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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Happy New Year! Now get cracking on keeping it clean!


Some of this is going to look like deja vu from yesterday's list:


Clean kitchen

Laundry, laundry, laundry

School specials:

- Math seminar with ds15

- Anglo Saxon site with dd11

- Writer's workshop with dd11

- Handicrafts with dd11

Bother - the Y is closed in the evening. And Ds's taekwando is closed too.

Dose animals with flea stuff.

Fill bird feeders


After telling me that it was ok to be doing school this week because he was going to be studying all day on New Year's anyway, Dh wants to know why I'm making the kids do school instead of helping him with projects around the house. :glare: Tough cookies - he'll have to get them to help during breaks.

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I got a late start on the laundry today, so it's still in the washing machine. I've been getting ready for the party we're having this afternoon. We're having a group over to help my husband prepare for the interview he has next week, and to hang out a bit too.


I'll hang the laundry, finish cleaning the house, go over the paperwork we need for this afternoon, and make lots of food (hummus, flatbread, baked apples, cream cheese dips, and peanut brittle). If I'm lucky, we'll have leftovers for dinner and spend the evening working on that interview again.


I think I have successfully avoided a trip to the grocery store, so I'm feeling pretty good so far today. But we'll have to find out how hummus tastes with a little vinegar and/or grapefruit juice because I have no lemons around. I always have lemons or lines, but not today.

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Well, Jean, I have been resisting your tackling threads b/c I am in break mode, but I suppose I've succumbed to the urge to feel like I'm doing something useful instead of just taking time off.


So, this morning I have ...


...read and posted 3 poems to the poetry thread.

...read through Romans Ch 7 & 8 along with Matthew Henry's commentary.

...baked Cranberry bread.

...reminded both Dc about schoolwork that is due after break and about piano practice that must be done today.


I plan to...

...exercise on treadmill.

...brush dogs.

...make brunch.

...read some of Getting Things Done and work on a list of goals and to do list

...organize school materials for after the break.

...play a game with the family.


I've got more in my head, but I probably won't even get to the list above, or I may even change plans completely. That's what I love about being on break...freedom.

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My one and only goal for the day is to put all the Christmas stuff away.



I thought about doing the same, but I'm not sure I'm up for organizing and cleaning out the upstairs closet where I keep them. I do like to start the new year without all that stuff junking up the rooms (and that is how I look at decorations at this point). I normally put them away on New Years day and enjoy how much bigger and neater the house looks.

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I thought about doing the same, but I'm not sure I'm up for organizing and cleaning out the upstairs closet where I keep them. I do like to start the new year without all that stuff junking up the rooms (and that is how I look at decorations at this point). I normally put them away on New Years day and enjoy how much bigger and neater the house looks.




I'm not sure I'll get it all done today, either. First I have to put away all the presents and remains from various parties and such. Dh and ds2 just brought all the ornament boxes up from the basement, so I guess that's my cue to get to work. I'm really not looking forward to dealing with the kids presents that are still under the tree, nor dealing with the tree in their room, which is a disaster area. Ugh. I hope to get a good chunk of the work done today, though.

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I'm having a good morning so far:


Got up and prayed first thing!

Put load of laundry away

wrote a review for my last book of 2013 (Book 59)

dd 11 and I went to the American Girl store and got there by 10 so we could enjoy the new girl of the year Saige's opening day. Dd spent the $35 Chanukah money Granddad gave her. Then we to LL Bean and I bought some badly needed shirts for myself. Great sales!

Got gas in the car.

Now I'm going to tackle the kitchen and figure out what mass we are going to today.

Dh wants to take everyone to see The Hobbit today but I'm going to stay behind and clean some messy bedrooms.

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Getting my eldest up soon. Breakfast. Then cooking and baking and slicing and dicing and plating all morning for a party this afternoon. Oh, and I should shower. :D


And the load of laundry I forgot yesterday.

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I'm doing some chores.


But I'm wearing a crown, so it's all good. (For Christmas Eldest gave me a little plastic crown with an elastic band. This way when I play take over the galaxy games I will have a crown to wear to back up the claim that I'm the EMPEROR of the GALAXY!)


Dh is also laughing at me, (or is that with me) as I try to get the library to order books I want.

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History and art done with dd1

Vacuumed and shampooed the carpets yesterday, so I'm off the hook today lol

Dinner made



Need to do-

Load DW DONE!!!

Fold 2 loads of laundry

Math, reading, spelling for dd1 and some school for dd2 DONE!!!

Oversee dd's chores (wipe bathroom counters, mirror, and toilets)

Make banana/chocolate chip muffins

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I am working on my basement (BIG JOB). I started yesterday and hope to finish it today. I also would like to get some laundry done. I made a casserole for lunch and fixed my daughters ice skates and my winter boots which both had separated from the sole.


This week I also want to:


Plan out the rest of the years co-op lessons for History & Art that I teach

Go over my children's schooling

Tackle organizing my bills and setting up a budget

Clean up my craft room.

Clean my bedroom.

Set up a fitness & eating plan.

Go grocery shopping.

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I'm doing some chores.


But I'm wearing a crown, so it's all good. (For Christmas Eldest gave me a little plastic crown with an elastic band. This way when I play take over the galaxy games I will have a crown to wear to back up the claim that I'm the EMPEROR of the GALAXY!)


Dh is also laughing at me, (or is that with me) as I try to get the library to order books I want.



I want a crown too! Somehow, I think I could do more if I had a crown! The more I think of it, the more convinced I become.

