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When does school start at your house?

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We are starting back August 4th. We school 6 weeks on, 1 week off all year, and we are done by mid May. This schedule works great for us. Just wondering when everyone else is starting back.


Nakia, that is EXACTLY how we do it! We do 6 weeks on, one off, and we're starting on the 4th, just like you!

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I always start the Monday after DDs birthday, (8/15) There is usually a party Saturday, mom recoops on Sunday and we start school. This year, it is 8/18. It just seems like the perfect time. New age, New grade, more maturity required ;)

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We started back yesterday too. The girls seem happy with the new schedule, PTL! We have to break next week for VBS and I'm having surgery in 4 weeks so it was time to get back to it. This way we can take those breaks and not have them keep us working into July next year.

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We are starting back August 4th. We school 6 weeks on, 1 week off all year, and we are done by mid May.
We are close to this schedule. We start on the 4th but will do 8 weeks on, 1 week off, 7 weeks on (plus part of Thanksgiving week), then 3 weeks before the holidays when we take one week off. I didn't want to start this early (love the summer weather and being out in the pool!) but baby is arriving in Jan. and the flu usually hits sometimes Feb-March so I figure it's better to get ahead now and have more flex time later.
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So you school all summer?


We do math, reading and spanish. The boys did a week of science camp. We go to museums, zoo and any other fun educational outings we can find. We live by the saying - - when daddy works, so do we. This summer has been quite lite but will pick up even more in August before become full school in September.
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We are on our last week this week (and we are struggling b/c we K N O W we're just about there!)


We sorda do 6 on 1 off, but that get's all messed up b/c I take off when the ps school kids do b/c our closest friends are publically schooled and it's just torture :tongue_smilie: for all the children if they have to school when they could be playing with friends.


So, with Thanksgiving, Christmas break, Spring Break....we end up schooling 1/2 days in summer for 2 months, then taking off 3-4 weeks straight...where I then lesson plan like a crazy woman so I don't have to plan too much during the year!

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Hi Nakia! Miss you at FIAR!:grouphug:


We're starting Aug 4th, too. I leave plenty of flexibility in our year so that we can travel. Our first trip of the school year is the first week of October.:)



Hey there friend!! I miss you guys at FIAR too. Heather is here, too. I am glad to "see" you!

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Cool!!! I really like this schedule!!



Me too. I like planning out only six weeks at a time, it means less erasing!:tongue_smilie: On our off weeks, I plan out the next six weeks. It works great. The kids like it because there's always an end in sight, it really breaks up the year.

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I always start the Monday after DDs birthday, (8/15) There is usually a party Saturday, mom recoops on Sunday and we start school. This year, it is 8/18. It just seems like the perfect time. New age, New grade, more maturity required ;)


Luke's and Peyton's bdays are 8/13 and 8/14. It takes me a full two weeks to recoop, so I am very impressed with your schedule. We wait till after Labor Day to start. :001_smile:

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We're going to officially start up the new year on Sept. 1, but we're going a bit stir crazy, so I may start some little things sooner. I was thinking we could go back to FLL, which the girls enjoy, and some math facts practice, which they desperately need.


We were going to start Aug. 1 until we decided to go to MI for the middle two weeks of the month, LOL. Works out well anyway because I haven't ordered all my stuff yet!

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For us August is the dog days of summer. We're sick of the pool and have lazed ourselves out. We always start the first Monday in August. We do half days until after labor day. This schedule allows us some travel time in the fall, sometime in October, to take a couple weeks off. We school from the first Monday in August to the second Friday in May, taking 7 weeks off for summer.

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