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LarlaB, so if you're not subtracting fiber in your carb count, I'm assuming you can't eat a ton of veggies. Are you taking supplements to get your missing nutrition?


eta: I hope you know I'm asking out of curiosity, not out of condemnation.



No, I don't feel condemned- LOL. I make no claims about this WOE being perfectly balanced...however, for me its far more in balance for my body type etc.


Yes, I take a lot of high quality, whole foods based vitamins...New Chapter Organics in particular makes some great ones- I take a B-complex, and Women's Daily etc.


Run the numbers. You can eat a lot of veggies for 25-35g of carbs a day (broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, cabbage, spinach, Brussel sprouts, peppers, squash, etc ..) A lot! Truthfully, my only complaint w/ this WOE is the fact that for running goals I continue to track veggies...honestly, if I could just eat 50% more veggies, it would be perfect. :)


Also, I highly recommend "Superfood Powder" as a great option to supplement :) http://www.amazon.co...s=veggie powder

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I couldn't read the label very well. But do you know how much iron is in this? Also, does it make you ummmm........gassy? :bored: And what is the main benefit of driniking this? What do you mix yours with? Thanks, it looks great.



No, haven't noticed any side effects :) I prefer the chocolate and mix w/ a little HWC and water....use immersion blender.


Vita Cost has a close up of supplement facts- no, not high in iron- lots of other yummy things though :) http://www.vitacost....-infusion-17-oz

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No, haven't noticed any side effects :) I prefer the chocolate and mix w/ a little HWC and water....use immersion blender.


Vita Cost has a close up of supplement facts- no, not high in iron- lots of other yummy things though :) http://www.vitacost....-infusion-17-oz

Sorry, HWC??? And what are the health benefits to this? I already take NOW Special Two High Potency multiples. I am not to familiar with "supergreen" foods. Sorry if I am ignorant on this. I see that people add this to their protein shake. But if you are low carbing, wouldn't protein pack on the weight? Thanks for all the info.!
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Sorry, HWC??? And what are the health benefits to this? I already take NOW Special Two High Potency multiples. I am not to familiar with "supergreen" foods. Sorry if I am ignorant on this. I see that people add this to their protein shake. But if you are low carbing, wouldn't protein pack on the weight? Thanks for all the info.!



Heavy whipping cream. Too many benefits of green/superfood to list.... Not being snarky, but google it :) Its optimum nutrition, for sure! As for protein shakes, just use it with water and 1-2T heavy cream- no need to make a shake.

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Heavy whipping cream. Too many benefits of green/superfood to list.... Not being snarky, but google it :) Its optimum nutrition, for sure! As for protein shakes, just use it with water and 1-2T heavy cream- no need to make a shake.

Thanks so much. This sounds delicious!! AND low carb, AND healthy!
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Today is going to be a challenge for me. Dh asked me to make him Pioneer Woman's recipe for chicken and dumplings. It's my favorite dinner! I am going to make a separate pot for me, skip dredging the chicken in flour and skip the dumplings. It will be like a creamy chicken soup, which I will most likely love. But those dumplings are my most favorite food. :crying: The things we do for love, lol.


This morning I woke up without needing to eat right away like the last two days. I've been up for a few hours now and I'm just starting to get a bit hungry. Yesterday my calories were still high eating whenever I was hungry until I was full. I did eat less than the day before. It just amazes me that I can eat that many calories and still lose weight. My total carbs yesterday was 60g. I feel comfortable at that level. I don't think I could go much lower than that and be ok with this type of eating. I have to say, I feel so energetic this morning!!! It's an awesome feeling!


I'm curious - do many of you track your food? I'm doing it for a few weeks, but I don't know if I want to continue to do it after that. I was tired of doing that with WW.

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I don't track, but I guess I have kept a mental tally of everything this week. That's really nice of you to make something like that for hubby! I don't have the willpower.


Today I'm down another pound. That makes about 3.5 for the week, but tomorrow dh is off work for three days, plus we're out of town. Not looking forward to trying to navigate the restaurant menus.

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I was tracking in the beginning but I found a good rhythm so I stopped. I hate hate hate being so focused on food. Once I established the foods I could eat, I began to relax. Now I feel like I'm eating for energy, not for cravings. And I don't feel so food-focused. I'm down another 3 pounds this week!

