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Olive Garden Shocker


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I was at the Olive Garden bar, picking up my takeout. The woman sitting next to me was drinking a glass of wine (white zin, it turns out) while waitng for HER takeout. She took maybe 2 sips of the wine before her takeout food was ready.


Here's the shocker: She picked up her bag of food and walked out, leaving her nearly full glass of wine, plus her receipt on the bar.


If that isn't ENOUGH of a shocker, I leaned over to read her receipt, cuz I wanted to know how much those 2 sips cost her.




I thought, "That's a shocker! Olive Garden shocker."


Then I immediately flashed on this thread: Little Ceasars Shocker and started LOLing.


By myself.


At the Olive Garden bar.

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I was at the Olive Garden bar, picking up my takeout. The woman sitting next to me was drinking a glass of wine (white zin, it turns out) while waitng for HER takeout. She took maybe 2 sips of the wine before her takeout food was ready.


Here's the shocker: She picked up her bag of food and walked out, leaving her nearly full glass of wine, plus her receipt on the bar.


If that isn't ENOUGH of a shocker, I leaned over to read her receipt, cuz I wanted to know how much those 2 sips cost her.




I thought, "That's a shocker! Olive Garden shocker."


Then I immediately flashed on this thread: Little Ceasars Shocker and started LOLing.


By myself.


At the Olive Garden bar.


I just paid 6.99 for a whole bottle at wal mart. And I won't be leaving any sips in the bottle.

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Perhaps the wine wasn't good to her. May be she figured she paid for it whether it was good or bad, and having spent the money to buy bad wine, she knew the money was spent and saw no reason to finish something she didn't care for.


I object! We as a people must vigorously defend our right to embrace the Sunk Cost Fallacy and indulge in irrational behavior. Isn't it in the Constitution, or something?



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