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LDS social group...how was your Sunday?


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I started reading reading Daughters in My Kingdom tonight. https://www.lds.org/...essage?lang=eng


I love this quote from the preface:




What things do you feel are the things of "first importance" in your life?


And conversely, what kind of activities do you think we (collectively or individually) should de-emphasize?

I think we need to emphasize "family time" and de-emphasize extra-curriculars. They seem to have gone from being "extra" to being "central" to many families, with their schedules and such revolving entirely around them, often to the detriment of time spent as a family, and particularly church activity. And I think having so much of our time structured limits our ability to really engage with society. I know I had a LOT more fun and learned more valuable social skills while playing with my "team mates" in a pick-up game on the playground or on the street, than I did with my team mates on city and school teams where everything we did was overseen by a coach, and the events were much more rigid. (of course I don't believe extra-curriculars are horrible things, but for me they're on the "good" end of the "good-better-best" scale)


Of "first importance" I think needs to be faith in Christ. Not just knowing about Him, or reading the many stories written about Him, but really *believing* Him. Was it in this last General Conference that a GA said "You may believe in Him, but do you believe Him?" I think that faith in Christ is so transforming, and can touch every aspect of our life and help us to be just that little bit better, and help us better cope with our failures, because we'll have an enduring trust in His love and His faith in US, and our ability to overcome when we lean on Him.

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Our current Primary presidency is really into rewards involving food. Today, all my kids, including the one in nursery came home with a sucker from the sharing time lesson, and a cookie for reaching a marker on their chart for feel reading scriptures every week. I'm really not thrilled with this. However, my incredibly clingy four year old actually went to class today so she could get the treat. She normally spends primary on my lap at the piano or out in the hallway with Dad screaming her head off. So whatever works, I guess!


I love the quote from Sis. Spafford. Knowing what things to emphasize is a constant struggle for me. I feel like through homeschooling I am sacrificing all my time to be with my family, but making sure we're making the best use of that time is always on mind. I definitely need to deemphesize my relationship with Scramble with Friends. ;- )



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Do you suffer, or do your children suffer, from being excluded in friendships because the other kids in their classes go to the same schools but you home school...so your kids don't get included! YKWIM. It has happened to all three of my daughters and most of my sons. And they still want to go to church because they love church.


In our last ward (we moved in October) my kids were excluded all the time. But they still chose to go to church.


My son that is on his mission right now was intentionally left out of Priest Quorum activities. He didn't know about them until they were reported on in priesthood after they had happened. They had planned things while at school and texted each other (including the leader). They knew my son didn't have a cell phone, but didn't call him either. When we said something to the bishop, he said it was our own fault for homeschooling them.


In this ward, the other kids have been completely welcoming. It has been such a blessing after being in that last ward for 6 years.

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I started reading reading Daughters in My Kingdom tonight. https://www.lds.org/...essage?lang=eng


I love this quote from the preface:




What things do you feel are the things of "first importance" in your life?


And conversely, what kind of activities do you think we (collectively or individually) should de-emphasize?



This Conference talk from a few years back has become one of the guiding principles of my life. I feel that choosing the "best" among the numerous "good" ways to use our time and energy is one of our critical daily challenges.


What is best? To me this means the things with the most eternal impact. People are what matter. "Best" things to focus on include our personal spiritual growth and improving our talents, our relationship with our family and community members and efforts to care for and teach and support those who fall under our stewardship, family history work, sharing the gospel, and our efforts to lift heavy burdens and comfort those who bear them. Sometimes it is hard to discern when a particular effort is fulfilling a "best" or only a "good" thing. I really love working on family history puzzles, but if that is taking me away from needed care and teaching of my children it is not a "best" for me. Creating a pleasant home for our family can powerfully impact our opportunity for peace at home--but if I spend too many hours trying to find the perfect decor, or too much money building a perfect home, that is not a "best" for my family. Or my worst personal downfall--it is good to teach my children to the best of my ability, but if I spend countless hours seeking out and reviewing new curricula at the expense of actual teaching--that is not a "best". It seems to me that any of the "good" things--truly good things--we give our time and attention to have the potential to push aside the "best" things if we are not careful and do not exercise discipline and discernment. Sometimes it would be easier to cut out an activity altogether, but that too is not always possible. Some of my siblings interact primarily on facebook; if I want any relationship with them I need to use the tools they use. But since I am using facebook as a relationship tool I need to remember that I am in charge of the tool and the tool is not in charge of me: I can't allow the tool to take over my life.


