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Help with gag gift for 50th b-day party


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My friend's husband is having a 50th b-day party on Sat. Unfortunately, our invite went to our old street address with our new city and zip code. So...I didn't find out about the party until yesterday when she asked if we were coming. I asked about gifts and she said no gifts except maybe a gag gift. I am so NOT good at these types of things.


Does anyone have a good gag gift idea for a 50 year old male that I could pull together in 2 days?



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I'll duck after typing this, but, please head a different direction from the dead/dying/hey you're old and can't hold your bladder gifts. DH & I have both gotten those at our 50+ parties. We've never been sensitive about our ages, have rolled through our 30s, 40s and now 50s with most people being surprised that we are in our 50s. They just come across as cliche and very unimaginative to most of the people who receive them. Give a gift that'll bring a laugh and remind them of you-I know easier said that done :laugh: I'll slink off and hide now :leaving:

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My mom just turned 60 last year. I threw her a party with a vintage candy theme. It was so fun! That's what I would recommend. If you have a largish candy store in your area, you should be able to find some fun ones.


We had the most fun with candy cigarettes, the ones with powdered sugar you blow out.

We also got candy necklaces, mary janes, rootbeer barrels, blackjack gum, etc.


I prefer not to do gag gifts, too.

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Cleaning supplies? Games? At my uncle's retirement party, between my sister and I we gave him a puzzle, playing cards, a bucket and a mop (get busy!) and a few other useful items that were sort of making fun that he would be bored or need to find some way to keep himself busy.

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Thanks everyone for the ideas!!! My friend is the one that wanted the gag gifts for him. I'm not the best at figuring out gifts (gag or otherwise) for anyone except my boys -- LOL. Unless you tell me something specific you want, I'm a gift card kind of girl :blushing: !


I will figure something out. I may do the music cd from 1963 -- I easily found the top 100 songs from that year and could pick 15-20 of them to fit on a cd. I also may consider the various bags of 50 things and end with a $50 gift card to his fav restaurant. The candy idea is cool, but I would need more time I think. I will look as see if we have a big candy store around that I don't know about.


I still welcome other ideas!!!

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