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Walking Dead 3/24 Spoilers


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We got rid of cable last week, so I just finished watching. I almost felt sorry for him, definitely for Daryl. Do you think he'll go kill the governor on his own or go back to get the others?


Did Rick subconsciously tell Merle about the deal because he knew he couldn't do it? I think Daryl may see it that way. Rick's conscious stays clear, but the dirty work gets done.

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We got rid of cable last week, so I just finished watching. I almost felt sorry for him, definitely for Daryl. Do you think he'll go kill the governor on his own or go back to get the others?


Did Rick subconsciously tell Merle about the deal because he knew he couldn't do it? I think Daryl may see it that way. Rick's conscious stays clear, but the dirty work gets done.


I think he will go back to the others, he's not stupid and he knows it be hard to take the govenor own his own. I don't think Rick thinks that way as far as Merrle. After all if he really had wanted it done I think Daryll would have done it for him if need be. I am glad he sent her back though, he found redemption. I almost wish he had lived and killed off the govenors men ecleast. That would have evened the field a bit.

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As soon as there was talk about marriage I told my husband one of them must be going to die.


I don't think Darryl will do anything on his own...at least the previews showed him in the finale so I am guessing he makes it back to help protect the prison. I felt so bad for him last night. I really like his character. I even felt bad for Meryl. I was rooting for him to at least kill more of the governor's men...though I knew it wouldn't be that easy to kill the governor.


I don't think Rick thought telling Meryl would let himself off the hook. I didn't think he'd be able to go through with it though. I think there is still some humanity there as much as they've tried to hint it is disappearing.

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It was amazing! I was so surprised I really didnt expect Merle to die in that episode. I thought he might be one of the deaths during the big fight. I mean People have to die next week. I can think of several from the governors group that seem expendable but who from rick's?

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LOL, I meant Woodbury.... It's definitely not Mayberry!


The future of Mayberry perhaps?


Andy Griffith could be the governor. Milton would be Barney Fife. And here they go, headed back to Aunt Bee's to get them some pie. :lol: :lol:




Andrea has to be Goober

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I thought it was an outstanding episode (maybe because andrea was nowhere to be seen lol).


I am concerned that they got rid of one of the few good actors and interesting characters on the show. The actress who plays andrea is just so bad it's a sin. The only strong remaining characters IMO are the "nerdy" guy in woodbury, daryl, rick, somewhat michonne. The rest are kind of blah and weak. I hope to see the nerdy guy become more involved in next season.


Merle's complexity, the pathos of his story, and his self sacrifice were heartbreaking. That the "sinner" would give himself up like that to protect the group is just so poignant.

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So, predictions for the finale?? I think Daryl will kill the Governor and Andrea will take over Woodbury with the nerdy guy. I'm afraid either Hershel or Maggie is going to die. One of the "good guys" has to die. What about next season? Will it still be at the prison or will they take over Woodbury?

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I think Andrea and/or Michonne will take out the governor (somehow I think Milton plays a part as well). My gut says Hershel and/or his daughter do not survive the season finale. Tyreese will somehow play a role in most of Rick's group surviving and he and his sister will end up with Rick's group either now or at the beginning of season 4.

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I was so sorry to see Merle killed. I really liked his character and thought he'd keep things interesting. I'm glad he released Michonne.


I don't want anyone to die next week- I'm scared to watch! I'm worried about the baby. :( I wouldn't mind much if Rick got killed but I'm sure that won't happen.

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So, predictions for the finale??


I think Daryl will take out the governor. Michonne will take out Andrea to put her out of her misery after what the governor did to her. Milton will run Woodbury with Tyreese as his right hand man


I think Maggie or Glenn will be a goner, perhaps Hershel as he will die trying to protect his girls. I fear for Carol, Beth would be a predictable death.


I think only people who are "safe" are Rick and Daryl because of the fan base, Daryl more so than Rick. I think Carl is safe too, but something will happen to change him to a more bitter person. He could grow to be the next bad guy.

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I don't want anyone to die next week- I'm scared to watch! I'm worried about the baby. :( I wouldn't mind much if Rick got killed but I'm sure that won't happen.


I will burst into a big pile of mushy goo if they kill off Rick, he's one of my favorite characters in any show ever.

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Woah. I was not expecting Merle to die.


I predict that the nerdy guy and the black male and female (I don't know their names) will turn on Mayberry and help Rick's group. I suspect at least one more person from Rick's group will die or get lost, although I can't predict who.


I also wouldn't mind if Andrea was killed off, although I hope he doesn't torture her. As much as I hate the governor, he keeps the show interesting.