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I wanted to add my own anecdote. When I tried other weight loss programs, I would lose weight rapidly but I was eating cruddy food and I was always hungry. I craved sugar constantly! And when I'd get down to a good weight, I'd feel so relieved that I'd slip up and gain the weight back. The rapid weight loss didn't ever help to establish good habits. Now six months into this WOE, I have a totally different focus. I'm not getting on the scale every week, I stay away from known problem foods, I eat when hungry and I don't eat when I'm not. If my weight loss is only a pound a week, I don't have a problem with this. I want to have good habits and make a lasting dent in the way I view food. I think we all need to make sure that's our goal or we're going to end up right back where we started, or even worse.


Off my soapbox now. ;)

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Well this is day two for me, and I am having definite cravings already. My "thing" is soda, and I want one SO BAD. I have a headache from the lack of caffeine (I don't like coffee or tea, or I would do that) so I think that is making it worse.


I had chicken lettuce wraps today with avocado and a little feta cheese. It was really good. I don't have a problem with the food I am eating, it is the food I am not that is bugging me. I have things here in my house that I haven't wanted for months (chocolate dipped pretzels, etc.) but now that I am doing this diet, I WANT THEM! What is up with that?


I know I have to just get through this hump. I usually give up in the first week because of this. I think if I could make it past that point I would do OK, but I just get so... weak, and I end up switching to a calorie thing instead of LCHF. I really believe low carb is a better way of eating for me health wise, I am really trying to avoid the diabetes that runs in my family, but it is just so hard for me to stick with it.


Sorry for the whining, I just don't want to give up this time, need encouragement I guess!

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Well this is day two for me, and I am having definite cravings already. My "thing" is soda, and I want one SO BAD. I have a headache from the lack of caffeine (I don't like coffee or tea, or I would do that) so I think that is making it worse.


I had chicken lettuce wraps today with avocado and a little feta cheese. It was really good. I don't have a problem with the food I am eating, it is the food I am not that is bugging me. I have things here in my house that I haven't wanted for months (chocolate dipped pretzels, etc.) but now that I am doing this diet, I WANT THEM! What is up with that?


I know I have to just get through this hump. I usually give up in the first week because of this. I think if I could make it past that point I would do OK, but I just get so... weak, and I end up switching to a calorie thing instead of LCHF. I really believe low carb is a better way of eating for me health wise, I am really trying to avoid the diabetes that runs in my family, but it is just so hard for me to stick with it.


Sorry for the whining, I just don't want to give up this time, need encouragement I guess!


How much fat are you eating? I would add more. At least it might help you from feeling weak, even if you still crave the carbs. I don't know - maybe you just have the "low carb flu." FWIW, I know how you feel - I am surrounded by carbs and it would be easy to eat them "accidentally" LOL...


I can't help with the caffeine - I drink coffee (with butter)


You can do this! Just be sure you're eating enough fat for energy :)

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I might not be. How much fat are we aiming for in a day? Today I've had 9 grams it says.



9 grams, as in, less than a tablespoon? I'm no expert on amounts, but that wouldn't be anywhere close to enough for me personally. I just had two tbsp in my coffee this morning (so, well over 20 g fat), and I haven't even started on lunch yet (which will probably involve another tbsp with an egg, plus whatever's in the egg and bacon :), plus maybe half an avocado). Fat replaces carbs as the main source of energy.

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Holy toledo, you need more fat I range from 100-150g a day. I do eat more with nursing and exercising but that is way not enough. It is very hard to sustain lc without adequate fat. IME it doesn't eliminate the cravings at first but it sure does help. The problem is at first is that you want it due to habit and not really due to hungry, so even being full doesn't block that out. However, it really helps because when you are hungry it makes it so much harder and the fat helps with the satiation that you miss from not having the carbs.

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I am currently tracking. I do not always. However, I wanted to make sure I eat enough and have been trying to watch my macro breakdown so tracking it keeps me honest and gives me a more accurate picture of what I'm eating irt ratios of fat/carbs/protein.

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Well this is day two for me, and I am having definite cravings already. My "thing" is soda, and I want one SO BAD. I have a headache from the lack of caffeine (I don't like coffee or tea, or I would do that) so I think that is making it worse.


