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So sick of food issues!!!


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I miss my health from a few years ago. I could eat whatever I wanted (barring elim diets while bf). I didn't gain weight or feel bad. I felt good. No pain. No weird swelling. I could make any food I wanted. I loved to cook. I'd bake fresh, hand-kneaded bread daily with warm butter. I'd make chocolate chip cookies that would make you cry tears of happiness. Then...


My body totally fell apart after baby #5. Chronic back and hip issues and food intolerances or problems. I cut gluten after having mystery hives for almost a year and cutting about everything else out trying to figure them out. I cut gluten, lost most of the excess weight, felt a million times better...and then after about a year of tht, my hands started being swollen and painful. Then my feet joined in. They are tight like whe you are swollen and pregnant. Docs ruled out RA and it didn't correspond to any dietary changes. So I've spent the past many months trying to figure it out. I've cut out most food groups, tried every supplement known to man, discovered an intolerance to synthetic vitamin d when my eyes swelled shut, and gone literally hungry more nights than I could bear. Plus, my hives came back. I know it's not cross contamination.


I want FOOD. Real food. I want to not have to care about what I'm eating making me hurt. GAPS made me want to give up food forever. I still can't look at squash or eggs without wanting to barf. It's almost to the point of an eating disorder. I hate food. I don't want to cook. I'm hungry, but I don't want to eat. It's too much stress and hassle. And after all I go through, I still have itchy hives after I shower and painful hands and feet. Whole 30 made my hands better after awhile, but then I had to quit due to bad financial issues. I tried going back and lasted about 12 hours. I'm so sick of food ruling my life!!


Anyone else sick of food problems? I'm about ready to say oh well and make myself a loaf of bread and an ice cream cone. If I'm going to hurt, I might as well eat well while I do...

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:grouphug: :grouphug:

Yes, I'm sick of food problems! I'm a vegetarian married to a vegan. I only cook vegan food. I have Lupus (and had years of violent, mean hives) and had my acupuncturist put me on a Chinese "hot/cold/neutral" diet. I had to cut way back on many of the foods and spices I eat. I had great results with the hives. They come back when I eat too much of the hot foods (things like onion, garlic, cinnamon, cumin, etc).


I'm now dealing with major b00k pain (cysts). I recently gave up caffeine (including chocolate!! :scared: ). I'm so so so so tired. Evidently I've been masking Lupus exhaustion. Yikes! I've also quit soy. I'm so hungry, I'm so tired. WAH! Food issues are seriously getting me down. What am I supposed to freakin eat people????!!!! The worst is when I get a spontaneous craving and there's the "Oh yeah, I can't eat that"....


I hope you get to the bottom of your health issues very soon. Stay strong. :grouphug:

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One plus about my son's food allergies is that they've been clear. It's been obvious what to avoid and that helps. I'm still furious at how his allergies limit him and will limit him through life.


So yeah. I get it.

You've got to change everything, including habits.

It's not easy.

It's not fair.


Hope you're able to figure out what's going on and get to a new normal.

It's still not fair.


(hugs again)

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I miss eating regular food and the energy level I used to have.


I have found it is helpful to eat my food in a rotation diet. Then, it is easier to ID when you lose a new food and isolate out what is giving you problems. It also seems to help stabilize things. This is my current diet:




My food allergies started after having children and got worse after a failed attempt to have another child.


Have you tried a lukewarm shower? It sucks, but it might help. I can only tolerate a warm shower at least 5 hours after I have eaten, otherwise they must be lukewarm.


If you have not tried game meat and things like teff flour or taro root, you might be able to tolerate them, just make sure to rotate them well so they do not start to bug you, too.


I used to have a really awesome chocolate chip cookie recipe, too. Now I just try to be thankful that I can still eat Enjoy Life chocolate chips.

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OK--I am going to throw this out there, and you might think I am a kook, but have you looked into doing something alternative? NAET comes to mind. If you look it up on the internet, you might think it is totally voo-doo, but I know a lot of people who have had personal experience with it and it has helped them. NAET is a holistic way of clearing allergies.

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I completely understand. I have Lupus, EoE, and Celiac. I'm currently on neocate and juicing. I miss food, I really really do. and I'm very grumpy about all of this (try not to show it). It's hard, especially when I'm still cooking for my family. I have no advice, but I can understand!