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This is my first time posting on a Walking Dead post, but I am very hooked on the show. So much so that I have read both books and am almost done reading the second compendium.


I know that the show doesn't follow the comics closely, but for those who have read them, what do you think? Do think it will go at all like it does in the comic? I feel like it has loosely followed the comics story so far but what happens now could totally change the story away from the comics storyline.


Having read ahead, I can't help but think that what happens in the comic is similar to what will happen in the show. But if I hadn't read them I would think that either Daryl or Andrea will hopefully kill the Governor, although a part of me thinks that either he won't get killed or at least we won't know until the new season. I also agree that Hershel and Beth are likely to be killed. I worry about Carol and the baby too. I really wish it were going to be a two hour episode! I don't think that one hour is going to be nearly enough to have much accomplished.

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The preview for next week showed them packing up into a truck, so maybe they will escape before the governor arrives. My friend thinks they're going to booby trap the jail and kill a lot of the woodbury contingent that way. As far as the governor, he's been a really lame villain IMO so I hope to see him go. As far as the main group probably maggie and/ or glenn will be goners. I don't think it will be carol because she seems to be the baby's main caretaker. I doubt they will hurt the baby (though as I understand it, in the comic book the baby doesn't make it, at a point that has already passed in the TV plot.)

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I think Daryl will take out the governor. Michonne will take out Andrea to put her out of her misery after what the governor did to her. Milton will run Woodbury with Tyreese as his right hand man


I think Maggie or Glenn will be a goner, perhaps Hershel as he will die trying to protect his girls. I fear for Carol, Beth would be a predictable death.


I think only people who are "safe" are Rick and Daryl because of the fan base, Daryl more so than Rick. I think Carl is safe too, but something will happen to change him to a more bitter person. He could grow to be the next bad guy.


Many think Kirkman is grooming Carl to be the next "moral leader" for when Rick is gone. He will be the next generation's hope in a dead world.


This is my first time posting on a Walking Dead post, but I am very hooked on the show. So much so that I have read both books and am almost done reading the second compendium.


I know that the show doesn't follow the comics closely, but for those who have read them, what do you think? Do think it will go at all like it does in the comic? I feel like it has loosely followed the comics story so far but what happens now could totally change the story away from the comics storyline.


Having read ahead, I can't help but think that what happens in the comic is similar to what will happen in the show. But if I hadn't read them I would think that either Daryl or Andrea will hopefully kill the Governor, although a part of me thinks that either he won't get killed or at least we won't know until the new season. I also agree that Hershel and Beth are likely to be killed. I worry about Carol and the baby too. I really wish it were going to be a two hour episode! I don't think that one hour is going to be nearly enough to have much accomplished.

I have read the entire comic series several times (I get bored waiting for the new episodes! LOL) as well as both novels on the Governor. I hope they do some flashback scenes with the Governor's previous life because his story is pretty interesting.


I think they will kill the baby off next week (just like in the comics), and possibly Hershel since he didn't die already.


I think they're going to keep Beth around a little longer to develop the relationship between her and Carl...which will be important if they decide to kill Glenn or Maggie, but Beth is such an insignificant character for me that it won't really matter to me if they kill her off. I have sneaking suspicion they're going to kill off Maggie since she's been cropping up in bit parts all over tv lately.



While I will be sad to say goodbye to the prison, I am anxious to see where they lead the story next season. There are some really interesting characters coming up, and I can't wait to see who plays them. :)

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The preview for next week showed them packing up into a truck, so maybe they will escape before the governor arrives. My friend thinks they're going to booby trap the jail and kill a lot of the woodbury contingent that way. As far as the governor, he's been a really lame villain IMO so I hope to see him go. As far as the main group probably maggie and/ or glenn will be goners. I don't think it will be carol because she seems to be the baby's main caretaker. I doubt they will hurt the baby (though as I understand it, in the comic book the baby doesn't make it, at a point that has already passed in the TV plot.)



Nope. The upcoming episode is the same point in the comic where Lori and the baby were both killed. Based on what I have read, I believe Judith makes it through the finale. The show runner who just left the show (blanking on the name) said the writers were pressuring him about Judith but he thought she should survive. I don't think that bodes well for her next season though...

Maggie got a ring last week which is probably a bad sign for this week. I think Glenn makes it for a while longer.

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I doubt they kill off Rick. The comic is his story. In the beginning Robert Kirkman wrote a letter to readers saying it was a series about Rick surviving and what that world does to him. He is the only character who is safe in the comic and I would imagine on the show as well.


Very anxious to see who lives and dies this week. I've heard it will leave jaws on the floor. I'm glad the show is different enough from the comic to keep it interesting.

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