (specifically regarding mums)? She is planning to get his boutonniere and is offering to cover some of the other expenses (he and his friends are talking about renting a charter bus to take the whole group together.)

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They do them for prom, too? I thought they only did them for homecoming.



Maybe I'm mis-remembering. But the other thread mentioned mums while talking about prom.


I'm trying to find info because this was a very difficult move for dd. She left a school and friends where she was excelling to move yet again someplace new. Each place we've lived has had its own "flavor" and while we've enjoyed them all, as she has grown older, she has become more aware of the culture (or societal norms) of the new place. All her new friends know the norms for their region of the country and look at her funny when she doesn't know it. If I can save her feeling embarrassed because she doesn't know something she's expected to know, I'd like to do that for her.

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Another ditto about mums being a homecoming thing, not prom. A corsage, however (and a reciprocal boutiniere--how do you spell that?) is traditional.


The mums got so ridiculous when I was in high school (early 90's) that schools started either putting size restrictions out or banning them.

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I finally googled them. What a ridiculous thing. If I'm going to all the trouble to find the right dress for homecoming (or prom) I certainly wouldn't want it covered by such a display.


and some girls had to hold the things up with a string around their necks.

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Had to google - wow, um, interesting?!


Mum is how we spell Mom here, so I was thoroughly confused!



I am confused as well. I was trying to work out how you could have your mum on your dress..

Off to google :leaving:



Oh! so it is some sort of streamer thingy

why do they call it a mum? ( which in my country is short for mother) :huh:

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My mom made me a triple mum in the shape of a heart with a teddy bear in the center. It was huge and took a bit of anchoring (I'd never put a string around my neck with it though. How do you hide that?). I should find a pic. Of course, google has plenty! The bigger the better in Texas :)


ETA: To be honest :blushing: , one of the things I miss about my kids being in school is doing such things. I assume we could still do it for the local high school, of course, but...

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Somehow I grew up in Texas and missed this (our geeky little circle didn't do homecoming). Found an article on the phenomenon that reads like it's from the Onion.





Sidney Heath, the girlfriend of Hagerman's oldest son, James, recently received the crown jewel of Hagerman's mums. A front and back mum sandwiches her body and is attached to a dog harness for strength and comfort.


"I absolutely love it," she said before a homecoming game in Southlake, Texas, on Friday. "I wanted it be big, and it is really big. It may be the biggest of any this year."


Pamela H., I have to confess feeling relief that, as homeschoolers, we don't have to do such things!

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