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Do you eat the same thing for breakfast every morning?


Do you eat the same thing for breakfast most every morning?  

176 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you eat the same thing for breakfast most every morning?

    • Yes, I eat the same thing for breakfast every single morning.
    • Yes, I eat the same thing for breakfast most mornings.
    • No, I eat whatever I want for breakfast and it's different every morning.
    • No, I don't eat breakfast.
    • Other.

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yes, my breakfast is old fashioned oatmeal with fresh blueberries or with cooked apples if I am out of blueberries. I try to mix it up every few mornings and have just protein- usually a scrambled egg, but I crave my oatmeal.

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I feel a little guilty answering this question but yes - I drink coffee black every morning. I know I should eat something but I'm not a morning person and then I don't feel hungry until later in the morning anyway.


DD eats a PB&J almost every morning.

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Every weekday morning we have scrambled eggs and oatmeal with blueberries or leftover meat and rice 'n shine for the one with allergies.


On the weekends we have fried eggs and a different flavor of oatmeal or leftover meat and a different flavored grits (or cold cereal). Occasionally on the weekends we have bacon.

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I voted other because we have a weekly breakfast schedule, but not the same thing every day.


Sunday - pastries and fried eggs

Monday - scrambled eggs with toast

Tuesday - oatmeal and fruit/berries, maybe some bacon or sausage

Wednesday - eggs and cheese, toast

Thursday - Greek yogurt with fruit and granola

Friday - eggs of some kind with biscuits

Saturday - pancakes or cereal

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Oh my word, y'all are making me hungry!! The kids are asleep and I don't want to go in the kitchen to make any breakfast right now becuase I would like to enjoy the peace and quiet for a little longer.


I voted other because it really just depends on what we have in house. I do not like to eat the same thing every morning. Sometimes it will be peanut butter and toast, sometimes a bagel, rarely cereal, possibly leftovers, and sometimes just skip it all together. However, ALWAYS, ALWAYS two cups of coffee.

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B'fast is almost always a slice of multi-grain toast (I like it dry), 2 links of veggie sausage and a cup of tea. On a "wild" day, I might put some of my mom's homemade figs on my toast. I can't stand anything heavy for breakfast. The thought of eggs in the morning makes me ill. My boys will eat eggs (they both like salsa in their eggs-Ack!), but I can't.

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I generally make a green smoothie for breakfast. The ingredients vary, but most days it's a smoothie. When I run out of produce or I'm feeling particularly lazy, I have some cold cereal. But I usually regret that after the carbs wear off when I start feeling even more tired and hungry.

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