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Curriculum Addicts Meeting ????

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I can't help myself. I have several years of curriculum, that I admit. I am sure we will use most of it. As in Singapore math, Life of Fred, Math Mammoth ( not using this ), MEP ( all printed out, never really used anything but reception. LOL ), I want Art of Problem Solving. I have Lively Latin, Song School Latin, Wheelocks Latin ( every thing sold including CD) with Grote's Guide, and Getting Started with Latin the last two both in print and Kindle. I want Latin Prep! I have a ton of Newbery books, and High School required Classics.


What is wrong with this you say? Bwah The little ones are 6 and 4, I also sold all the stuff from the first round many years ago. I need DETOX !!!!


But, but, but, I love, love, loverly new books !!!


My carts were full with new wishes just moments after I clicked purchase !

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I'm heading in this direction. If anyone has any advice in how not to do this, I'd love to hear it. Well, I probably won't follow it, but I'd still love to hear it. :)


I hear you on that now following it. I do know that at least I will use most of it to refresh, even if the kids don't use it all. I want to do LOF, AOP, Wheelocks, & Etc. LOL There is just no hope for me.

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Gee, I looked into this thread to see where the meeting is going to take place. :confused1:


I love your disclaimer about grammar and spelling, Starting Over.



Thank you! Most of the time I Kindle. Swype to type is awesome but auto correct notes me. I always proof read before sending. My hat comes off at break time. LMAO I know I drive some folks nuts.

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Oh my, we are kindred spirits!!!!!


I *LOVE* collecting and reading curriculum! LOVE IT. Considering that my children are 6 and 3, it is flat-out ridiculous how much high school stuff I've already collected. I have learned SO much about how to teach from reading through and comparing different curricula, and honestly I really think it has been worth it (*even* for the currics that I don't plan to actually use with my kids). I'm particularly bad about buying Latin, math, grammar, and writing curricula. I like to really **know** my options thoroughly before I actually commit to using something. History and Science not so much yet, although I do buy a ton of supplemental books for both, just not actual curricula (so far I've stuck with SOTW for hx, and Apologia and BJU for Science).


In my defense, I buy as much used as I can (I live 45 min from one hs curric store, and 75 min from another (opposite direction), and both have sections for used curric). :blush:

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I have way too many Scholastic Dollar Day PDFs, Great Courses, ancient history curriculum. I bought To Be A Roman and Roman Map Workbook at the beginning of the school year, while I bought Great Courses Famous Romans and GC Daily Life and CTT Rome, plus he's been doing Roman history in LL. ???? How am I going to handle this? I think I could have easily done a year of Greece and a year of Rome. I have a problem.



I can't wait to start on great courses.

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I want to be an addict again but just can't afford it right now! LOL!! Though the next math level purchase is rapidly approaching...

And big girl is bugging me for more Chemistry...

And small girl wants to start math more formally as well...


(I'm being dragged kicking and screaming right along with ya!)

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I love curriculum. I also love supplies--pens, notebooks, binders, etc. DD is doing dissections over the summer so when I roder them I will order the rest of school. I really just want to order the rest of Mr. Q and Jr. High Science for Jenn (ClassiQuest since it looks almost like Mr. Q but deeper and for the logic stage). I am still stressing about grammar. KISS just doesn't look "right" though if in a pinch I can use it. We are in a weird place with school for Little Miss (5) because her knowledge and thirst for it far outpaces her reading level (she's reading first-ish grade but we are gaining fluency quickly) and handwriting.

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I have purchased just about every math curriculum out there at one point or another. I am on the road to recovery now. I just try not to read threads on curriculum unless it is something I am looking for specifically rather than just browsing.


Dd's violin teacher gave me bins of homeschooling materials she was finished with a couple years ago (she had homeschooled her children who are now both in college) and so now I am working my way through all that and getting rid of what I am not going to use. It helped to keep me from buying new stuff.

