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Extreme fatigue update

Flowing Brook

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Update: doctor is going to run a series of blood work. His first thoughts are thyroid or anemia. Because of my auto immune disorder he thinks my body is attacking my thyroid.


On another issue He diagnosed me with a ear condition that could leave me deaf in my left ear. I already lost most of my hearing in my right ear. Surgery will be the only thing to fix it. It is called cholesteatoma. Has anyone had any experience with this? I am starting to feel like my body hates me.






What do you do for it?

It is nothing for me to go to bed at eight or eight thirty sleep til seven. Work four hours then crash the rest of the day because I am too tired to do anything else.

I mostly work (cleaning houses) from eight to noon then take a hour lunch break at home then work from one until anywhere from two to four in the afternoon. I do a lot of driving running errands for people sometimes not getting home until seven or eight.

However most of the time I feel this bone tired exhaustion. I have psoriac arthritis although it is very mild.

Some people tell me well maybe you are getting too much sleep. I have also been told that when I am tired to just get up and do something and the tiredness will just go away. I can tell you I have tried sleeping less and just working even though I am tired IT DOES NOT WORK!

It is not just a physical exhaustion but a mental one as well. I am too tired to study. I try to study and have to give up because I am just too tired. I end up spending my time doing light reading or on the computer. It is not depression. I am just soo tired.


Does anyone have any idea what might be wrong with me or supplements I can take to correct the problem?


I am going to the dr. tomorrow to see what he says just wondering if anyone has any btdt advice.

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Could you be anemic? If your iron level is low, exhaustion will take over. I had the same problem for months and finally went to the doc. They checked my blood and my iron level was ridiculously low, making my red blood cell count low. He put me on iron pills and the extreme exhaustion went away. Iron can upset your stomach and back you up though (boo), but that's far better than being exhausted. Try taking some iron for a few days and see if that helps.

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Could you be anemic? If your iron level is low, exhaustion will take over. I had the same problem for months and finally went to the doc. They checked my blood and my iron level was ridiculously low, making my red blood cell count low. He put me on iron pills and the extreme exhaustion went away. Iron can upset your stomach and back you up though (boo), but that's far better than being exhausted. Try taking some iron for a few days and see if that helps.



There are several tests to check iron levels. Tell the doctor you want all of them checked, not just the hemoglobin. Ferritin is one, but there are also other measurements I can't remember the name of, maybe serum and total binding something-or-other.


Thyroid levels should be checked. Ask for the full panel. I think it's called the thyroid cascade.


B12, D3


That's a start! Let's see what everyone else suggests. :bigear:


Hugs for the fatigue. Fatigue stinks.

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Low iron/anemia was my first thought as well. I would recommend having your iron levels checked before you start supplementing.


How's your diet? Are you getting enough iron from your diet? Iron-rich foods include beef, sardines, turkey, clams, chicken, blackstrap molasses, etc. - here's a good list: http://www.webmd.com...iron-rich-foods . Are you eating a lot of starchy, sugary foods? Those may give you short-term energy, but then cause you to crash and feel fatigued.


Another possible factor is dehydration, which is an under-recognized cause of fatigue. How's your water intake? Are you getting at least 6-8 glasses a day? Are you drinking soda, coffee, etc.? Those actually make dehydration worse.


For supplements, here are some that you can safely try even before you get a check-up: D3, Magnesium, B Vitamins, and Ginseng



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When that happens to me, it means I have a sinus infection. I've had multiple sinus infections over the last year or so, and the only symptom I had was extreme exhaustion. I could get twelve hours of sleep, get up, and be falling asleep on the couch by lunchtime. After a round of antibiotics, I was back to normal. I didn't have any symptoms except the fatigue, and they didn't find out that I had a massive sinus infection until they did an MRI to try to figure out what the heck was wrong with me.


I also had fatigue during my bout with Lyme disease.

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What do you do for it?

It is nothing for me to go to bed at eight or eight thirty sleep til seven. Work four hours then crash the rest of the day because I am too tired to do anything else.

I mostly work (cleaning houses) from eight to noon then take a hour lunch break at home then work from one until anywhere from two to four in the afternoon. I do a lot of driving running errands for people sometimes not getting home until seven or eight.

