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Ds has appointment with "bad" ped in town. Advice/prayers/good thoughts please


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Ds has what I believe is either a sinus or an ear infection. Maybe even a combo. Two weeks ago ds (and two other kids) had a virus. Ds had a fever, coughing, and a very runny nose for about 5-6 days. He has since felt much better but has continued having a very runny nose. He was feeling well and what was coming out of his nose was clear so I assumed he was on the mend. He has been having headaches a lot though. Last night he said he wasn't feeling well and that the right side of his face hurt. I gave him some ibuprophen and a decongestant to see if that would help. He woke up this morning and said his left ear felt like it was pulsing and he just doesn't feel well. I checked his temp and its 99.2. Ds doesn't have time to be sick. He has a state gymnastics meet next Saturday and he has done so well this year finishing top two at every meet for all around. But he doesn't need to miss gym practice until then.


I went ahead and got ds an appointment with the ped. Unfortunately we will be seeing the "bad" Dr. He is very young and is notorious in our area for telling parents there is nothing wrong with their child and send them off only to have the child return much sicker than before and need antibiotics. This has happened to us twice.


I am pretty sure ds needs antibiotics at this point but I'm already worried Dr. is going to blow me off because ds is able to walk and talk. The other ped in the practice has told me that she knows my kids are sick when I bring them in because I don't bring them in very often. I tried to get an appointment with her but she was booked today.


What can I say to this man to make him understand that ds is sick and needs antibiotics???




Elise in NC

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Be forceful. Explain to him that your DS has been sick for going on two weeks and that he seemed to be improving and suddenly turned for the worse again. That is normally a sign of a secondary infection. If he tries to tell you to wait and see, just tell him no.

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I don't think any doctor likes it when you come in with your mind made up regarding how things should be treated. Rather than going in and saying "my kid needs antibiotics" tell him specific symptoms. Tell him about the fever and how long he's been feeling bad, and all that you've done to make him feel better. Tell him it doesn't seem to be clearing up on its own and then at the end, if the doctor doesn't suggest it, ask if you could try some antibiotics.


Be informed, but act humble. It sucks that some doctors need to feel like the ultimate authority, but if you can appeal to that side it may help you get what you need.

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I don't think any doctor likes it when you come in with your mind made up regarding how things should be treated. Rather than going in and saying "my kid needs antibiotics" tell him specific symptoms. Tell him about the fever and how long he's been feeling bad, and all that you've done to make him feel better. Tell him it doesn't seem to be clearing up on its own and then at the end, if the doctor doesn't suggest it, maybe ask if you could try some antibiotics. Be informed, but act humble.



I completely agree with you. I'm actually quite the opposite and just leave with a smile and a thank you but end up back in two days. The last time that happened ds ended up with pneumonia. Not only is that bad for ds's health but a waste of money and time. With ds's gymnastics competition coming up we don't have time to waste.




Elise in NC

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I don't think any doctor likes it when you come in with your mind made up regarding how things should be treated. Rather than going in and saying "my kid needs antibiotics" tell him specific symptoms. Tell him about the fever and how long he's been feeling bad, and all that you've done to make him feel better. Tell him it doesn't seem to be clearing up on its own and then at the end, if the doctor doesn't suggest it, ask if you could try some antibiotics.


Be informed, but act humble. It sucks that some doctors need to feel like the ultimate authority, but if you can appeal to that side it may help you get what you need.


If, after follwing this advice, the doctor still doesn't want to give you antibiotics, I'd try this:


"I understand you don't think he currently has an infection. But he's been sick for so long, and I'm worried we'll be right back in here in a few days with him feeling worse. Could you maybe write us a script for abx that I can hold on to for a few days? That way if he doesn't improve on his own soon, I have the prescription I can fill".


I've had my own pediatrician offer this to me before, so that's why I suggest it. I've taken one of the boys in before and it was hard for the ped. to say if they had an infection yet or not. So she gave me a script to fill if I felt they needed it in the next few days.


Worth a shot, at least.

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Go to the ER if your child has really bad symptoms.


The ER in my town takes everyone seriously and does more tests

while the doctors we have just smile (I would switch if I could).


Yeah but she shouldn't have to pay for this when she can go to a doctor.


It's weird, I thought most doctors pushed antibiotics. I don't think I've ever left a sick appointment without a prescription!

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We have a doctor like that at our practice. My daughter saw him with 103 fever, sore throat, earache and he told us there was nothing wrong with her. :confused1:


The next morning we went back and saw her regular doctor. She had strep throat and an ear infection so bad she sent us straight to the ENT. Three prescriptions later she was on the mend.


I would go straight to the emergency room before I saw that incompetent fool again.

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It's weird, I thought most doctors pushed antibiotics. I don't think I've ever left a sick appointment without a prescription!


That's how mine is. I have to tell her to go easy on the drugs. Sheesh. I also will say, "Give me e script and if I get worse, then I'll have it filled," just to stop her from calling in unnecessary meds.

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Thanks ladies!


I didn't need to worry. Dr. took one look in ds's ear and confirmed that he has an ear infection and gave us a prescription. I'm so glad I didn't have to "fight" for anything and that it was conclusive.


Elise in NC



I hope your ds will be on the mend quickly and that it doesn't throw off his balance too much in the meantime.

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