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I love curriculum. I also love supplies--pens, notebooks, binders, etc. DD is doing dissections over the summer so when I roder them I will order the rest of school. I really just want to order the rest of Mr. Q and Jr. High Science for Jenn (ClassiQuest since it looks almost like Mr. Q but deeper and for the logic stage). I am still stressing about grammar. KISS just doesn't look "right" though if in a pinch I can use it. We are in a weird place with school for Little Miss (5) because her knowledge and thirst for it far outpaces her reading level (she's reading first-ish grade but we are gaining fluency quickly) and handwriting.


Emma is picking up fluency fast, but she is still upset she can't read everything she wants to. Thankfully her big brother reads to her a ton, as do I. Her hands writing just took a giant leap, to the point that she started writing her spelling words, and doing her own math. Whew!


All in their own time. Although I never let that slow her down, I just read or scribe for her.

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I just read or scribe for her.


When dd was little and couldn't write as fast as she wanted, we got her a little mini digital recording device and she told her stories into it. Those she really liked, I copied from the recorder for her and others we still have on CD where we downloaded the recordings so have her voice telling her stories.

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Definite addict here, although I tell myself that I'm doing research so that I can provide the best fit for my dds.


Math is an obsession: I have Miquon, Singapore, Beast Academy, Zaccaro, Math Mammoth, Life of Fred, and am convincing myself that Hands on Equations would round things off for us. Oh, and I have at least one year of MEP printed. Because that's what I do. :blushing:

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Oh yeah. I could pretty much educate both of my children without ever purchasing another item. But will I??? No way . . .


Let's see, for Math I have:

MM 1-6

Beast Academy 3A & 3B

Miquon Orange & Red

LOF Elementary Series, Fractions & Decimals, PreA w/ Bio, Beginning Algebra & Geometry


Jacobs Algebra

Kiss My Math

Zaccaro Challenge Math & Real World Algebra

and a bunch of books about teaching math (Math Power, Kitchen Table Math, Knowing & Teaching, etc.)

and a bunch of living math books - Marilyn Burns, the man who counted, etc.


For science, it's almost worse - I have all 3 Hakim Story of Science books, I have Hewitt Conceptual Physics, Tarbuck Earth Science, Miller Enviro science, Trefil & Hazens The Sciences: An Integrated Approach, Exploring the Way Life Works, RS4K Chemistry & Biology level 1, and a veritable slew of living books.


History - oh yeah baby. Besides SOTW, all 4 volumes, and 2 volumes of Human Odyssey, and a couple of the OUP books, I have SWB's two adult histories, as well as most of the books she recommended for high school in WTM. And a bunch she didn't - Barzun, Boorstin, etc.


I have a bunch of Latin curricula, and we just dropped Latin. And a few language arts things for high school which we probably will never use.


Wow. This is embarrassing.


Yes, Houston, we do have a problem. The good news for the health of my house's foundation is that I'm really poor right now (I do seasonal consulting work, and it hasn't been "the season" for awhile now), so I have had to slow down a bit. Although I did just buy Kilgallon's Grammar for Middle School and the Newton Story of Science Quest guide. Today. :huh:

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I see this in my future. Middle will probably be using a lot of different curriculum than oldest and dd.


It was very frustrating at first, I spend a lot of time and money choosing the programs I use, but after thinking about it for a while I feel fortunate that there are other things out there. Does it make me a curriculum addict? I like to think not. Does it make me a book addict? That would be an entirely different post. ;)

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Speaking of maths. I have y2 MEP printed out and miquon orange. I don't home school but I am trying to after school. Is zaccaro's primary challenge maths worth it? - I am doing an amazon order for magic school us DVDs and since the postage to NZ is high am thinking of ordering PCM at the sane time.

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Speaking of maths. I have y2 MEP printed out and miquon orange. I don't home school but I am trying to after school. Is zaccaro's primary challenge maths worth it? - I am doing an amazon order for magic school us DVDs and since the postage to NZ is high am thinking of ordering PCM at the sane time.

Well, I'm a confirmed math program junkie, so when I say "yes," bear that in mind!


