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7/26 Runners/walkers/swimmers check-in

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I didn't get started until about 10 til 8 this morning and by then the heat was already oppressive. I went a total of 2.4 miles, running half of it! That looks so lame when I type it out, but I was about to pass out from the heat. I left dh sleeping and he said he started to join me, took one step out into the heat and said 'forget that!' :tongue_smilie:


So I must get up at 5:30 for my walk/run. Any later and it is just too hot.


I'm really excited by my new exercise routine. I want to figure out what I should be eating as well. I haven't lost a single pound, but I don't even care at this point...I just feel so good! How about everyone else? What do you eat in a normal day and when do you eat it? I would have thought I couldn't run with no food in me, but it doesn't bother me at all.

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I follow weightwatchers core program which means I can freely eat lean meats, vegetables, fruits, low fat milk, eggs, etc. I count points for extras.


My question is, do any of you eat or drink anything special AFTER a run, especially a longer run (Okay longer for me is 5 - 8 kms, I'm working for 10 km)?


It's raining this morning and the kids are wanting to go garage sailing so I'll be running later. I don't live in oppressive heat so I'm not limited to early mornings. In fact I love late afternoon the best. My legs feel like a million pounds first thing in the morning so I'm always impressed by you early morning runners (although I do see an advantage, time wise, to going out first thing).

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Today I completed a 9 mile bike ride and 4 mile run. My feet have been bothering me lately {I have bunyans} but today I felt good! I love it when that happens!:) Time: 1 hour 5 minutes.:)


As for eating, I don't eat anything too special right after a run. Today I had a protein bar before and then a bowl of cereal after.


I would like to lose a few pounds too and I'm just really trying to watch how much I eat. We eat pretty well around here, lots of fresh veggies and fruits, lean meats, and some dairy, but there is always room for improvement! :)

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I'm really excited by my new exercise routine. I want to figure out what I should be eating as well. I haven't lost a single pound, but I don't even care at this point...I just feel so good!


Scarlett, you're doing great! Just relax! Sometimes when starting a new way of living, it can take up to 6 weeks before you see weight loss. The key is, trying not to eat more b/c you are exercising. That's the mistake I can make. "Oh, well I ran today so I can eat such and such." :)

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Scarlett, you're doing great! Just relax! Sometimes when starting a new way of living, it can take up to 6 weeks before you see weight loss. The key is, trying not to eat more b/c you are exercising. That's the mistake I can make. "Oh, well I ran today so I can eat such and such." :)


Funny you say that, because I cut out wine about 3 weeks ago and replaced it with ice cream. :glare: Last night I decided that was my last bowl. I will now replace my nightly munch fest with low fat popcorn.

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Ugh. Why don't I learn? I was supposed to have a 4.5 mile run, but didn't get up until ~ 7:00. Then, I had to have my coffee and quiet time. Then I started working on some household organization planning stuff and homeschool stuff. Before I knew it, it was 10:00. But I knew I had to put the mileage on my running shoes, even if I didn't actually run the whole distance. So, I slogged it out walking, running, sweating. But, once I gave up thinking I was actually going to run the whole run, I was okay and enjoyed the day, the beauty, the time by myself to think, pray, meditate.


Scarlett, regarding what I eat - if I make it out the door by 7:00, I don't eat anything b/f I go. If it's later than that, I might eat a banana with a few almonds or a half of apiece of whole wheat bread with a little bit of peanut butter. I don't like to have much in my stomach. I also have to be really careful about drinking water the day BEFORE a run. I can't drink right before I run or I'll have to stop somewhere along the way.


Midway through the morning, I eat something else - cottage cheese/grapes/almonds, bowl of Flax Plus Cereal, plain yogurt with berries, a smoothie with protein powder, apple/almonds, grapes/lite laughing cow cheese wedge, oatmeal with unsweetened cranberries/almonds, and egg white omelet with veggies, but no cheese.


Lunch - a salad or half a sandwich with veggies and a lean protein (ususally chicken or tuna) or leftovers from the night before


Mid-afternoon - one of the snack choices from above


Dinner - whatever I'm fixing for the family, although I may modify some (no mashed potatoes, no rolls, extra veggies, extra salad, etc.)


Snack - usually I don't eat another snack b/c I'm not hungry, but if I am, I eat something from the above list.