What is "best" will clearly look different depending on the individual and the family. We have different needs, different callings and talents, and different challenges to face. The universal principle is, I think, that we need to choose our activities mindfully for our own circumstances. We can't make our choices by default and feel comfortable just because our life is full of good things.

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Ian and I went to the ward that we will be in after we move to San Antonio. We bought a house practically next door to the church and just over a mile from the temple! I think we're going to seriously love our new ward. Right now (in a ward with boundaries bigger than the boundaries of our new stake) we have 4 girls 12-15. There are 27 young women in our new ward and 9 of them are Beehives! Melody is so excited. There are a bunch of boys Wil's age and tons of little kids, too.I think we're going to love it in Texas!

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It can be so energizing to move into a new ward with a new dynamic like that. :) Our old ward in WA was awesome, and I do miss it greatly, but I'm also really excited about our new ward, which I think is going to meet needs in our family that our previous ward just wasn't able to, as great as it was.

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Yesterday we left my 10 yo at home because she wasn't feeling good. She's getting over a head cold so she's not been sleeping well. DH got a new calling. Secretary of his Elder's Quorum. DS was appointed the Secretary of his Deacon's Quorum a couple of weeks ago. I got to ditch sharing time to talk to the youth (I think it was the 17 yo kids) about the Atonement and the BOM. I also answered some questions about my conversion. Then I met up with my Sunbeams to find out that the toilet in our classroom was clogged. :svengo:

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In our last ward (we moved in October) my kids were excluded all the time. But they still chose to go to church.


My son that is on his mission right now was intentionally left out of Priest Quorum activities. He didn't know about them until they were reported on in priesthood after they had happened. They had planned things while at school and texted each other (including the leader). They knew my son didn't have a cell phone, but didn't call him either. When we said something to the bishop, he said it was our own fault for homeschooling them.



Boo! :glare:


Our ward has several homeschooling families. And a few more utilizing the online school option. So, luckily we don't feel excluded. The school system here has major flaws, and I get people from my ward asking about homeschooling on regular basis, especially this time of year, when the FCAT rears its ugly head. :p

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Hello ladies.... Can I push my way in here and introduce myself as a new LDS momma on the WTM boards. I have been hoping to connect with some other LDS homeschooling moms. I have 6 little ones between 11 and 2 with another one joining us sometime in the next few weeks (Due April 12th but tend to go a couple weeks early though who knows). I am currently in my second year homeschooling my now 4th and 5th graders (9DS and 11DS), my twins boys are in PS kindergarten and my 4 year old DD is in preschool in the morning at the school as well. The plan is to bring them home in second grade barring other circumstances. (DH wants them to PS for the first two years). I actually think he is learning towards me bringing the twins home next year but we will see. I love homeschooling more than I ever imagined even with the rougher days.

We live in a small town with a small ward. My husband is the elders quorum president, which is a challenge for him with only about 4 active elders in the ward and a whole load of widows, he is busy with his calling. I am the 2nd counselor in the primary presidency. I've been in the primary presidency for about 6 years, I enjoy it, but am beginning to miss Sunday School and RS. We have a mostly older ward with a smallish primary (30-40 active kids).



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Yesterday in RS, one of the women mentioned that, when she had young children, she used to envision her day as a battleground. And just like a soldier needs to put on his armor before going out to battle, she had to put on her "armor", which meant falling out of bed onto her knees to start her day with prayer. I love that analogy. It's given me a renewed commitment to start my day right. To have that quiet time alone praying and reading scriptures, rather than just getting online and checking my email or the forums or whatever first thing.