I had chicken lettuce wraps today with avocado and a little feta cheese. It was really good. I don't have a problem with the food I am eating, it is the food I am not that is bugging me. I have things here in my house that I haven't wanted for months (chocolate dipped pretzels, etc.) but now that I am doing this diet, I WANT THEM! What is up with that?


I know I have to just get through this hump. I usually give up in the first week because of this. I think if I could make it past that point I would do OK, but I just get so... weak, and I end up switching to a calorie thing instead of LCHF. I really believe low carb is a better way of eating for me health wise, I am really trying to avoid the diabetes that runs in my family, but it is just so hard for me to stick with it.


Sorry for the whining, I just don't want to give up this time, need encouragement I guess!




You are breaking a carb addition- you're not imagining it...your brain is obsessed with sugar/carbs right now. You are taking away its crutch and it is going to keep screaming at you to give it back... All you have to do is make it thru 3-5 days of this, and you'll have broken the spell and your brain/body will begin to find alternate energy source, which is fat. Really. It won't last more than a week and then all of a sudden you will feel very different! I promise! I know its hard. just try to step back and remember this is part of a process, and it really won't last very long. :)


And yes- add fat. Lots and lots of it. Eat more than 100grams. :) Don't worry about calories right now, just eat protein & fat and a few good carbs- drink lots and lots of water, add sodium broth to assist w/ possible low-carb flu/mineral imbalance and hang on.


Don't get 90% of the way thru this and give up and go back...you can do it!!! :) Its hard, but so worth it- 1 week of yuck and then it gets better and better. :)

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Well this is day two for me, and I am having definite cravings already. My "thing" is soda, and I want one SO BAD. I have a headache from the lack of caffeine (I don't like coffee or tea, or I would do that) so I think that is making it worse.


I had chicken lettuce wraps today with avocado and a little feta cheese. It was really good. I don't have a problem with the food I am eating, it is the food I am not that is bugging me. I have things here in my house that I haven't wanted for months (chocolate dipped pretzels, etc.) but now that I am doing this diet, I WANT THEM! What is up with that?


I know I have to just get through this hump. I usually give up in the first week because of this. I think if I could make it past that point I would do OK, but I just get so... weak, and I end up switching to a calorie thing instead of LCHF. I really believe low carb is a better way of eating for me health wise, I am really trying to avoid the diabetes that runs in my family, but it is just so hard for me to stick with it.


Sorry for the whining, I just don't want to give up this time, need encouragement I guess!



Preaching to the choir! This is me too. Now I REALLY want the toffee ice cream hubby brought home the other night. (His sabotage is a whole 'nother subject.) You can do this. It's sooo much better than the alternative (possible diabetes) especially since it runs in your family.




How much fat are you eating? I would add more. At least it might help you from feeling weak, even if you still crave the carbs. I don't know - maybe you just have the "low carb flu." FWIW, I know how you feel - I am surrounded by carbs and it would be easy to eat them "accidentally" LOL...


I can't help with the caffeine - I drink coffee (with butter)


You can do this! Just be sure you're eating enough fat for energy :)



BUTTER IN COFFEE?!?! Why didn't I think of that? Everything's better with butter.

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I've been slowly ramping up my fat and I'm at about 80 grams a day. I don't feel hungry but I know that in a few more days as my body starts burning more fat I will need to add more or I will go on a carb binge when my body starts thinking it's starving.


I completely forgot about how when I was lc the last time all my hand pain went away. Today is day 3 and for the first time in 6 months I woke up without my hands aching. I could open a jar without asking DH to help.


I'm still trying to find some ways to up my calories and fat. I'm not hungry so eating more fat/protein is a struggle. It doesn't help that I have had a cold this week so I've been sleeping tons and not doing much.

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I am currently tracking. I do not always. However, I wanted to make sure I eat enough and have been trying to watch my macro breakdown so tracking it keeps me honest and gives me a more accurate picture of what I'm eating irt ratios of fat/carbs/protein.




That's exactly where I'm at...even after 7-8 months, I still track most days because its more keeping macros in alignment w/ each other and honestly, my tendency is to under-eat overall calories etc- especially in ketosis, my appetite is very lackluster. But at the same time, I can very easily start eating too much protein & too little fat and then after a while allow carb creep to oh-so-slowly come back- I'm not sure how that is connected other than I'm less satisfied w/ too little fat and start to replace it w/ carbs? So tracking a few days a week, helps keep me reality based :)


I have made peace w/ the fact that I'm going to have to pay attention to food the rest of my life- one way or another :) I've found that most areas of my life benefit from intentional choices/living!