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Right there with you. Chronic pain and a bazaar rash. A few years ago I figured out that tomatos were a huge culprit. Now I thnk that I can add potatoes to that list too. I am suspicious of peppers but am working on cutting out potaoes first. My mouth is on fire feeling like it it is scalded all the time.


Add family allergies and food preferences and it makes cooking dinner my least favorite

time of day.

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Thank you for the support and links.


Tap, I have heard nightshades are a problem for many. Honestly, it's one of the few things I haven't given up yet! I don't know if I could manage through without tomatoes, and I made through 2 weeks without potatoes and about died. lol I'll blame it on my mostly Irish blood. ;)


I do need hormonal testing. My PA and doc didn't run the test, but the Addison's test turned up negative. They were pretty freaked out by something in my bloodwork combined with my hypoglycemia and hypotension, but after that Addison's test, they just dropped it. I need to get copies of those results! They thought adrenal issues for sure, to begin with. Then my mw told me she wouldn't bother testing my hormones because it'd be expensive (my insurance covers it, however) and they'd treat the symptoms the same with or without testing...and now they're telling me to wait a few more months. Sigh. My cycles have been about every 2 weeks and absolutely horrid.

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I miss eating regular food and the energy level I used to have.


I have found it is helpful to eat my food in a rotation diet. Then, it is easier to ID when you lose a new food and isolate out what is giving you problems. It also seems to help stabilize things. This is my current diet:




My food allergies started after having children and got worse after a failed attempt to have another child.


Have you tried a lukewarm shower? It sucks, but it might help. I can only tolerate a warm shower at least 5 hours after I have eaten, otherwise they must be lukewarm.


If you have not tried game meat and things like teff flour or taro root, you might be able to tolerate them, just make sure to rotate them well so they do not start to bug you, too.


I used to have a really awesome chocolate chip cookie recipe, too. Now I just try to be thankful that I can still eat Enjoy Life chocolate chips.

I try lukewarm. If I take baths at all, my feet feel like they're being burned for an hour afterwards. They don't turn Reynaud's white, but very pale and then bright red, even without cold or hot water on them-good temp for my face & baby, so I know it's not extreme!


A rotation diet seems like a pain! It might be worth a try if nothing else works, though. :(

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total sympathy! my food allergies dont seem that bad, they seem to be getting better. i have been taking a monthly anti-fungal for years, which seems to have helped me some. but i still dream about food. right now, i just had knee surgery and have to rely on family getting me food so i'm eating less .. . didnt realize how much grazing i did lol! but i'm so hungry!! but at least i know that once i'm back on my feet, I can go back to eating. mostly.


i'm more worried about my youngest - he's been having a lot of bad poops and he doesnt eat much - its got to be rice or soy i think? uggg.

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Ok - I had very similar issues after my first. Random aches and pains, and food sensitities. I went through all sorts of elimination diets. All I was ever dx-ed with was reflux, a very small ulcer, and IBS. Random hives too. I used more holistic stuff - I did go through Naet, detox diet, acupuncture. I have found a fairly good balance for me. I need to eat a balanced diet with very limited amounts of processed sugars and white flours. Preferably none, but if we're out, I just do what I can. I do use flax based fiber, probiotics, and ACV daily. I would like to get back to doing smoothies w/greens.


Over time I came to notice a huge trigger for me is stress and not enough exercise. So make sure you're making time for yourself and you're getting enough sleep.


Good luck! I totally know what this is like. And it's not like these issues are perfect for me now. Winter is particularly tough. I have found a pretty livable balance though. :grouphug:

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thats funny, in many ways winter is easier for me - i have so many allergies that food cross-react with related pollen . . . so i react to more foods during the warm seasons than i do in the winter. here, its warm 9 mo out of the year . . and wet too (mold)

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:grouphug: I hope you find some good things you can eat and tolerate soon.



I wonder what on earth they are doing to our food supply sometimes :confused1: . I used to be able to eat anything, pretty much.


Now, I no longer eat



green peppers, red or yellow




wheat bread

citrus fruits

white sugar

all artificial sweeteners

high fructose corn syrup

chocolate :crying:

all caffeine drinks :crying:


It's taken me a couple of years, but I've found a number of foods I can eat. Nothing is worse than going to bed with your stomach growling.

