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A little geography fact checking please! Just read this in a news article.


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Those are funny!


When at a group function one time, we were all asked to name the country we'd most like to visit. One young woman said, "Paris." :confused1: It was hilarious! She knew it wasn't a country, though; some people just aren't into details. She heard "place" in her mind instead of "country."

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I saw that show with Kelly Pickler when it aired and wondered if she was putting on a dumb act. I mean, really. Most people have at least heard of Budapest, right? And seriously, an adult who does not know that France is a country? It's scary. My dd worked with another young woman, a high school graduate, who did not know who Adolf Hitler was or what he had done. The others mentioned him and she was puzzled. After they tried to explain, she said, "Oh, is he that guy with the mustache?" She had seen his picture but honestly knew nothing about him. Yikes.

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Ha, that reminds me of that time on the US "Who's Line Is It Anyway?" when Drew Carey referred to Africa as a country, and was ribbed about it for the rest of the show, if not the whole season.



We have a friend from Liberia and this is his biggest pet peeve. He goes on an hour long rant when someone says they're African. It's really pretty hilarious - 'Really, what country is that? I've never been to the COUNTRY of Africa - now I've been all over the continent, but you'll have to be a little more specific if you want me to believe you are actually from a COUNTRY in Africa!" He gets pretty steamed about it.


Of course I got read the royal riot act when I referred to our bus driver in England as English. He explained clearly that he was Scottish and I'd better figure that out if I wanted to actually arrive at my destination.

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