I've always exercised fairly regularly, but it wasn't until I changed what I was doing in the kitchen that I began to see the benefits of all that exercise. I'm balanced in that I'll have a piece of b-day cake, go out to dinner with dh, don't bring special food to people's houses, etc., but generally, I stick to the above plan. Oh, and I do drink a lot of water.


I still have a little bit of weight to go, but it's much slower now than when I made the changes in the kitchen. I'm okay with that as it's been a healthy rate. I've lost 25 pounds since February. Let me know if you have specific questions.



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I am on C25k week 5, day 3. This morning was my first "long" strech of running without any walking. I ran 1.75 miles in just under 21 min. I wanted to finish two miles in that time, but a big part of me was happy just run the whole time without stopping.:D

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I am on C25k week 5, day 3. This morning was my first "long" strech of running without any walking. I ran 1.75 miles in just under 21 min. I wanted to finish two miles in that time, but a big part of me was happy just run the whole time without stopping.:D


This is great!

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I still have a little bit of weight to go, but it's much slower now than when I made the changes in the kitchen. I'm okay with that as it's been a healthy rate. I've lost 25 pounds since February. Let me know if you have specific questions.~Cindy


Very helpful Cindy. Thank you. I printed out your post. I also got some great info (much like what your diet is) from runnersworld.com. Many of the things you eat are on a 'top 15 things a runner should eat' list.


I'm in AR so I'm sure we are suffering the same heat. :tongue_smilie:


25 pounds since February is incredible! Wow!


I said earlier I had not lost a pound, but after that I went to shower and weighed and was surprised to find I've lost about 2 pounds. I only want to lose about 12 more, but for some reason those 12 pounds are very hard for me! That will put me at 127 and I feel pretty good there, and I think I would feel GREAT there with exercise thrown in.

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Today I completed a 9 mile bike ride and 4 mile run....Time: 1 hour 5 minutes.


Wowsers! It would take me so-o-o-o much longer than that to bike 9 and run 4, thanks to my slow biking. That's why I decided not to enter the bike/run duathlon that took place today. I realized there was no way I'd be finished by the time the course was closed.:tongue_smilie:

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In our pantry is a container of EAS (brand) 100% Whey Protein. Dh takes a scoop of it and mixes it with milk every day right before he lifts weights. Is this what you use for your smoothie? What goes in it?


Wow...I see it has 120 calories per serving. Hmmmm....

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I've lost 25 pounds since February.


I've always had the impression you were pretty thin; can't imagine you needing to lose 25 pounds. Good job!:) I'm going to be in a world of hurt if/when I ever need to really work at losing weight because I just honestly don't pay a great deal of attention to diet.

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Wowsers! It would take me so-o-o-o much longer than that to bike 9 and run 4, thanks to my slow biking. That's why I decided not to enter the bike/run duathlon that took place today. I realized there was no way I'd be finished by the time the course was closed.:tongue_smilie:


Colleen how long have you been running? Did you just recently add the biking?

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I ran 7, but by the fourth mile my ab pain was pretty bad so I had to stop a few minutes along the way. I feel totally wiped out. Tomorrow's another rest day for me and I need to try to catch up on sleep and calories if I want to have a good running week ahead.


Scarlett, I've been running the mornings this summer (usually run in the late afternoon, which is my preference). I can't just get up and go on an empty stomach; that totally nauseates me. I have a banana or boiled egg or piece of toast with peanut butter an hour or so before run. When I'm done I try to have some protein ~ nuts, protein smoothie ~ but I've been skipping that this week and I can tell, big time.

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Good job, everybody!


I cleaned the church today for 3 hours. :glare: And I got paid a whopping $53.00 to do it. :glare: :glare:


Yes, I'm complaining. And yes, I know I shouldn't be.


Tomorrow I rest. Monday I run. My plan is to eat clean the rest of this weekend (yeah, I had the chocolate ice cream last night. It was only one scoop, but still....boy was it good!!!) and stay hydrated and keep my back and legs stretched. The cleaning about killed my back!!!! I'm having spasms all the way up my back now -- into my neck. I just took a muscle relaxer, so we'll see how that goes.

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Wowsers! It would take me so-o-o-o much longer than that to bike 9 and run 4, thanks to my slow biking. That's why I decided not to enter the bike/run duathlon that took place today. I realized there was no way I'd be finished by the time the course was closed.:tongue_smilie:


How long have you been training, Colleen? I'm wandering if you are too hard on yourself? I bet you could have done it, you have sooo much determination!