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I have 4 teens who are stranded here because their cars won't go up the driveway. After AAA said they couldn't get enough traction to get them out, our neighbor plowed and tried to remove the 3" of ice that is resting among and on top of the gravel. The kids are standing out there trying to figure out how to turn their vehicles around so they don't have to back them up the driveway. I guess when they couldn't get out last night, they were backing up.


I have made a double recipe of Rosie's Bakery brownies, and have ground up gingerbread and chocolate drop cookies into crumbs to use for a cheesecake crust some other time. I am not going to toss leftover cookies ever again, unless they have raisins or dates in them.


I have made pancakes and bacon for 8 teenagers and DH.


I cleaned the kitchen once, and now I have to do it again.


I am going to sit here and wait to see if the kids land in the cornfield across the road if they ever get their vehicles started up the driveway. The neighbor said for them to go fast and not slow down, so they'll make it over the hill and onto the road. They should all just stay here, but their parents keep calling about when they are coming home.


Uh oh, I hear teenage boys talking ... which means they didn't succeed. Wrong! They did it!

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I want a crown too! Somehow, I think I could do more if I had a crown! The more I think of it, the more convinced I become.


It is actually pretty high quality for cheap plastic. (My other ones broke. :()


But my mistake, it's a tiraia not a crown. (Being Emperor of the Galaxy I should know better). It's similar to this one, but held on with an elastic band. That way I can a not in the band to make it fit my Teddy bear's head. (He is my assistant while I take over the galaxy)


I did manage to read the first 4 chapters of "Who was Ferdinand Magellan?" and only skipped having to say his last name. (While I tired several times to figure out how to say it. But we all agreed to just let it remain a mystery till next week when we meet him in SOTW.

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Well, here is my list of what needs to be done:

1. Hang laundry

2. Vacuum

3. Clean kitchen

4. Sweep/Mop kitchen and bathrooms

5. Read from my first book in the 52 books in 52 weeks challenge. - Done!

6. Bible reading - Done!



Yet, I am about to go take a nap because I am running a fever and feel exhausted. Maybe I'll get some reading done while I'm in the bed.

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Dh is driving me crazy. He gets underfoot. He then decided to clean the kitchen, which is very nice, except that he is constantly calling out "what do I do with this? while I'm trying to do geometry with ds15.


Dd11 is driving me crazy. She is arguing with me (half in fun) about EVERYTHING!


Ds15 is driving me crazy. He is trying to find loopholes for everything.


Libby the disabled wonder dog is driving me crazy. She has decided to sit at my feet or follow my feet everywhere. I keep tripping over her.


Rocky the geriatric dog with puppy adhd is driving me crazy. He gets bored. So we got him this large weighted Kong that dispenses his kibble a bit at a time as he rolls it around with his nose. Except that he's eaten his breakfast and now he wants to play soccer with the dispenser. I kicked it into the kitchen where he can't get at it and he is looking at it longingly and whining. (Dd11 says that I'm mean.)


Neko the cat is not driving me crazy. This is proof that all of the above is THEM and is not ME.


The kitchen is clean.

Beds are made.

Geometry seminar with ds15 is done.

Dd and I did history, spelling and Japanese.

Dd is done early with morning school so she is helping dh to move cabinets out of the garage into the living room. I'm supposed to work on laundry now but I can't get in there. I'm trying not to let that drive me crazy. . . (I will be happy when this project is done.)


I'm going to dose animals with flea stuff and fill bird feeders.

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Happy New Year!

Started the day with California style Eggs Benedict and crepes for breakfast at my parents' house. Now I'm watching Georgia and Nebraska battle it out in the Capital One Bowl. I'm taking it easy today because I have a horrible sinus infection and need to get better, since dh is going back to work tomorrow and it'll just be me and the kids from now on. I'll probably get some New Year's budget and paperwork started and do a little lesson planning.

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Nothing to tackle, really.

Remnants from last night's party got cleaned up last night before bed. House is clean and organized, can't find stuff to declutter.

Today I:

went for a walk with DH.

wrote a new year's card (sounds better than "belated Christmas card")

cooked lunch: London Broil, rice, veggie stir fry; yummy deserts leftover from last night


now what do I do.... school does not start until tomorrow. Maybe I should take a nap.

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Have you ever read aloud a sea story (we're reading "The Dawn Treader") and had your dh make snorting noises whenever you refer to the "poop deck"?


Going to do math with dd. Ds is writing a paper on Augustine for history/lit.

We're reading the Dawn Treader now, too. When DD first heard about the poop deck, she wanted to know if that's where they went to the bathroom. Now everyone just snickers when we read about the poop deck.

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All decorations are in boxes. The kids' tree is down, boxed and put away. While I was up there, I helped them clean their room. It hasn't really been cleaned properly since before my surgery 3 months ago. It was pretty nasty. I gathered up 1 and a half bags of garbage from their room. We basically just got the sorting, organizing and putting away finished. Tomorrow I will vacuum and dust in there. I've vacuumed, but not dusted recently. It's making me sneeze to be in there.


The tree in the living room is still there. I told dh it was ready to go in the box, but I don't think he feels like doing tonight after schlepping all the boxes up and down the stairs all day.


In between working on the living room and working on their bedroom, I took them to the sled hill at the end of the street and watched them go down the hill a few times. It was very cold, but we all enjoyed the break.

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Party was a success. Guests are all gone in time for a normal bedtime for the kids. First load of dishes is in.


The holiday season is now officially over, and I'm happy. I hope the tree gets picked up from the curb tomorrow... closure. :D

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