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DD (11) has to have 4 teeth pulled...


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All of her 1 year molars. There is no room, and no way to keep them. There is no alternative (and this from the Damon specialist :( ). It's either pull the molars or her front two bottom teeth *will* be pushed out of her mouth. Insurance will cover 60% of the extractions, but not the anesthesia. I've had more oral surgery than I probably should have...but I can't imagine having them pull (and dig out) those teeth just using Novocaine...which isn't covered by insurance.


I'm just disappointed, and scared of the bill.

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Will the medical side of your insurance cover it? DS1 had to have oral surgery last year, and the dental side of insurance covered part of it, and the medical side covered part of it, including the anesthesia. If it helps, they did quote me a not-too-awful cost for the anesthesia, if insurance didn't cover it.

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Are they already out? I'm assuming they are since she's not a baby...My DS had to have 4 of his baby teeth pulled at once with just novacaine. They were rooted deeply and wouldn't have come out for years on their own. The roots were longer and wider than what was out of his mouth. They gave him laughing gas but he could still feel it. He did really well, though. He was only 9 and he was sore but he wasn't crying. The procedure seriously saved his bite. His teeth were coming out all over the place and it would have been more painful. He's in braces now to help straighten and make room for his adult teeth that still aren't in. He's 11 now and his teeth look pretty normal if you aren't looking closely and his braces time will not be too long. If he hadn't pulled those teeth he would have had serious problems now.


I guess my point is that DS did ok and I'm glad we did it. Just make sure they give her enough time for the novacaine to work before starting. DS says his wasn't working well and nobody asked.

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My kids both have messed up mouths and we have no dental insurance. All of the extractions have been out of pocket at about $125 apiece. Thankfully, our dentist has taken pity and thrown in a couple "freebies".


I'm sorry. Dental/orthodontic bills stink :(.

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Talk to the oral surgeon or dentist and see if they have a hardship plan, if you qualify. Also, if you don't already see a pedodontist, you might want to, just for this procedure. An office who deals with only kids will have lots of tricks and will be able to advise the best way to handle it. They are also usually more understanding about finances.

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I had 8 teeth pulled when I was a kid, 4 at a time. Four were molars. For the first set, I had Novocaine and gas and was 100% fine. No trauma, no reluctance to have the second set out. The second time, no gas, because my mom had a fit about it, and I can still hear the sound those teeth made coming out. Yes, 30 years later. When my 9 yo had 4 teeth out recently, I swore he would take the gas and a shot of whiskey if it were offered--anything! His were a piece of cake, though, and the Novocaine was fine. He played baseball 4 hours later. But for molars, I would spring for the gas.


With no insurance at our regular dentist, it was about $700, with no quantity discount, which I thought was odd. I guess I expected $x for the first tooth and some lesser amount for each additional, but it was all per tooth, and tooth 1 was the same as tooth 4.



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She has probably experienced some root resorption due to her permanent teeth being under and pushing on the baby teeth. I work in a general dentist office and we see lots of kiddos getting baby molars extracted. Really they do fine. The dentist I work for WILL NOT do a procedure on a child who is upset or crying. period. He uses local anesthetic and Nitrous oxide if desired.

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I had six baby teeth (including baby molars) pulled around that age. just a regular dentist with regular analgesic. roots are short. some of the permanent teeth took their time coming in, but it wasn't that big of a deal. (though it wasn't fun.)

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All of her 1 year molars. There is no room, and no way to keep them. There is no alternative (and this from the Damon specialist :( ). It's either pull the molars or her front two bottom teeth *will* be pushed out of her mouth. Insurance will cover 60% of the extractions, but not the anesthesia. I've had more oral surgery than I probably should have...but I can't imagine having them pull (and dig out) those teeth just using Novocaine...which isn't covered by insurance.


I'm just disappointed, and scared of the bill.


I had a tooth pulled fairly recently with just the regular stuff they give you for cavities, etc, although I'm sure I got a good amount of it. I didn't want the anesthesia, due to the cost and the fact that I would have had to have my DH take me and pick me up. My procedure was not painful at all, and the tooth was out before I knew it.

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She had four baby teeth pulled (her eye teeth) with just novacaine. I'm sorry I wasn't so clear before, but these are four permanent teeth she has to have pulled/dug out. One of the permanent teeth has not yet erupted. I had five baby teeth pulled (all molars), and I can still hear/feel/see that procedure...I would *not* do it again that way again. I was *never* afraid of dental work before that experience (I had one baby tooth pulled around 9yo...you should see the root on that puppy. I had that one pulled with just novacaine...round and round the dentist went...a tug, a pull, round and round until it came out (I remember that procedure, too...but it wasn't nearly as bad.. This is my very sensitive, highly artistic/imaginative daughter. She takes my artistic sensibilities to a whole 'nother level. It was $1000 quoted to have her 4 baby teeth pulled 3 years ago by the oral surgeon (after insurance). The dentist did it for $400 (that was after insurance). Since these are permanent teeth, with longer roots, embedded in the jaw, I don't think it's the same...while they aren't as big as wisdom teeth, they aren't eye teeth, either. I can already (myself) hear the crunching and grinding, feel the intense pressure of the instruments bearing down, smell the scent of the oral surgeon, and feel his breath on my face. I had to keep my eyes closed and tried to picture myself somewhere else...using breathing techniques I had learned from having a baby. I can't imagine my dd going through that. :(

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If one of the teeth hasn't erupted, but needs to come out along with the others, I do think the kiddo will need to be totally out. I have had three of mine all get four impacted wisdom teeth out - I imagine the one non-erupted will be like that, right? Too intense a procedure for mere novocaine/gas. I had one back molar pulled under just local (cheaper than a crown, and I had no one to drive me home if I was knocked out.) While it was not painful, there was a LOT of tugging involved - the tooth broke - more digging/tugging....I can't imagine a kid going through that for several teeth.

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Yeah...if they were just the baby teeth, while I would feel bad, I wouldn't feel THIS bad. We'll suck it up and pay for the anesthesia...the braces were a foregone conclusion :D I get a fairly easy "pass" with the next two in line...but my 4yo is even worse than my 11yo (her front baby teeth are completely sideways, and there is no room for her adult teeth to go. She'll start treatment at seven (poor thing).

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