I like Zaccaro's Primary Challenge Math. We do it on Fridays (with dd7) as a break and a way to approach topics in different ways. It's not consumable, so it can be used with multiple children. It's been worth the investment here.

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How is Fred going in your home? We started it in our home shortly after you posted about receiving it. For my 2e 8 yr old it has been a godsend! I actually caught him "doing algebra equations" during playtime in his "fort" under the dining room table (which is currently covered in...curricula!!) :laugh:



I hear you on that now following it. I do know that at least I will use most of it to refresh, even if the kids don't use it all. I want to do LOF, AOP, Wheelocks, & Etc. LOL There is just no hope for me.

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How is Fred going in your home? We started it in our home shortly after you posted about receiving it. For my 2e 8 yr old it has been a godsend! I actually caught him "doing algebra equations" during playtime in his "fort" under the dining room table (which is currently covered in...curricula!!) :laugh:



I bought the complete Elementary Set, My son is doing two chapters a day or more on his own. He loves it. I hear him giggling a lot. :-) He is almost finished with Butterflies. So far it is easy, but I an sure That won't last forever. Emma is doing Apples whenever she requests it, She doesn't find it near as funny, She is my very serious child, She prefers Singapore by far, but there is still hope for her. LOL


I already have more Life if Fred in my wish list, at this rate unless he shows down which I an sure he will some point, I Will need sooner than later.

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I'm splurging on MCT this year, but moving up to Town to get more "life" out of it. I am going through Rainbow Resource to be able to get my stuff cheaper than Amazon and not have to pay for shipping because it's over $50, actually it's well over $100 and this way I don't have to order from amazon, and RFWP, and Singapore since RR has almost everything on my amazon list and the Singapore. I just have to get a religion supplement and geography through Amazon!

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Off Topic: I just got Readings from Wheelocks Latin, I adore it. The online audio is so fast.... even my son was repeating the vocabulary from the CD's !!!


Quince volunteers to do LOF !! I haven't assigned any yet, he just gets it off the shelf.


I used to order from Rainbow Resource a lot, and have started again for things I can't get at Amazon. I am seriously spoiled by the 2 day shipping though.


I really want to get MCT, but I have decided since my son is doing so well with FLL that we will go ahead and finish out the series. But he will be using FLL 4 this next year, so it won't be long. Then I am going to skip the first level, since I have seen many times it is a repeat of FLL 1, 2 & 3. They say the vocabulary in the first level is way easy too. I am hoping to love it. At worst we will back track, but I don't think so.

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I am waiting on a big order from RR now, will be ordering the last of my big stuff for next year in a few weeks. Then I try to stay to about $50 every two weeks throughout the year, stuff we find, books to read, getting the next levels of whatever, science kids, hands on stuff, the fun stuff mostly.

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We use tax return for the homeschool stuffs. I'm going with MCT Town for dd because she's familiar with the parts of speech and identification any way. Except I'm getting Sentence Island instead of Paragraph Town, only because she'll only be 5.5 when we start

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Quince is loving diagramming sentences, and they don't do it the same way in MCT. That is the reason we are finishing it out. I think he can handle Paragraph Town when we get to it. I require a ton of writing. ;-) Of course he is a word smith, so writing, reading, grammar and vocabulary are his thing. We are half way through FLL 3 already, so he will probably get to MCT later in the year.


We order with income tax usually, but this year we want a truck and next year a travel trailer so we can start trips through the states. So I am ordering the majority a couple hundred at a time. Then I always have things I *NEED* all year long. ;-) So I have a $100 a month or so for that.


You will have to let me know how she does with MCT, being on the younger side and all. We have that in common for sure !!!

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Ds went out on the boat with Dh today, so I had too much time on my hands and now we get to learn about Tunisia! I wish I'd never noticed the "clearance" button on RR. :glare:


I'm a little torn about MCT as well. English grammar is something I'm not comfortable with at all, so I'd like to stick with FLL for now. Maybe we could do both...

