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If you're sick...


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If you're sick but your kids aren't so much, do you do school or take some time off? It's a bad cold, not a stomach bug. I'm running over 100, Sylvia's over 99, and Rebecca is normal though she was showing symptoms a couple of days ago. She has an immune system of steel. We have one week of leeway for us to finish by the last week in May, any more and we're going to have to drop stuff.


We were all sick just 2 months ago. :glare:

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How sick and what ages? I can go curl up for a day or two now, and the older kids will keep on trucking. They will come up to me with any questions they have. When the kids were younger we'd often end up taking the day off if I needed to curl up. If I was up and somewhat functioning we could keep going with minimum school. I hope you're better by morning. :grouphug:

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How sick and what ages? I can go curl up for a day or two now, and the older kids will keep on trucking. They will come up to me with any questions they have. When the kids were younger we'd often end up taking the day off if I needed to curl up. If I was up and somewhat functioning we could keep going with minimum school. I hope you're better by morning. :grouphug:



Rebecca is almost 10 and Sylvia is almost 8. It's a low grade fever, headaches, sore throat, stuffy nose, cough. I didn't think about having them work independently - they can mostly do that.

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It depends. I might assign some very independent work, like workbooks or reading or even math (especially for my 5th grader), or I might put on education videos or something. Unless I'm so deathly ill that I can't get out of bed (which hasn't happened yet), it's likely that we'd do *something* educational, even if it's not anywhere near a full load.


But y'know, I also wouldn't worry too much if I just let them build with Legos, play video games, and play all day. Unless it was an ongoing thing (like bedrest while pregnant or something), a few days off isn't going to be the worst thing in the world. Don't push yourself too hard -- rest and get better soon!

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Guest inoubliable

With those temps, I'd call off school. If you're worried about finishing up on schedule, you could always do as a PP mentioned - curl up with some documentaries. We've had to do that a few times this winter. It's been a bad one for the sickies, that's for sure. Hope you're feeling better by morning! :grouphug:

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This week I have been dealing with periodic stomach issues. I'm not sure if it's a virus or something I ate. Usually I have a stomach of steel, but not so much this week.


When it gets unbearable for me, I have dd6 finish the subject we are on (or the part we are on), and we curl up on the couch to watch a Nova (Pharaoh's Chariot) or Nature (David Attenborough).


Disclaimer: My children are young; dd6 is ahead in the subjects that count; and we live in a state that has very reasonable homeschooling laws (no counting of days or hours).




As my daughters grow older, I will expect them to do at least some subjects independently.




The questions you need to answer are: (and you don't need to answer them here):


1) Is it unbearable for you yet?


100dF sounds unbearable to me. At a certain point, you're just making everyone miserable and not accomplishing what you need to do. You may be better off to get some rest and heal as fast as you can.


2) Are there subjects that your children can do independently if they are feeling better than you?


Can they do 5 pages in something independent to eliminate it later? For us, this would be doing lots of Explode the Code on a sick day, and doubling up on Math or Phonics when we feel better.


3) How strict is your May 31st ending date?


Is that a preference? A state-dictated deadline? Mandatory because swim lessons and summer camp begin June 1st? Necessary to keep the natives (kids) from getting restless by doing (perceived) extra days?


Can you make it clear to the kids that you will take a sick day today, but will do some lessons on weekends to play catch-up?


I hope you find what works for you. :grouphug: Feel better, Sweetie.

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It all depends on how we feel. Sometimes you may be sick enough so you can't leave the house, but that doesn't mean you can't get some schoolwork done. When I am sick, usually dd is able to get in a full day because she's fairly independant. If my dd seems listless and like she is feeling so crappy she can't even play, then she probably can't handle a math lesson.

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This week I have been dealing with periodic stomach issues. I'm not sure if it's a virus or something I ate. Usually I have a stomach of steel, but not so much this week.


When it gets unbearable for me, I have dd6 finish the subject we are on (or the part we are on), and we curl up on the couch to watch a Nova (Pharaoh's Chariot) or Nature (David Attenborough).


Disclaimer: My children are young; dd6 is ahead in the subjects that count; and we live in a state that has very reasonable homeschooling laws (no counting of days or hours).




As my daughters grow older, I will expect them to do at least some subjects independently.




The questions you need to answer are: (and you don't need to answer them here):


1) Is it unbearable for you yet?


100dF sounds unbearable to me. At a certain point, you're just making everyone miserable and not accomplishing what you need to do. You may be better off to get some rest and heal as fast as you can.


2) Are there subjects that your children can do independently if they are feeling better than you?


Can they do 5 pages in something independent to eliminate it later? For us, this would be doing lots of Explode the Code on a sick day, and doubling up on Math or Phonics when we feel better.


3) How strict is your May 31st ending date?


Is that a preference? A state-dictated deadline? Mandatory because swim lessons and summer camp begin June 1st? Necessary to keep the natives (kids) from getting restless by doing (perceived) extra days?


Can you make it clear to the kids that you will take a sick day today, but will do some lessons on weekends to play catch-up?


I hope you find what works for you. :grouphug: Feel better, Sweetie.



Thanks so much. The May 31st ending date is as bolded; Rebecca's a competitive gymnast and we're looking at 5 hour practices in the daytime for June/July.


I had the girls work independently, which sort of worked. I've got one down-to-business girl and one.... flighty girl. :glare: Rebecca's cutting it tight to finish her grammar and Latin before getting ready for gymnastics.


I'm still running about 100.

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