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Everything posted by wimseycat

  1. FWIW, I only ever posted links to things I had written that I thought other moms on this forum would enjoy. It was only ever intended to be helpful, inform or amuse. It was never intended as "clickbait." It won't happen again.
  2. Wow I had no idea it was being perceived this way.
  3. I think I would do more harm than good if I had controls. We would jerk along the road like crazy people. My dd drove in the dark out on a country road for the first time last night to go to float building . I thought I would be more anxious but I have a cold so that kept me preoccupied. Lol
  4. I know my topic title sounds serious but it's not. :) I just wrote "Grasping 5 Biblical Truths While Gripping the Dashboard" over on my blog. Have a look and tell me what you think. Annika
  5. Idk I loved Jeremy Northam as Mr. Knightley (he gives great side-eye) but you have to put up with Gwyneth Paltrow as Emma unfortunately...
  6. Watched season 1 with my daughter and we can't wait for next Sunday and the 2 hour season 2 premiere! We love the "angry Ross Poldark walk".
  7. I agree with the outsourcing idea. I did that about 3 years ago and it has made a big difference in our day. Check this out and see what you think.
  8. Glad I could help! Like I said, I have read the whole series so if you want to talk about it at all let me. Overall I enjoyed the series but I do have some eyeroll moments that I would be happy to discuss. Isn't Suzanna the best?
  9. Good Morning everyone, I just created a new post listing and reviewing some good mysteries to read in the fall. I hope it provides you with some new books to try out for your recreational reading. :)
  10. Update: Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who gave me some suggestions. I couldn't include all of them but I am pretty happy with what I chose. I will be posting Perfect Mystery Books for Fall tomorrow morning so have a look over your morning coffee or tea. Thanks!
  11. Does she have sensitivity with it? Either hot or cold? If it is high enough up and causing her discomfort she may need to see a periodontist. Your dentist will be able to refer you if needed. Maybe her mouth is just growing though?
  12. Yes my mom and I have a good relationship so we keep the humor up as much as we can given the circumstances. Her texts are always blunt and to the point because she texts using a number pad not a keyboard (her choice). FWIW, I also forgot to mention that she doesn't want any old melon. It has to be local and from a farmers market/stand so she isn't getting her melon until Wednesday. :)
  13. Yes it really can be draining especially since I am the only child who lives in the same area as she does. I sent my college-aged son the text for a laugh and he texted back "Same." Haha
  14. My mom is pretty much homebound so I take care of her shopping needs. This is the text she just sent me: "I need some more drugs and a melon" Well okay then...
  15. Here is a recipe for easy pretzel bites for any of you having football parties this weekend. The ones you see on my blog are made from wheat pizza dough because of my husband. If I had chosen the dough it absolutely would have been a white dough! :)
  16. Haha how did you know about soap-making hippie next door neighbors? Is this the part of my life where I just start slathering myself in coconut oil?
  17. I like what you mentioned about de-cluttering intersecting with wise personal finance. I love to declutter. I find it cathartic. I do it for the sake of doing it. I think a lot of people see decluttering as a first step in getting their life in order which includes finances/managing debt. I believe the biggest thing a person can do to achieve a happy clutter-free space and improve finances at the same time is to Stop Buying. It seems like such a simple thing but it is probably the hardest to do. Unfortunately this is often given short-shrift by people who want to sell you the latest bins or closet organizers or teach how to extreme coupon and get a cart full of sugar for only $3 that you don't need anyway. ​I will get off my soapbox now :)
  18. I was going to "like" your post to express my sympathy for what happened but then I thought "liking" the fact that you cooked propylene glycol into your skin seemed like an odd response! I am sorry - that sounds horrible. I can't believe how many things P.G. is put into. Even some lotions/conditioners my allergist and dermatologist recommended to me contain it. We didn't know I was allergic until today obviously but still you can 't even trust "sensitive skin" labels or dermatologist labels.
  19. Haha! Thank you! I learned a lot from creating the apple post.
  20. I did a post recently about closet cleaning. I have a read a few books including the one you mentioned. I honestly don't think the KonMari method is entirely doable unless you are single and don't own a home. The minimalist books I have read so far are: Miss Minimalist, The Joy of Less, Clutterfree, Minimalism and the Minimalist Lifestyle: How to Live More with Less, and the book that got me started reading about minimalism: Simplify: 7 Guiding Principles to Help Anyone Declutter Their Home and Life. FWIW I got all of these on my kindle as I don't even know if some of them were ever in print. Most of them are quite short. ​HTH!
  21. I created a Guide to Apples on my blog if anyone is interested. If you are on Pinterest and just want to pin the chart it is here. I might do an additional post like I did for strawberries (What to do with all those strawberries) which will be suggestions for apples. I will probably do a pie but if anyone has any go to apple recipes they love feel free to let me know!
  22. The patches came off today. The assistant kept apologizing for hurting me when pulling off the tape and I was like, "nope this is great, this feels great, keep pulling." So far there are 4 definites and 4 possibles. Final check is tomorrow morning. The definites are: Propylene Glycol (this is a big one as it is in soooo many things), Benzoylperoxide, Cobalt and the Mercapto Mix (used in making rubber products). Propolis is a possible which I am bummed about because it is essentially beeswax.
  23. I didn't see anyone recommend Dominion. My son (20 yo) got it for a bday gift. We played it all summer. It is great fun. We also love Settlers of Catan but you can play Dominion in a lot shorter time span.
  24. For writing I would recommend The Denim Beret. I have been using it with my girls for 3 years now. My youngest is 13 almost 14. I like it because I don't have to critique their writing and it is a lot more structured than I would do on my own. I highly recommend it! She does a nice job! HTH!
  25. Hopefully I can make it through the 3 days. From what I understand this is an expensive test and I would hate to have it be incomplete or repeat this!
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