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Yeah for me line diagrams a picture, in MCT they label each part of speech. I don't want to change gears in the middle. MyMy soon won't be 7 till June so I have time. MCT Town is typically for 4th graders, We well attempt it when he is 7 -8 I am good with that. I know I will have to have it, even if it won't work for him, just because need to have it. LMAO


During my first trip through homeschooling, I read never happy with out LA at all. So I an still searching. WWE and FLL for the bill for now. But I need to find something I love soon for the middle grades as my soon is determined to get there before I an ready for him to do so.


ETA: I Will have to get WWS too though.

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Quince is loving diagramming sentences, and they don't do it the same way in MCT. That is the reason we are finishing it out. I think he can handle Paragraph Town when we get to it. I require a ton of writing. ;-) Of course he is a word smith, so writing, reading, grammar and vocabulary are his thing. We are half way through FLL 3 already, so he will probably get to MCT later in the year.


We order with income tax usually, but this year we want a truck and next year a travel trailer so we can start trips through the states. So I am ordering the majority a couple hundred at a time. Then I always have things I *NEED* all year long. ;-) So I have a $100 a month or so for that.


You will have to let me know how she does with MCT, being on the younger side and all. We have that in common for sure !!!


I'll definitely review it. Honestly we've been using the Basher Basics Grammar book to explore gently grammar, she is great at identifying the parts of speech and we are into phrases, clauses, etc now. We've actually backed off school the last week, I've been so tired with work and all and fighting off a cold--again.


BTW I'm from Katy, TX :)

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I'll definitely review it. Honestly we've been using the Basher Basics Grammar book to explore gently grammar, she is great at identifying the parts of speech and we are into phrases, clauses, etc now. We've actually backed off school the last week, I've been so tired with work and all and fighting off a cold--again.


BTW I'm from Katy, TX :)



Ugh I hope you feel better soon, and don't get too sick.


Katy is a long way from here ( Corpus Christi area ), but We Will be traveling a ton in a couple of years, maybe We can meet sometime. :-)

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I also have the entire LoF elementary and intermediate sets, plus Fractions and Decimals & Percents. DS2 is in Cats right now and doing fabulously with it. He really loves Fred. We do one chapter per day when we read his Sonlight P4/5 books. Thanks to Fred, DS2 can read a clock to 5 minutes! :D He still gets confused about the set things sometimes, but he's starting to catch on. Everything else, he's understood well. I love the extra things added in now and then. For example, last chapter we did, the Your Turn To Play had him coming up with sentences using 5 prepositions (the list was on the previous page in a footnote). DS2 did really well coming up with sentences, and he's never learned about prepositions before (or any grammar, for that matter - he's just "K"). The little things like that are always fun.


I do wonder how far DS2 will get in Fred before he hits his math limit. We'll see. He finds Singapore 1B easy (did 3 lessons yesterday). I'm not trying to accelerate him a lot yet, as I want math to be "easy" for him - reading is "hard", and the fact that math is easy gives him confidence, especially when he is finding it easy and he's already working a grade level up. If I made it challenging, I think he'd shut down. So we'll see where that Fred limit is, then roll back around to Apples again, probably.

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I also have the entire LoF elementary and intermediate sets, plus Fractions and Decimals & Percents. DS2 is in Cats right now and doing fabulously with it. He really loves Fred. We do one chapter per day when we read his Sonlight P4/5 books. Thanks to Fred, DS2 can read a clock to 5 minutes! :D He still gets confused about the set things sometimes, but he's starting to catch on. Everything else, he's understood well. I love the extra things added in now and then. For example, last chapter we did, the Your Turn To Play had him coming up with sentences using 5 prepositions (the list was on the previous page in a footnote). DS2 did really well coming up with sentences, and he's never learned about prepositions before (or any grammar, for that matter - he's just "K"). The little things like that are always fun.


