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s/o - Do your kids ask for or want a lot of things?



156 members have voted

  1. 1. Do your kids ask for or want lots of things (toys, outings, restaurant meals, etc.)? (Answer separately for each child.)

    • I hear requests/whines for things from a child more than 20 times per day.
    • I hear one of my children requesting or whining for things 10-20 times per day.
    • I hear one of my children requesting or whining for things 5-9 times per day.
    • I hear one of my children requesting or whining for things 1-4 times per day.
    • I almost never hear one of my children requesting or whining for things.
  2. 2. How persistent is your most demanding child with his or her requests for things?

    • He or she will ask more than 20 times for the same thing.
    • He or she will ask 11-20 times for the same thing.
    • He or she will ask 5-10 times for the same thing.
    • He or she will ask 2-4 times for the same thing.
    • He or she never asks more than once.
  3. 3. If you have multiple children, do you see major differences among them with regard to how often they ask for things?

    • Yes. There are hug variations among my kids in how often they ask for things.
    • There's some variation in how often they ask for things, but it's not extreme.
    • My kids are all pretty similar in how often they ask for things.
    • I only have one child.

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Please vote for how often they ask for things that you wouldn't necessarily provide daily. In other words, vote about how often they ask for special things like toys, trips to special places, special treat foods, restaurant meals and so on, but do not include how often they ask for normal food or beverages around the house.



Eldest rarely ever asks for things. I can even take him to the mall and ask him if he wants something, and buy something for youngest and he will still he wants nothing. He even things about if a toy is worth the money if he is not buying.


Youngest asks for things when we are out, wants toys. But it is more like he is planning things in his mind. He will ask for things somewhat often, but usually only in a stating way about tv or screen time. Youngest might say,... "I want to watch star wars, but I know that isn't what you mean when you say what do you want to do this weekend."


Both boys will almost always turn me down when I suggest going on an outing or to a restaurant. Perhaps only say once a month or so (with the exception of going to the pool once a week, and trips to the library, )

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Older dd and older ds are my children who have lots of "wants," but they use their own money for most, so it's no problem. My other two rarely have any wants, including drawing a blank for birthday or Christmas gifts. If we know of a want, and are in a position to fulfill it, we do. None of them whine or pester, etc. they know that method wouldn't work anyway.

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My oldest asks for stuff a lot. She is constantly talking so its kinda like back ground noise. She is polite about it, mentions birthday or christmas, doesn't beg. Today she asked for gum, a nurse's hat & cape, old fashioned button boots, a sugar scoop, ice cream, to go to the park, to see disney world one day, to build a igloo, a purse for her sister, a sun costume, a huge paper to draw roads, sparkles, dance lessons, blah blah blah... The other two are quieter but we got the American girl catalog in today and everyone is a bit envious over the matching dresses

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I included sweets, junk cereals, fast food and TV/electronics time in my response. I get request for one of those at least once a day from ds6. He might get sweets 2-3 times a week, fast food or a box of junk cereal every 2-3 weeks and week time TV/electronics might be allowed as a treat once every 2-3 weeks, otherwise it's weekends only.


In terms of toys, he asks very seldom. They get no toys outside of birthday and Christmas. If he does ask for something I reply "Put it on your birthday list." and that satisfies him. (The list is figurative, rather than actual.) Dd12 doesn't bother asking. It helps that they don't watch much commercial TV, so see few advertisements, and seldom visit toy shops.

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It's mainly my 6yodd who begs me to go out with her to hunt wolves or capture the stray cat or build a bridge over the stream or go fishing...


Sometimes one child will ask for ice cream, and will drop it when I tell them we don't have any, but then the others get it in their heads to ask for some and after a while I can't remember who has asked and who hasn't so I finally make a PSA to put an end to the "discussion" :D.

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I have one child who struggles to come up with a few things for a birthday list, so she never really asks for anything and certainly not on a regular basis. My middle son asks for stuff daily, and he generally has a long list of wants. He is a visual thinker though, and I think that plays a part in it. My youngest will ask occasionally, but not often. I beleive it is largely just who they are, but of course that does not change the fact that we teach them all how to be thankful for what they have and be content.

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I am the acquisitive one. If I buy DC new pants, I hear "but I already had pants!"

I don't buy him that much, either! We don't have much money

left, after all the outsourcing. And I only buy things on really good sales! (e.g. I just

bought 2 pairs of plain black jeans for $12 each from Aeropostale)...I only buy sale


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My 3-year-old rarely asks for stuff except for ice cream or chocolate milk at a restaurant. He doesn't whine, pout, or cry if the answer is no. He's always been a very optimistic, upbeat, roll-with-the-punches kind of kid. If we're shopping at Wal-mart, he does a lot of touching/admiring, but rarely asks for anything. He might say, "Maybe you could get me this for my birthday," if it's something he really likes. When he first learned to talk in sentences he would say, "I need this!" but we would respond, "You don't NEED that, you WANT that but we don't always get what we want." It started to sink in at 2.5 and he overheard my DH say, "I need to go the the bathroom," and corrected him "You WANT to!" (DH assured him it was a genuine need, lol.)


He has a LOT of stuff because of me. I shop at thrift stores and at clearance sales and pick up a lot of cool stuff. I am a sucker for a good deal. I am working hard at culling because it can be overwhelming. My "love language" is giving gifts, and I love to find the "perfect" item for DS or my friends and family. However, he seems to be very grateful for what he has (for a 3-year-old) and very generous about sharing it. He delights in loaning things to his friends. (He gets that from me--Downtown Abbey season 3 is at its 4th location since it arrived! I love having fun things I can share and enjoy with my friends.)

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