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BUTTER IN COFFEE?!?! Why didn't I think of that? Everything's better with butter.



Bulletproof coffee - coffee with unsalted grass-fed butter; I use a smitch of coconut oil instead of MCT. I whip it in the mini-blender and it looks like a latte :). It usually holds me until noon (oh, I get a little hungry before then but I drink water, sometimes with some electrolyte tablets). I can't believe I was able to stop putting sugar in my coffee.


I found some organic unsalted grass-fed butter at my local natural grocery store that's half the price of Kerrygold. (ETA, fyi, not all organic butter is grass-fed)

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fwiw I was just looking at my food for today I'm at 126 g of fat so far (70%fat/ 21%Protein/9% Carbs)and still have supper yet to eat. That fat is in the form of eggs, egg yolks, coconut oil(to cook the eggs in), ex virgin olive oil (for my salad), homemade mayo, sunflower seeds. I usually have some pork fat and often fattier cuts of meat but today I have chicken breast as I roasted a chicken the other day and have the breast left. Tonight we are having pork roast and I'll likely pick a piece w/ some of the fat, have some green veggie, along w/ the rest of a smoothie- full fat coco milk and a bit of strawberries.

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I've been slowly ramping up my fat and I'm at about 80 grams a day. I don't feel hungry but I know that in a few more days as my body starts burning more fat I will need to add more or I will go on a carb binge when my body starts thinking it's starving.


I completely forgot about how when I was lc the last time all my hand pain went away. Today is day 3 and for the first time in 6 months I woke up without my hands aching. I could open a jar without asking DH to help.


I'm still trying to find some ways to up my calories and fat. I'm not hungry so eating more fat/protein is a struggle. It doesn't help that I have had a cold this week so I've been sleeping tons and not doing much.



Wow- that's amazing RE your hand pain being relieved! Fantastic!


Its hard to eat enough w/ any respiratory issues... try adding HWC, coconut oil or butter to hot beverages and see what you think. Really, it doesn't take much coconut oil to up the fat (this AM I had 2T HWC & 1.5T coconut oil in my coffee which was 31g of fat and very satisfying, so a bit counter-productive, I'll admit)


Also, what about sunflower seeds? They are really nice balance of high fat/moderate protein/low carb, and 1/4 cup is a relatively small amount.

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Bulletproof coffee - coffee with unsalted grass-fed butter; I use a smitch of coconut oil instead of MCT. I whip it in the mini-blender and it looks like a latte :). It usually holds me until noon (oh, I get a little hungry before then but I drink water, sometimes with some electrolyte tablets). I can't believe I was able to stop putting sugar in my coffee.


I found some organic unsalted grass-fed butter at my local natural grocery store that's half the price of Kerrygold.



Thanks for the link! Looks like something worth trying. I am useless in the morning.

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I'll have to remember to get some sunflower seeds next time I run to the store. I have some almonds but I've been avoiding them because they are salted and that just triggers my cravings for something sweet. Maybe I'll have some of those tonight on my way to bed so I'm not tempted to get into the pantry for something else. I've got bacon defrosting for tomorrow so hopefully I'll have enough taste back tomorrow to enjoy some egg muffins with bacon for breakfast.


One of my other problems is that I don't like hot drinks. I only drink water and unsweet iced tea.


Does anyone have any good ideas of quick to fix meals for nights when I'm cooking something non low carb for my family? Tonight I'm making spaghetti with meat sauce, so I plan on just taking some of the ground beef out before I add the sauce and eat that seasoned with a whole plate full of veggies. My family has so many meals that aren't low carb friendly and my DH won't go low carb with me and always wants those meals.

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I read somewhere on this board, maybe this thread or another lc/hf thread, about chicken broth or other bone broths with heavy cream as an alternative to coffee and tea. I tried some earlier today while making dh's chicken and dumplings, and it is yummy!

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Does anyone have any good ideas of quick to fix meals for nights when I'm cooking something non low carb for my family? Tonight I'm making spaghetti with meat sauce, so I plan on just taking some of the ground beef out before I add the sauce and eat that seasoned with a whole plate full of veggies. My family has so many meals that aren't low carb friendly and my DH won't go low carb with me and always wants those meals.


