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We did art today!!

Tardis Girl

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My kids love to paint, but I dread any hands-on art. But I ordered some of the Home Art Studio DVDs anyway, hoping to force myself to do them and TODAY WE DID!! Granted, I was particularly challenged by the 4yo painting, but they all had a great time and I am just so grateful we actually did it.


Oh, AND we had Vivaldi playing in the background. Life is good. :thumbup:

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My kids love to paint, but I dread any hands-on art. But I ordered some of the Home Art Studio DVDs anyway, hoping to force myself to do them and TODAY WE DID!! Granted, I was particularly challenged by the 4yo painting, but they all had a great time and I am just so grateful we actually did it.


Oh, AND we had Vivaldi playing in the background. Life is good. :thumbup:



I'm still waiting for mine! I'm so excited to get started!!

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We did our first Home Art Studio project today too! We started a World Geography study with the New Year and I got the first grade DVD to use with both of my girls which goes through different art projects from around the world! It's a wonderful, wonderful program.

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We did our first Home Art Studio project today too! We started a World Geography study with the New Year and I got the first grade DVD to use with both of my girls which goes through different art projects from around the world! It's a wonderful, wonderful program.


Still waiting for our DVD to arrive. I don't want to hijack this thread, but I wanted to do World Geography study to go along with the first grade DVD. What are you using to study geography?

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We did art today too! I bought the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade DVDs and started with 1st today for my 1st and 3rd grader both. They did fantastic paper roller coasters. Dd6 stuck close to the example, but dd9 used tape as well to make columns, banked turns, and loops so his whole track connected. It was great to see them both enjoy the same project, yet do different levels of work!

And it was super easy for me to execute. While they were watching the lesson, I got the table and supplies ready.

Love it!

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We did art today too! Not has, but new for this year. Dd loved it & did really well, & learnt a lot. Her brother was practicing violin in the background, does that count?


Glad you had a great day, it really makes it worth while!

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I purchased the Atelier art videos last year when they went on the Homeschool Buyer's Club. Sadly, it's been sitting on shelf collecting dust since then. I finally remembered I had it and just took it out earlier this week. I NEED to sit down with it and plan in into our week!


Glad to hear of your success!


Also, if you are looking for a fun online art supplement for young kids I really REALLY recommend Mark Kistler's Imagination Station. I did a review here and you can see some samples of the work my daughter did from it. Loads of fun for extra "art" time for those days when you can't get yourself to plan anything! ;)

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Loved the links that were shared. I've noticed that my kids are usually not the problem...I'm my worst enemy when it comes to getting art (and a few other things) done. It's strangely comforting to hear I'm not the only one who struggles, lol, but great to hear of all of your successes!

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Art is a topic that tends to get neglected in our school day as well. I have Drawing with Children sitting in a corner pile, waiting for me to take the time to complete the program myself before teaching it, as is recommended. Did anyone hear (gasp) teach it without doing it first? ;)

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Still waiting for our DVD to arrive. I don't want to hijack this thread, but I wanted to do World Geography study to go along with the first grade DVD. What are you using to study geography?


:smilielol5: Well, I couldn't really decide so I'm kind of designing my own thing using Expedition Earth and Galloping the Globe. It's actually turned it a really big project, but it has all come together nicely.


Here is what we are using:


Geography: combination of Expedition Earth and Galloping the Globe


Science: Sassafras Science and Complete Book of Animals to study animals and their habitats from each country



Folk tales from each country or Cinderella story from that country

Poetry will be read from most of the countries

Read alouds based on the country

My oldest dd will be reading four novels: The Whipping Boy for Europe, The Big Wave for Asia, Mr. Popper's Penguins for Antarctica, and Charlotte's Web for North America


Art: Home Art Studio and Geography Through Art


Extras: cooking food from each country and notebooking/lapbooking


We're finishing up week one this week and I'm hoping to put up what we do and what resources we use each week on my blog.

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Art is a topic that tends to get neglected in our school day as well. I have Drawing with Children sitting in a corner pile, waiting for me to take the time to complete the program myself before teaching it, as is recommended. Did anyone hear (gasp) teach it without doing it first? ;)



lol -- I think you could risk it. ;) But I will share with you that I bought that book maybe 12 years ago.... did manage to do some of the early exercises with the kids. I remember the upside drawing in particular. And I totally believe that it is a wonderful resource and love the principles of it. But the bottom line is that it didn't get done.


And I do still own it! Why?? Because for some reason I think I'm going to get back to it with my younger set of kids. I should probably let go of it, logically, but I have a hard time with that.


But that's me. For you -- why don't you just sit and do it WITH your children instead of trying to complete it before they begin?

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lol -- I think you could risk it. ;) But I will share with you that I bought that book maybe 12 years ago.... did manage to do some of the early exercises with the kids. I remember the upside drawing in particular. And I totally believe that it is a wonderful resource and love the principles of it. But the bottom line is that it didn't get done.


And I do still own it! Why?? Because for some reason I think I'm going to get back to it with my younger set of kids. I should probably let go of it, logically, but I have a hard time with that.


But that's me. For you -- why don't you just sit and do it WITH your children instead of trying to complete it before they begin?



This is my story as well. I have started DWC several times, but I always get bogged down.


I took the plunge and bought Atelier Art. Now, art is getting done and I am pleased with the results. :D.

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We finally had our art day! It went so well that I think we will have to have two art day's rather than just one :hurray: My DS has a big meltdown over painting and drawing if it doesn't look perfect, but having Ms. Volin say that it was ok to go outside the lines and how to paint really boosted his confidence :)

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