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Teachers Cafe (aka Teachers Lounge)


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Good morning!


Teachers Cafe is a temporary name change until I can settle on a good permanent one.


Anyone not ready to be awake today? Me, me, oh, pick me! :closedeyes:

I even went to bed early last night, too! Bleah.


School today anyone? We are but it may be interrupted again due to

1) my lack of a plan and 2) having to take the dog to get her Rabies shot.


It's so early, for me, I don't even have coffee started. Going to have to correct that . . .


Talk to me! :coolgleamA:

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Accidentally slept in. Sipping tea. Already contemplating the short cuts we can take and still finish by 3. DS is happily flying under the radar and hoping I'll forget to do anything with him.


I may do a half day and take down the tree and cook. We'll see where the caffeine leads me once it's absorbed.

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Already halfway through our morning lessons and have already dropped dd15 at co-op for the day....


I enjoyed reheating a delicious breakfast--homemade quiche with fresh spinach, ham, mushrooms & cheese. I'm hoping to do Week 1, Day 2 of the C25K program later this morning. If we keep working at our current pace, we should finish school by 12:45, leaving the afternoon for picking up my "daycare child" from her preschool, picking up my dd15 from co-op, and making a quick trip to Michael's craft store for one more wooden crate for ds. TGIF!

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Hey Dot,

We're lazy here! We always park our cars at the end of the driveway and sludge up to the house in the winter that way we can always get out without tons of effort and can shovel the rest of the driveway at our leisure! Ha! It doesn't look good but it works!


We're not starting school until Monday - by popular vote!



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Very sleepy here... insomnia last night and an early-rising puppy do not mix!


No school today. The boys need to go to the doctor. Ds1 woke up yesterday with a strange rash on his face and legs. It's itchy and burns. I tried Benedryl and oatmeal baths, but it has spread and he's miserable today. Ds2 has been sick off and on for almost a month. I think we're now dealing with a secondary infection, so I'm having him checked too. Of course both of them seem healthy and as happy as clams since I made the appointment! Why does that always happen?


School will resume on Monday... I'm not ready :)

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I literally just sent my son up to fold some laundry about two minutes ago. He just called down to me, "Is it okay if I take a break from folding for a bit?"

Seriously? I said, "No. Just fold what you can." I understand that he's only 8, but he can at least fold towels and washclothes. Goodness!

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None of us can concentrate on schoolwork so instead we're talking dd to shop for a new swimsuit. :^) I know it's early

but she does need one, I want to get her a membership to LA Fitness so she can use the indoor pool, and I have a coupon

for Sports Authority that ends today. Off to shop! :coolgleamA:

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It has been rainy and cold (well, I'm in FL, so cold for ME lol) all the live long day. This morning started off badly, little dog woke me up at 4 to go out. I let him out and he pooped right away, yay! Came back in and he promptly peed on my rug. Grrrr. Then the dog got out and ran away, just as everyone was waking up. Had to drag three sleepy kiddos into the car to drive through the rain looking for the little bugger. Didn't find him. Came home with three sobbing kids. Tried to distract everyone by cleaning the mouse cage. Found that dh forgot to take the trash out this morning, and there was a ton of it. Luckily the truck hadn't come, I dragged the can and a few extra bags and boxes out. In the rain. :-/ Came back in to find that the girls had spilled the mouse bedding all over the floor. Swept that up. Got a call from the neighbor that she found the dog. Packed the kids back in the car, got the dog. Came home, did some school, dd LOVES Primary Grade Challenge Math(!) and made breakfast. Then off to the dentist with all three. Trip went well, as well as a 2 year old can behave at the dentist. She did actually let them clean and check her teeth, so I was happy about that. Came home and my mom came over with her nanny charge, so kids played for a bit. made them all lunch and sent the two year old to bed. Bigger kids played on PBS kids so I could lay down. ;-) after rest, dh called to see if I wanted to dr the kids off at his moms and meet him for dinner! Yes!!! We are now at the bookstore, sipping coffee and relaxing.

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