I just take the meat from the meal and add fat and a smitch of the carb items. And I don't make something like lasagna (my lasagna wasn't so good anyway LOL).


Speaking of convenience items, yesterday at Costco I found organic grass-fed hamburgers that are already cooked (in the refrigerated area across from the meat department). I don't remember the brand; green package. When the kids eat pizza, if I don't feel like making a piece of fish or browing ground beef for myself, I'll just have one of these burgers.

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What are some meals that you make often that are not lc friendly? That might help to give some ideas if we know what to start from. I find it easier to use part of what they are eating as a base. Yesterday, I made the kids nachos for lunch. I took the ground pork(with cajun spices) and put it w/ fire roasted tomatoes, bell pepper and chopped baked sweet potato and coconut milk for a really thick kind of soup/stew. If I was doing super lc I would have used a different lower carb veggie. As it was that was my big carb intake for the day and I measured it out. It was soooooo delicious.

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Heavy whipping cream. Too many benefits of green/superfood to list.... Not being snarky, but google it :) Its optimum nutrition, for sure! As for protein shakes, just use it with water and 1-2T heavy cream- no need to make a shake.


Thanks for posting this! I think I'll order some and try it.

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fwiwi Meatza's are pretty good. I have made like a pizza soup before as well. I did a butternut lasagna a few weeks back that was pretty amazing. I did it sans dairy but if you could have dairy as well it would have been heavenly. I just did thin sliced butternut squash for the noodles, zucchini would work as well to lower carbs more.

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It's mainly the pastas/Italian food that does me in. Almost everything else I make I can turn into a lettuce wrap etc. My kids ask for Lasagna at least every other week, DH likes pasta with butter and cheese as a quick meal etc. It's the nights that I'm not making a protein or it's totally mixed into their food that I have trouble. They all want pasta at least once a week.


I think I'm just going to have to plan separate meals for me on those nights. Hopefully once I feel better I will have time to make some food for the freezer that I can pull out for those nights. Right now since I'm just starting back into this my whole house is full of stuff I shouldn't eat.

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Ok...gotcha. You want the basics in an easy to understand and implement form. Great. Get "Diet for a New You", the Atkins book. It will tell you exactly what you can and can't eat, how to add carbs back in, how to work your way to maintanance, etc. In fact a huge part of the book is how to add foods back in gradually. It will tell you just what you need to do. My library had it, or I bet you can get it on Kindle.


The Adkins book on Kindle is not easy to read as the charts do not line up and are on different pages. I got a refund on it as it was really unusable.

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9 grams, as in, less than a tablespoon? I'm no expert on amounts, but that wouldn't be anywhere close to enough for me personally. I just had two tbsp in my coffee this morning (so, well over 20 g fat), and I haven't even started on lunch yet (which will probably involve another tbsp with an egg, plus whatever's in the egg and bacon :), plus maybe half an avocado). Fat replaces carbs as the main source of energy.


Well I am using my fitness pal and I have tracked what I have eaten today and it says 9 grams. Most if it was from the avocado I had and part of it was from the feta cheese.


Breakfast is too early for me so I tend to skip it (for now, though usually I start getting hungry on a plan like this and start having it). I should just force myself to have it, I know I could fit some fat in there.


And bacon... wow, yes, I can eat some bacon. I should cook some up.


Thank you!

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Holy toledo, you need more fat I range from 100-150g a day. I do eat more with nursing and exercising but that is way not enough. It is very hard to sustain lc without adequate fat. IME it doesn't eliminate the cravings at first but it sure does help. The problem is at first is that you want it due to habit and not really due to hungry, so even being full doesn't block that out. However, it really helps because when you are hungry it makes it so much harder and the fat helps with the satiation that you miss from not having the carbs.


Thank you! The range helps. I had only gotten fat from the part of an avocado I had and a tiny bit of feta. I am going to try to up it. I forgot about bacon, that should help. LOL

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You are breaking a carb addition- you're not imagining it...your brain is obsessed with sugar/carbs right now. You are taking away its crutch and it is going to keep screaming at you to give it back... All you have to do is make it thru 3-5 days of this, and you'll have broken the spell and your brain/body will begin to find alternate energy source, which is fat. Really. It won't last more than a week and then all of a sudden you will feel very different! I promise! I know its hard. just try to step back and remember this is part of a process, and it really won't last very long. :)


And yes- add fat. Lots and lots of it. Eat more than 100grams. :) Don't worry about calories right now, just eat protein & fat and a few good carbs- drink lots and lots of water, add sodium broth to assist w/ possible low-carb flu/mineral imbalance and hang on.