However most of the time I feel this bone tired exhaustion. I have psoriac arthritis although it is very mild.

Some people tell me well maybe you are getting too much sleep. I have also been told that when I am tired to just get up and do something and the tiredness will just go away. I can tell you I have tried sleeping less and just working even though I am tired IT DOES NOT WORK!

It is not just a physical exhaustion but a mental one as well. I am too tired to study. I try to study and have to give up because I am just too tired. I end up spending my time doing light reading or on the computer. It is not depression. I am just soo tired.


Does anyone have any idea what might be wrong with me or supplements I can take to correct the problem?


I am going to the dr. tomorrow to see what he says just wondering if anyone has any btdt advice.


Sounds like your thyroid to me. Get it checked, including free T3 and free T4, not just TSH

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I am right there with you. Severe fatigue all the time. I have tried eating every way you can imagine, meat, vegan, gluten free, nothing really helps, though I have found I get colds less often if I eat a lot of fresh fruits and veggies. I'm a little better than I used to be but still need to nap to get through the day. As in, I can't even sit up or speak a coherent sentence unless I've napped, and I get pain all over my body, skin, in my joints, and I'm muzzy headed (once could not remember my baby's name when asked) when the fatigue hits. I have an all clear from the doctor, thyroid is normal, not diabetic, normal weight, not anemic, no other symptoms beyond the severe fatigue and sometimes confusion when fatigued. Between night and naps I get about 9 hours so I should be ok. I also wake up constantly at night, even if I take a sleep aide. I wish I could give better advice.


Fatigue is one reason I stopped HSing my girls and the main reason I'm afraid to start again. DS is still HSed.

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could be chronic fatigue, but i actually had this and it went away when i quit gluten. there are a lot of reasons for fatigue like this but you need a good doctor to rule them out. GOOD doctor. my docs kept giving me a couple of blood tests and offering me anti-depressants :chillpill: :glare:

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I was thinking Chronic Fatigue also. What happened when dd was diagnosed was that they tested her for everything (and I mean everything) else. When she came up all negatives but had all of the symptoms you describe, they diagnosed Chronic Fatigue. I give her supplements and there's lots of rest involved. One thing that has really helped is these organic green powder shakes we've been drinking. Really high in antioxidants and I mix it with yogurt for the probiotics. She shows a definite improvement when she's taking those, but CFS really just takes time.


I am so sorry you are dealing with this. It is very difficult, especially with cleaning houses (I just quit after 10 years). I will be praying for you.

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Most of what I was going to suggest is listed above. I deal with a lot of fatigue, too, so have been round and round on this.


I didn't see anyone mentioning adrenal health? Could have missed it though. You might ask to have your adrenal levels checked. I have Addison's Disease, and my adrenals don't function at all - getting everything balanced is quite the feat. But I think the other issues mentioned are more likely, and adrenal insufficiency is less likely. Another thing to consider, if all else fails, is hyper coagulation.

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Quick drive-by post from phone: if you do need to supplement with iron, try the Flora brand Floradix Iron and Herbs. It doesn't constipate or mess with your tummy. Makes me feel human again (I tend to get anemic ocassionaly).


I think you've gotten a lot of good suggestions. I would definitely start with testing iron and thyroid levels. Good luck!

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Update: doctor is going to run a series of blood work. His first thoughts are thyroid or anemia. Because of my auto immune disorder he thinks my body is attacking my thyroid.


However most of the time I feel this bone tired exhaustion. I have psoriac arthritis although it is very mild.




Thread jack....my good friend has psoriatic arthritis.....hers is fairly severe but I didn't think exhaustion is one of her main symptoms. She holds full time office job.

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Is he thinking Hashimoto's? It's when the immune system attacks the thyroid. It's treatable. :) So it's not so bad. I have it - and just take thyroid meds for it. It does have a few other things that it can go hand in hand with ... mostly autoimmune stuff. I totally relate to the "my body hates me" feeling at times! If it turns out to be Hashi's, I think there are several of us with it here. You won't be alone.


Glad you went in, and are getting answers!

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