I don't think I'll ever be that fast of a biker. As I'm riding down the rode on my hybrid bike, I always wonder how much faster I would go if I have a race bike. But, dh says that would probably be too dangerous for me, to own a racing bike I mean. I'm not the most coordinated! :)

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Monday I will start a 5K program. I did C25K a couple of years ago, ran a 5K and then winter came and...yeah.


So I will do that and hopefully move on to the 10K and beyond. My friend wants me to do a half-marathon in January in AZ. We'll see.:)


Go for it, girlfiriend!!!

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Monday I will start a 5K program. I did C25K a couple of years ago, ran a 5K and then winter came and...yeah.


So I will do that and hopefully move on to the 10K and beyond. My friend wants me to do a half-marathon in January in AZ. We'll see.:)


Good for you! Great goal.

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I ran for 30mintues (2.5miles) this morning at the track while ds had football practice. It was so liberating not to feel like I have to look..ahem.. perfect, prim and proper all the time like the southern bells sitting around watching their boys while I was no makeup, sweating, hair frizzing from sweat and humidity, I just did not care I got my time in for the day. My dh walked the track with my dd and cheered me on and a couple times I slowed down and "ran" with my precious daughter. Then sat with sweaty running clothes, frizzy hair, no makeup to cheer and encourage my little boy who ran his heart out and did everything he had to do for his conditioning training.

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How long have you been training, Colleen? I'm wandering if you are too hard on yourself? I bet you could have done it, you have sooo much determination!


Ah, yes, "determination" sounds so much better than "stubborn will".;) I'm not training for a bike/run, Angie. Since we live less than a few miles from town, it's not unusual for me ~ with or without the boys ~ to bike up there to do an errand or two. Just this week I went ahead and did my run in between biking up and back. That was actually the first time I've done those two things back-to-back and yowza! I had no clue how hard it would be!


I don't think I'll ever be that fast of a biker. As I'm riding down the rode on my hybrid bike, I always wonder how much faster I would go if I have a race bike. But, dh says that would probably be too dangerous for me, to own a racing bike I mean. I'm not the most coordinated! :)


Um, yeah, you-n-me both. As far as speed goes, I knew I wasn't a racer, but until I timed myself the other day I didn't realize just how slow I was going ~ only 10 mph on flat roads. Kinda weird. I mean for goodness sake, I can run a mile in just a couple of minutes more than it takes me to bike the same distance. That's why I the time you mentioned earlier is so impressive to me. If I were pushing it, I might be able to ride 9 miles in 45 minutes. Tops. So in my book, you must be riding pretty darn fast!:)

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In our pantry is a container of EAS (brand) 100% Whey Protein. Dh takes a scoop of it and mixes it with milk every day right before he lifts weights. Is this what you use for your smoothie? What goes in it?


Okay, when I first started with this sort of a plan, I used the same protein powder that your dh uses in chocolate and vanilla. I'd mix the vanilla with frozen bananas and strawberries so it was like a milkshake. I'd mix the chocolate with frozen bananas and a scoop of peanut butter - yum!


Then, I switched to hemp protein powder from Whole Foods. It's cleaner, unsweeted, unflavored, etc. I made the same fruit smoothies, added in bee pollen, and got used to the taste. As long as I had a banana, it was creamy and sweet enough for me.


For ~ a month, I've been drinking green smoothies. Basically, I stuff my blender full of kale and/or spinach, put in 2 cups of water, and blend. Then I add frozen banana, bee pollen, protein powder, flax seed I just ground, and whatever other fruit I want to toss in. This makes over 32 oz. I make it once/day and then drink it through the day. Here's a link for more info: http://www.greensmoothiegirl.com/index.html


Now, this is more extreme. For the past couple of days, I've been experimenting with savory green smoothies. Basically this is a blended salad. Think about what you like in a salad and toss it in the blender. Why do this instead of just eat the salad? Well, personally, I can't eat THAT many greens. Also, the research says something about breaking down the cellulose wall and accessing the vitamins that just doesn't happen. I'm not sure about this. It ends ups being kind of like gazpacho.


All my kids will drink fruity green smoothies; only a few will drink the blended salad version. I do love the way the green smoothies make me feel.


As far as what your husband does, when I lift, I ALWAYS have a smoothie with protein powder afterwards for recovery purposes. I don't always do this after I run, but I often do.


Does that help?



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I've always had the impression you were pretty thin; can't imagine you needing to lose 25 pounds. Good job!:) I'm going to be in a world of hurt if/when I ever need to really work at losing weight because I just honestly don't pay a great deal of attention to diet.