I do wonder how far DS2 will get in Fred before he hits his math limit. We'll see. He finds Singapore 1B easy (did 3 lessons yesterday). I'm not trying to accelerate him a lot yet, as I want math to be "easy" for him - reading is "hard", and the fact that math is easy gives him confidence, especially when he is finding it easy and he's already working a grade level up. If I made it challenging, I think he'd shut down. So we'll see where that Fred limit is, then roll back around to Apples again, probably.


The "sets" got Quince for a bit too. I love that there is more than one sometimes. He is such a perfectionist and it helps him see that there can be one right answer.

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I just have to jump in and say how much I (and my son) love MCT! I was an English major, and MCT does the best job of conveying a real passion for language. My son is a 110% science guy, and even he is enjoying LA with MCT. The format is also enjoyable--for the most part he presents just one idea/concept per page, which is wonderfully logical. Drawings, graphics and color coding are great for the visual learner.


I'm a little torn about MCT as well. English grammar is something I'm not comfortable with at all, so I'd like to stick with FLL for now. Maybe we could do both...

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I can't help myself.


My carts were full with new wishes just moments after I clicked purchase !



I have been hoarding curriculum for all elementary levels for math and science since my now 5 year old was 3. My online shopping carts are always full waiting for me to click and buy :) And I afterschool for just a few hours. I am also subscribed to a lot of online learning programs in addition to real curriculum. One day I might decide to stop hoarding, but right now I am having too much fun learning from all the stuff I bought.

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I'm heading in this direction. If anyone has any advice in how not to do this, I'd love to hear it. Well, I probably won't follow it, but I'd still love to hear it. :)


Here is my attempt at dissuading you from doing this. I have a PG son who is now 16 and going to high school. By the time they are old enough to start using some of the stuff you bought there will be newer//cooler/better things out there that you will want to buy. Also, interests and abilities can change over time so things that may have worked before may need to be changed - even just to stave off boredom! As your gifted ones get older they may want to have a say in what they are using - they can be a lot more opinionated and mature than the average kid. Finally, if I had to do it over again I would probably order his curriculum the week before I needed it - and I love looking at curriculum too! :001_cool:

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Here is my attempt at dissuading you from doing this. I have a PG son who is now 16 and going to high school. By the time they are old enough to start using some of the stuff you bought there will be newer//cooler/better things out there that you will want to buy. Also, interests and abilities can change over time so things that may have worked before may need to be changed - even just to stave off boredom! As your gifted ones get older they may want to have a say in what they are using - they can be a lot more opinionated and mature than the average kid. Finally, if I had to do it over again I would probably order his curriculum the week before I needed it - and I love looking at curriculum too! :001_cool:



This is great advice. I should tape it to my computer. ;)

So far I've only ordered stuff that I'm going to use immediately, I haven't bought anything ahead. Its just I feel like I change so much, but in retrospect, I don't, well not more than others, it seems.



But I do look at, and drool over way more than I buy!

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I have all of Saxon math up to Algebra 1, R&S English 1-8, at least 3 Latin curricula of varying levels, an entire shelf two deep of French textbooks and readers, and about 4 History/Science kids level encyclopedias. I rationalize it because I really need to work through it all myself before I can teach it, right?

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I just have to jump in and say how much I (and my son) love MCT! I was an English major, and MCT does the best job of conveying a real passion for language. My son is a 110% science guy, and even he is enjoying LA with MCT. The format is also enjoyable--for the most part he presents just one idea/concept per page, which is wonderfully logical. Drawings, graphics and color coding are great for the visual learner.

Thanks, I think I am slowly being convinced! It'll have to wait until at least the summer though, I'm feeling a little guilty about the recent math purchases I've made for myself the children. :blush:

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I am a Sucker for a Sale!


Did you say Free Shipping?

50% off!

Today Only!

$1.00 sale!

Coupon Code GRDEAL!


I spend too much time saying NO! now and deleting emails.


I have an excuse too! 8 children now and I admit I have bought alot of 10 cent, 25 cent, 50 cent, and $1.00 books!! Goodwill, St.Vincent's, Used book store ( stinks now!!)


Saving up for SWIHE again and piling up boxes to sell!

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