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Would you eat this?


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I was planning to make pot roast for dinner. I had it in the fridge to thaw, but it was still half frozen so I set it on the counter to help it along. Well, about twenty minutes later I walked in the kitchen and saw that the top of the roast had little tooth marks all over it, as if a small, orange, furry creature had been gnawing on it. (The cat is still recovering from being sprayed with water to within an inch of his life... grr.) It was covered in plastic, so I know he didn't come into contact with any of the rest of it, and I cut off the part that had tooth marks.


It should be okay to eat, right? He's strictly an indoor cat, so I know he doesn't have any strange outdoor cat diseases or anything.


I'm so mad at him. Aaaargh. He has a giant bowl full of expensive dry food from the pet store, he gets a can of food every day as well, but he eats or chews on everything in sight. I can't leave any food out anywhere in the kitchen now because he'll eat it. I had a jar sitting on the table in which I keep dd's straws that she drinks out of to help strengthen her tongue muscles, and he sat and chewed the tops off off all of them. He's been dewormed and is very healthy in appearance, aside from being a bit plump, so I don't think it's worms. He's just the biggest pig of a cat I've ever seen in my life. I'm about ready to drop-kick him out a window. :cursing:


*deep breath*


So anyway, the pot roast should be safe to eat, right?

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Well, um, I'd cut off the chewed on part and continue on.


But tbh, I wouldn't mention it to dh or the kids. That's bad, isn't it? I dunno. They'd be all freaky about it and not eat it, even though I think it'd be perfectly fine. Sigh. Maybe it's bad that I'd do that to them. I'm not sure.

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Well, um, I'd cut off the chewed on part and continue on.


But tbh, I wouldn't mention it to dh or the kids. That's bad, isn't it? I dunno. They'd be all freaky about it and not eat it, even though I think it'd be perfectly fine. Sigh. Maybe it's bad that I'd do that to them. I'm not sure.


Yeah, I cut off the gnawed bit already (and fed it to my nice, well-behaved cat in front of the naughty one. I'm evil. :p) Dd saw the whole thing, so I'm sure she'll tell dh about it, but he's not picky. Knowing him, he wouldn't even have bothered to cut off the chewed bit, lol.

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Yeah, I cut off the gnawed bit already (and fed it to my nice, well-behaved cat in front of the naughty one. I'm evil. :p) Dd saw the whole thing, so I'm sure she'll tell dh about it, but he's not picky. Knowing him, he wouldn't even have bothered to cut off the chewed bit, lol.


Oh, ok, well, that's just gross, LOL. :D I'd TOTALLY cut off the chewed part.


And LOL about feeding it to the good cat. Sounds like something I'd do, too. :)

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Thanks everyone. I'm usually not picky at all about food issues, but the phrase "cat scratch fever" keeps going through my mind for some reason... And I keep picturing the little demon licking his own butt and then chewing on dinner. Gag. But I'm sure it'll be fine.

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Well, um, I'd cut off the chewed on part and continue on.


But tbh, I wouldn't mention it to dh or the kids. That's bad, isn't it? I dunno. They'd be all freaky about it and not eat it, even though I think it'd be perfectly fine. Sigh. Maybe it's bad that I'd do that to them. I'm not sure.


I vote not bad at all.........


But that could just be because I would do the same thing! :p

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Cat bites? Whatever. It's probably fine.


Cat hairs? BLECH! Garbage! :ack2:


I think since your only concern was the former, you should be fine. Go for it, and enjoy your roast! Mmmm. I'm don't really like meat, but occasionally I make an exception for crock-pot roasts.

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If he was an outside cat, I would probably toss it, but as you've described it, I'd do just what you're doing -- cut off the chewed parts and then cook it and eat it.


And you know I'm always the lone idiot who votes to throw almost everything away in the Would You Eat This threads, so if I'd eat it, I think most people would!

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We have a cat just like yours. He knows he's not supposed to be on the counter but seems to think that rule only applies if we're in the room with him.

My solution has been to put anything I need to thaw on the counter in the microwave with the door closed. He can't open that door as far as I know. I am just a bit paranoid that one of these times I'll forget I have something just sitting in the microwave.

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Thanks everyone. I'm usually not picky at all about food issues, but the phrase "cat scratch fever" keeps going through my mind for some reason... And I keep picturing the little demon licking his own butt and then chewing on dinner. Gag. But I'm sure it'll be fine.



LOL!!! I'm guessing you prefer your rats to your cats?


I think it'd be fine. You're still going to cook it, so that should kill off anything gross.

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