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Food--what to make for a group of teens?


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Sunday Night we have about 20 teens and 4 leaders coming here after evening service. I need ideas (other than sloppy joes) for what to feed them. I would like something that could be ready to go when we get home from church and is budget friendly.


We will likely do our "trademark" rootbeer floats. Any other ideas? This needs to be a light meal so more than just snacks.

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I am not a "spark people" (lol), but these Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches are what my teens constantly ask for. I use a lot more chicken, and I don't use butter. You can shred it ahead of time. Serve on buns with pickles and extra wing sauce, and celery and ranch dip.


Maybe set out popcorn too--easy, filling, inexpensive. And your root beer floats would be an awesome ending.

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With root beer floats, I'd go the totally cheap route and do hot dogs and chips. They go together well, and can be dressed up with chili, etc.

I love all the ideas others have given you, but I'm too cheap to go to that trouble. When we've done hot dogs, we displayed a menu board that listed how to make Chicago dogs, coney dogs, etc. ...giving the kids some ideas of combos.


Taco bar and baked potato bars are usually popular, too.

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My go-tos are pretty similar to others in this thread:

tacos--choice of soft or hard shells, meat, shredded lettuce, diced tomatoes, cheese, sour cream, taco sauce

bbq pulled pork/chicken w/ coleslaw (I make a mayo-free vinegar-y coleslaw that is easy to make ahead of time)

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