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I feel bad complaining when so many people have worse food issues than I do! I think psychologically it hurts more than physically sometimes, kwim?


I do think winter is making it worse. I can't walk or exercise as much as I like. I know I don't get enough vit. D but my eyes swell shut with the supplements I've tried. And the cold makes me hurt enough as it is! I just think back at being able to eat McDonalds and beer for every meal if I wanted to with no problems. Now I am in pain if I even look at a loaf of bread, it feels like. Not cool.


What probiotics, etc. does everyone take that help? I have a kind that has dairy, so I need to find another while I'm dairy free. I need to cut food out for my 5 yo, too. Her bedwetting and rashes popped back up after stopping Whole30. She's the original reason we even went gf. It's been miraculous, digestive wise, for her. Sometimes I wonder back at why my ancestors lived hard lives eating corn and pork and lived to be over 100; yet I feel like I'll be lucky to make it half that age with my issues!

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what is whole 30?


i use mostly supplements from bluebonnet, they are all dairy and gluten free. plus they have purple lids!!


i mostly just miss cheese. cheese was my favorite food for SO LONG. i mean, forever! i dont find any cheese subs acceptable, except in small quantities in a pizza or lasagna, which i make mostly using a really high quality local tofu.


i'm not sure i miss eating out - i mean, the salt, the expense, and i've become such a recluse i kinda hate going in public. but the food allergies did make that worse i think.

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Are you still preparing foods you can't eat for your family to eat? That's very common for the mom to do because the rest of the family shouldn't have to eat such a restricted diet. But, many moms forget that they may be so sensitive to those food groups, that they need to wear a surgical mask, long sleeves, and gloves when they do so and very careful wipe all surfaces and dispose of the rag before taking their mask and gloves off because they'll get swelling, hives, itching, and even pain from the physical contact with the food despite not ingesting it.


I am soooooooooooooo sorry and I hope you find some answers.



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My mom swears by following the recommendations of this book; primarily eating naturally fermented foods (home-made sauerkraut and kefir) and soaking grains and seeds before using them. I know she is able to eat bread without problems for the first time in many, many years.


Does your water have chlorine in it? I wonder if that is part of the shower problem? Chlorine is a problem for me.

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yeah, my husband noticed that i was still getting sick on spaghetti night, making 2 kinds of spaghetti. thats when I realized just how sensitive i was air-borne. i even stay out of the room when he's using the toaster now . . . if i can smell it, i can react to it. i also think i'm healthier now that dd isnt living here eating ramen all the time. but i'm pretty sure its only wheat i react to air-borne

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Are you still preparing foods you can't eat for your family to eat? That's very common for the mom to do because the rest of the family shouldn't have to eat such a restricted diet. But, many moms forget that they may be so sensitive to those food groups, that they need to wear a surgical mask, long sleeves, and gloves when they do so and very careful wipe all surfaces and dispose of the rag before taking their mask and gloves off because they'll get swelling, hives, itching, and even pain from the physical contact with the food despite not ingesting it.


I am soooooooooooooo sorry and I hope you find some answers.




We are very diligent about cross contamination since 5/7 of us are gf. But I don't cook anything containing gluten. :) I wish that pull explain it. :/

My mom swears by following the recommendations of this book; primarily eating naturally fermented foods (home-made sauerkraut and kefir) and soaking grains and seeds before using them. I know she is able to eat bread without problems for the first time in many, many years.


Does your water have chlorine in it? I wonder if that is part of the shower problem? Chlorine is a problem for me.


I'll check that book out. I have NT but I admit I'm too lazy to ferment anything. I have spelt sitting in my cabinet glaring at me. One of these days...


We do have chlorine, but I have my whole life. It's not just in the shower, but if I get very hot, as well.

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It's not just in the shower, but if I get very hot, as well.




Same here. It is the heat. It got worse this summer, I couldn't even go to the pool if it was over 90 degrees.


I forgot to mention before, I have buffered vitamin C water with all my meals now, it helps with symptoms a bit. I drink a few sips before I eat, most during eating, and about 1/4 of the glass after finishing.

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