Thanks for the encouragement, Colleen. I hid it pretty well and never was above a size 10. I stopped stepping on the scales and knew I needed to make some changes once my 10's begin to get tight. I'm 5'4" and pretty small-boned, although I'm hour-glassy. Also, since I exercised regularly already, I wasn't super-fluffy.




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For ~ a month, I've been drinking green smoothies. Basically, I stuff my blender full of kale and/or spinach, put in 2 cups of water, and blend. Then I add frozen banana, bee pollen, protein powder, flax seed I just ground, and whatever other fruit I want to toss in. This makes over 32 oz. I make it once/day and then drink it through the day. Here's a link for more info: http://www.greensmoothiegirl.com/index.html


Now, this is more extreme. For the past couple of days, I've been experimenting with savory green smoothies. Basically this is a blended salad. Think about what you like in a salad and toss it in the blender.


Hey! I've done the salad thingie too! But, I blend mine with low fat yogurt. I also love low-fat yogurt, spinach, lime juice, and mint with strawberries or blueberries added in there. The original recipe calls for raspberries, but I don't have those on hand too often! I don't really know health benefits, but I like the taste!:)

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It stopped raining and was quite warm. I over dressed a bit but over all I'm happy with a slower run today. I wasn't sure what I would accomplish because I was feeling a wee bit under the weather.


I'm going to do some stretching now and hope to work in some weights today as well (these are two areas where I am pathetic).


I just want to say these running threads are an encouragement to me. Any time I wanted to give up on my run today I kept thinking "well what would I post when I got home" lol!:001_smile:

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It stopped raining and was quite warm. I over dressed a bit but over all I'm happy with a slower run today. I wasn't sure what I would accomplish because I was feeling a wee bit under the weather.


I'm going to do some stretching now and hope to work in some weights today as well (these are two areas where I am pathetic).


I just want to say these running threads are an encouragement to me. Any time I wanted to give up on my run today I kept thinking "well what would I post when I got home" lol!:001_smile:


Great job on getting that run in today. I am with you at wanting to post something for accountability. It does make a difference.

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It stopped raining and was quite warm. I over dressed a bit but over all I'm happy with a slower run today. I wasn't sure what I would accomplish because I was feeling a wee bit under the weather.


I'm going to do some stretching now and hope to work in some weights today as well (these are two areas where I am pathetic).


I just want to say these running threads are an encouragement to me. Any time I wanted to give up on my run today I kept thinking "well what would I post when I got home" lol!:001_smile:


Good job! I agree, this daily thread DEFINITELY keeps me accountable. And I, too, am thinking about you all as I'm out there pushing myself!


I'm really looking forward to Monday!!! :D

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Hi all! I'm back from my parent's house (my baby sister graduated from high school and her open house was yesterday). I had two GREAT runs while there! On Thurs morning I ran 4 miles and it felt GREAT! The next day my dad wanted to bike while I ran. I've never had anyone exercise with me. I felt a little embarassed! Anyway, it went fine! I went about 2.5 miles.


I was supposed to run on Sat morning with my brother who is in the Army, but the humidity was SOOOO high by the time I got up (and I'd had two glasses of wine the night before and I just don't sleep well when I do that!), so I took the day off.


On a high note - I'm officially in the Marathon Race! I'm doing the 5.8 mile leg - the one that goes from Windsor and through the tunnel (under the Detroit River!), back to Detroit. I'm psyched!!!


I'm looking forward to really participating in these threads again!!!

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On a high note - I'm officially in the Marathon Race! I'm doing the 5.8 mile leg - the one that goes from Windsor and through the tunnel (under the Detroit River!), back to Detroit. I'm psyched!!!


I'm looking forward to really participating in these threads again!!!


Great news on the Marathon!


And I'm the same way about exercising with someone. My dh walks with me, but I've only ran ONE short spurt with him....I want to get better first because he is bigger than me!

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Can I join in? I bought a treadmill back in February and have been trying to stick to 20 miles a week..things get in the way but if I can come in and post daily or weekly and see your efforts, it might be that boost....the first 2000 miles I walk I get to buy a saddle and I'm going on from there...trying to reward myself every 2000 miles....I had lost 65 pounds and put it back on and I have to get fit, I'm now 40 and there's no better time! :)


thanks!! I'm off to feed the horses and get on the treadmill!!!



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