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Yesterday in RS, one of the women mentioned that, when she had young children, she used to envision her day as a battleground. And just like a soldier needs to put on his armor before going out to battle, she had to put on her "armor", which meant falling out of bed onto her knees to start her day with prayer. I love that analogy. It's given me a renewed commitment to start my day right. To have that quiet time alone praying and reading scriptures, rather than just getting online and checking my email or the forums or whatever first thing.

For the past few days I've been trying to make a more focused effort to do my daily scripture reading. I'm starting right smack in the middle of the NT, I just finished Acts and am now getting into Romans. Such amazing stories of faith amid difficult circumstances! It's really been helping me. :)

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So, does anybody use the free scriptures App that the church puts out? I have it on my kindle, and it *says* I should be able to highlight and annotate and journal etc. but I can't for the life of me figure out HOW! Any help would be appreciated. ;)

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For the past few days I've been trying to make a more focused effort to do my daily scripture reading. I'm starting right smack in the middle of the NT, I just finished Acts and am now getting into Romans. Such amazing stories of faith amid difficult circumstances! It's really been helping me. :)


Ah, Paul...we've been reading through the epistles of Paul in our morning devotionals. I find myself wishing for a good commentary to help me through. Can anyone recommend one?


Sometimes Paul seems to be saying the same things Alma says--only Alma says them so much more clearly.

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So, does anybody use the free scriptures App that the church puts out? I have it on my kindle, and it *says* I should be able to highlight and annotate and journal etc. but I can't for the life of me figure out HOW! Any help would be appreciated. ;)


I use it on all my Apple devices. I'm not sure how it works on Kindle. I assume you have a touch screen?


With the iPod, you just hold down your finger on the text until a highlight shows up, than you expand it to the words you want to highlight. It then gives you a little popup thing where you can choose whether to highlight or add a note or copy the text, etc.


Those features don't seem to work on all the content. I can do it in the scriptures or in our RS lessons, but when I was preparing my Come, Follow Me lesson, it wouldn't let me highlight text. It just gave me the option to copy text. Then it pasted it into my "notebook". Which actually worked out okay. I just copied and pasted all the parts of the lesson I wanted to use and edited the text and added notes to make it a more user friendly.

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Hi everyone! I'm just poking my head in here to ask if any of you ladies would be willing to message back and forth a few times and answer a couple of questions I have on LDS beliefs. I've been slowly working my through the Book of Mormon and a few other things that were recommended to me on the LDS app on my phone, and I do have a good friend here that has been great, but I really would like someone from the outside to give me some view points. The amount of information from different sides and angles is starting to get a little daunting for me.

Sorry if that was a lot of rambling.

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Hi everyone! I'm just poking my head in here to ask if any of you ladies would be willing to message back and forth a few times and answer a couple of questions I have on LDS beliefs.



You can ask me. I'm a convert. Not sure if I'll know the answers.

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Hi everyone! I'm just poking my head in here to ask if any of you ladies would be willing to message back and forth a few times and answer a couple of questions I have on LDS beliefs. I've been slowly working my through the Book of Mormon and a few other things that were recommended to me on the LDS app on my phone, and I do have a good friend here that has been great, but I really would like someone from the outside to give me some view points. The amount of information from different sides and angles is starting to get a little daunting for me.

Sorry if that was a lot of rambling.



Absolutely! :D There's a lot of misinformation swirling around from people who don't really understand, just like with homeschooling. I'd be glad to answer questions.

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Hi everyone! I'm just poking my head in here to ask if any of you ladies would be willing to message back and forth a few times and answer a couple of questions I have on LDS beliefs. I've been slowly working my through the Book of Mormon and a few other things that were recommended to me on the LDS app on my phone, and I do have a good friend here that has been great, but I really would like someone from the outside to give me some view points. The amount of information from different sides and angles is starting to get a little daunting for me.

Sorry if that was a lot of rambling.


I'd be happy to answer questions. I'm a convert of 33 years, but dh's a lifer who started serious study young. I've got sources. bwahahaha. I admit it, I'm a mercenary. I married dh for his sources. ;)

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For the LDS scriptures app my husband and I both spent a bunch of time the other day trying to figure out how to download videos from the church website onto our tablets. I have a Kindle fire and he just has some generic doodad. The website said to use their app to do it, however I couldn't figure out where. All I can every find on the app is books. Lots of books but no videos. They want us to download the movies on Sundays and not rely on internet streaming. Am I missing something on there that would allow you to download the videos?? I have a different LDS scripture app that I can find the videos on, but I paid for that one. My husband just wants to use the churches but I cannot make it work.