Don't get 90% of the way thru this and give up and go back...you can do it!!! :) Its hard, but so worth it- 1 week of yuck and then it gets better and better. :)


Thank you so much. These words REALLY helped. :grouphug:

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fwiw I was just looking at my food for today I'm at 126 g of fat so far (70%fat/ 21%Protein/9% Carbs)and still have supper yet to eat. That fat is in the form of eggs, egg yolks, coconut oil(to cook the eggs in), ex virgin olive oil (for my salad), homemade mayo, sunflower seeds. I usually have some pork fat and often fattier cuts of meat but today I have chicken breast as I roasted a chicken the other day and have the breast left. Tonight we are having pork roast and I'll likely pick a piece w/ some of the fat, have some green veggie, along w/ the rest of a smoothie- full fat coco milk and a bit of strawberries.


I love the examples for the fat, thank you!

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It's mainly the pastas/Italian food that does me in. Almost everything else I make I can turn into a lettuce wrap etc. My kids ask for Lasagna at least every other week, DH likes pasta with butter and cheese as a quick meal etc. It's the nights that I'm not making a protein or it's totally mixed into their food that I have trouble. They all want pasta at least once a week.


I think I'm just going to have to plan separate meals for me on those nights. Hopefully once I feel better I will have time to make some food for the freezer that I can pull out for those nights. Right now since I'm just starting back into this my whole house is full of stuff I shouldn't eat.


Can you do spaghetti squash in place of the pasta? I've done that before and it is yummy, I really like it. :)

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Breakfast is too early for me so I tend to skip it (for now, though usually I start getting hungry on a plan like this and start having it). I should just force myself to have it, I know I could fit some fat in there.


FWIW, my coffee with butter is my only breakfast. Since you don't drink coffee, might you like some hot chocolate with butter to start the day? There are a number of recipes if you google around for bulletproof or paleo hot cocoa, mostly involving some sort of high quality cocoa. I try to stay away from carbs entirely in the morning, but for cocoa I'd probably try heavy cream, whipped with a tbsp or more of the unsalted grass-fed butter, maybe a drop of stevia if necessary. It might take some experimenting but I'd avoid sugar. And, I'd absolutely use the blender - it makes foam on top :)


(I don't know if it's just me, but so far the other kinds of recipes I've tried with cocoa end up tasting like there's too much cocoa - maybe because I only have the cheap kind? lol)

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Can you do spaghetti squash in place of the pasta? I've done that before and it is yummy, I really like it. :)


Pasta has been the source of great discontent here at our house for a number of years. Everyone else loves pasta here, but I hate feeling left out and having to fix my separate dinner. Spaghetti squash has brought back some happiness in that now Monday is once again spaghetti night here. Btw it freezes really well once it's cooked. I bake it in the oven, scoop out the guts when it cools and freeze it in sandwich bags. Warm up in a fry pan or the microwave. One squash makes up 4-5 servings.


I haven't found a lasagne substitute yet, but i am thinking about trying eggplant slices......

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Can you do spaghetti squash in place of the pasta? I've done that before and it is yummy, I really like it. :)


I've never tried spaghetti squash. I've always been incredibly picky about foods only eating things that I knew I liked. The past two years I've finally been trying new foods. I've just gotten to the point where I actually like squash/zucchini with lots of butter and garlic. It may be time to branch out from just plain yellow squash. :laugh:

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Pasta has been the source of great discontent here at our house for a number of years. Everyone else loves pasta here, but I hate feeling left out and having to fix my separate dinner. Spaghetti squash has brought back some happiness in that now Monday is once again spaghetti night here. Btw it freezes really well once it's cooked. I bake it in the oven, scoop out the guts when it cools and freeze it in sandwich bags. Warm up in a fry pan or the microwave. One squash makes up 4-5 servings.


I haven't found a lasagne substitute yet, but i am thinking about trying eggplant slices......


Oh I didn't know that about the freezing, great idea!

And oops about the serving. I usually eat half of it topped with some meat sauce and that is it for meal. Maybe a green veggie on the side, too.

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