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Vent about our HS convention


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Another very, very important reason many of us need to see more than the standard fare is that often we are homeschooling kids with special needs, and the traditional Christian curriculum market will not meet our kids' needs. Special Ed curriculum or lower level non-special ed curriculum is hard to find in the current homeschool marketplace, due to the obvious...most homeschooling kids excel. However, we really, really need access to quality materials and having even a little represented would be incredibly helpful. I know of many, many families just like us who are homeschooling out of necessity as well as choice, and having a couple larger secular vendors there who have a variety of levels of materials for "average" or "lower level" learners would be a true gift for some of us.



I so much hope that you are being sarcastic. Homeschoolers need to let go of the crutch and myth that their kids all excel. We shoot ourselves in both feet when we proclaim this.


The WTM boards are excellent places to learn about what is available in the secular market for homeschoolers. Even if someone references an "advanced product", it can happen that the same publisher also markets materials for kids who do not live in Lake Wobegon.

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Better yet, a warm location in February so that we all can take breaks to sit in the sun with umbrella drinks :D



Yes, this.


And we wouldn't really need any actual speakers or vendors, because all that educational stuff would take our valuable time away from the pool and the umbrella drinks.


But we'd think of homeschooling from time to time, so it's really the same thing as going to one of those boring, traditional conventions.


Except that we'd go back home with a nice tan and little memory of what actually happened at the... ummm... convention thing.


(Hey, some of those umbrella drinks can really go to your head!)

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Cyndi, I just did a quick count of the vendors listed for the convention and out of the 90+, 30 are secular or carry secular materials (such as RR). No, they are going to be the majority, but they are there. I am always amazed at the huge range of materials--I just wish I still had little guys to use them with!



Margaret, that's good to know. When I was there a few years ago, it felt as if there was very little available for us.

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Yeah, no one voluntarily travels to Seattle in February. No one. :)


True. I'm in Seattle that is why I suggested it. I see your point though. It's so dreary here. That's why I NEED a convention in Feb, to get a re-charge. A sunny place is a much better idea and drinks with umbrellas. :D

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I went to our conference last year even though most hsers I know didn't go because they said it was a too conservative environment. I see their point. Many of the speakers did not interest me and several exhibitors were also not on my preference list. But, I needed to get my hands on some books and look at them. I needed dds to look and compare texts for a couple subjects. Youngest dd bought a puppet. Both spent the majority of their time at Miller Pads and Paper. I chose which geography we were going to use and ruled out various texts/resources I had been considering. For my needs, it was okay. I didn't spend my time or my money where it did not need to be spent.

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I went to the GHC the year of The Great Kerfuffle. The irony? I wasn't even aware of the kerfuffling around me because Expedia had screwed up my hotel reservation. I was never officially "checked in" so I could not pay for Internet! And of course I didn't attend any of the sessions where the kerfuffles were blowing up. I saw all of SWB's talks, I went to learn about note booking (well, those people later supported the kerfufflers, but that was not in evidence at the time), I went to the AHG session (they support the kerfufflers, I am sure) and Analytical Grammar's session. Then I did lots of shopping and chatting with hivers who recognized me, lol. It was fine. I did not get stoned.


I didn't even get stoned at the other convention I have attended with Steve Demme and Andrew P and all of those types. Although, I did sit through calling people of my political persuasion stupid and such at that one.


Yes, I would rather get ideas on teaching math than listen to your inflammatory political rhetoric. Imagine that.




Sorry, I read this completely wrong!! :lol:

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Cyndi, there are always going to be the big ABeka/BJUP folks, but I think they've done a good job of getting the smaller, quirkier vendors too, now that we have an entire 'nother room to spread out in. If you do go this year, make sure you look at Books Bloom--she carries enough fiction and nonfiction to do most of lit and history with nothing else. If you go in with a list of this age boy, reading at this level, with this interest, she'll load you up! Just make sure you go there FIRST when the vendor hall opens to get the best selection. Her long-suffering dh drags in new stuff all three days, too! And he'll carry them to the car for you too... :laugh:


ETA: Cyndi, have you ever used any Steck-Vaughn materials? I've heard great things about them!


I am hoping I can hit it this year, and if so I will definitely hit the Books Bloom booth (Love that alliteration!) to see what they have.


I have looked at Steck-Vaughn materials online, and in fact we used their elementary basic skills workbooks for a few things. I have wanted to see their middle/high school materials. Those are exactly the sort of items I wish I could see more of first hand. Power Basics by Walch is another. Sometimes it is hard to judge what something is really like with a quick view online. Thanks for the heads up!

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True. I'm in Seattle that is why I suggested it. I see your point though. It's so dreary here. That's why I NEED a convention in Feb, to get a re-charge. A sunny place is a much better idea and drinks with umbrellas. :D



We do get those blue crisp days in January so that sorta, almost, 1/2 way makes up for it.


I used to say I loved the rain here. Now I wonder what I was thinking. The rain is cold and wet. I don't like being cold and wet.

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Mine is in virginia - its a volunteer run organization but always have at least one paid presenter. this year, oddly, they are all men. I'm not as excited this year, but in past years they've had Joy Hakim, the bravewriter lady, zaccaro. http://vahomeschoolers.org/conference/



Thank you for posting this!


I usually go to the big HEAV convention in Richmond...but this year the guest speakers are the Duggars.


Not my cup of tea


Will have to try the smaller convention.

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