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For the LDS scriptures app my husband and I both spent a bunch of time the other day trying to figure out how to download videos from the church website onto our tablets. I have a Kindle fire and he just has some generic doodad. The website said to use their app to do it, however I couldn't figure out where. All I can every find on the app is books. Lots of books but no videos. They want us to download the movies on Sundays and not rely on internet streaming. Am I missing something on there that would allow you to download the videos?? I have a different LDS scripture app that I can find the videos on, but I paid for that one. My husband just wants to use the churches but I cannot make it work.

Do you mean the "gospel library" app? Because i can download the videos on that one and it is an official church app.


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I just played around with my app on my Fire, and I found the videos imbeded as links n the lessons, and when I clicked on them it gave me the option to just watch or to download the video. Hope that helps.

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yes the gospel library app maybe it is only allowing the ones within the lessons I haven't tried that. My husband is in elders quorum and was trying to get some of the trainings from worldwide leadership training to download and other priesthood related things and couldn't. Specifically from the leadership training section of the website. I guess we haven't tried too much with the ones within the lessons. I know a couple of my teachers in primary have borrowed my kindle to play a short clip connected to the primary lessons without any problems. I guess I hoped there was something I was missing that was specifically a video section. I think my husband will just have to download them to the computer and transfer them to his tablet. Like I said my other scriptures app just has a video section which is nice. I like having both apps, they do slightly different things I find nice.

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yes the gospel library app maybe it is only allowing the ones within the lessons I haven't tried that. My husband is in elders quorum and was trying to get some of the trainings from worldwide leadership training to download and other priesthood related things and couldn't. Specifically from the leadership training section of the website. I guess we haven't tried too much with the ones within the lessons. I know a couple of my teachers in primary have borrowed my kindle to play a short clip connected to the primary lessons without any problems. I guess I hoped there was something I was missing that was specifically a video section. I think my husband will just have to download them to the computer and transfer them to his tablet. Like I said my other scriptures app just has a video section which is nice. I like having both apps, they do slightly different things I find nice.


My gospel library app has a button that says "manage library" on the home screen. Once you click that it has videos, and I see leadership training videos under that menu.


When I click on videos from inside a lesson, it just owns up my browser to view the videos online.

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It might be easier if you posted your questions here? I might not be able to answer questions but would enjoy the discussion.


I was going to suggest that as well. But if you'd rather keep it private, feel free to pm me.

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It might be easier if you posted your questions here? I might not be able to answer questions but would enjoy the discussion.



I appreciate that everyone wants to help, but I'm kinda hoping (perhaps dreaming) that if I keep it to pm's that perhaps things will not get emotionally involved the way they seem to everytime I talk publicly and ask questions about spiritual things. (you know things just can't be questioned *gasp*) I have so much drama going on already that I don't think I could handle anymore. I tend to be a little more lucky at not stepping on toes when the conversations are one on one or just a couple people.

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I appreciate that everyone wants to help, but I'm kinda hoping (perhaps dreaming) that if I keep it to pm's that perhaps things will not get emotionally involved the way they seem to everytime I talk publicly and ask questions about spiritual things. (you know things just can't be questioned *gasp*) I have so much drama going on already that I don't think I could handle anymore. I tend to be a little more lucky at not stepping on toes when the conversations are one on one or just a couple people.



I completely understand ;)

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Can I push my way in here and introduce myself as a new LDS momma on the WTM boards. I have been hoping to connect with some other LDS homeschooling moms.[/color]]

yes you can! These wonderful ladies let me wiggle my way in and torment them for months with questions. Wonderful people!

Dory, I'm a new convert, if you have any questions, I might be able to help. It took me almost 6 months to get all my questions answered etc.

I thought I read that one of you use BYU's distance learning for high school?? Do you like it? the reviews I've read are pretty mixed.

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