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Do I really have to? Really, do I? :(


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I am dreading...I mean seriously dreading like I've never dreaded before...the start of the new semester on Wednesday. Christmas break has worn.me.out! Been a great vacation for everyone else, but I am the one who drove all the festivities and I am just done. Not to mention the fact that we got a puppy for Christmas, which has added to my work load substantially. Oh, and did I mention that I home school four kids with special needs who need multiple therapies but are acting like darling unmotivated little blobs and that my DD came home mid semester after getting kicked out of private school after a panic attack? Did I mention that this has put me so far behind in grading and lesson prep that I cannot seem to catch up? Did I mention that I took an extra week off during the holidays to catch up but still did not catch up? The grading still sits there, the lessons still need planning...but there are those decorations to put up, pee to clean up, kids to wrangle and a sick hubby to step over?


I sound like a whiner...I admit it. Sadly, I'm not sure I even care. Zzzzz.

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I'm sorry, and I know how you feel. I don't want to start back, either, so I decided to wait until next Monday. Do what you need to do to feel okay when you start back. You'll be happier and so will the kids.


I had to take an extra week off before Christmas as well. Thankfully, I'm in a state that gives you the whole calendar year to do your 180 days, so I've got until the first of August to finish (not that I want to go until then, though!).

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Doing a full video curriculum for DD13, but I still have to watch her every move! Not to mention the twins, who are developmentally delayed and need hand holding through every assignment. Oh, and there is DS11, the one who likes to randomly skip sections of his work to shorten the time and does it well enough that I have to ride his behind to make sure he can't get away with it.


I need an attitude adjustment, a case of Mike's and a week long nap! I think there might be a leftover hard cider in the fridge somewhere behind the leftovers! Seriously, I could use prayer for the whole situation, beginning with my attitude. I fully admit it and would appreciate it, if anyone is the praying sort.


I may have to suck it up and take another week to get organized, but then who will keep the kids occupied? Thankfully, the state is unconcerned about when I do what I do. Should take advantage of the freedom, I guess.

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Take more time off! Another week or week and a half won't hurt anything. We are taking a bit of extra time after harboring what seems like a zillion nieces and nephews for the past two weeks. It will all be okay and you will feel much better with things in order.


ETA: I will pray too! We have our own dc, plus two 3yos, two 5yos, one 10yo, one 13yo, and one 15yo. Yep, nearly all of my nieces and nephews have been with us for almost 10 days and though I love them all dearly I will be glad Wednesday night when my house is my own again and I can do some deep cleaning. Ready for some downtime that having only my own children brings.

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My slump comes in January instead of February every year. Got to "just keep swimming, just keep swimming!" I guess another week to get things ready will not kill me, even if it does kill the kids who will then work two weeks into what they consider summer! Perhaps it will be a good lesson for them to work hard and not give me so much pushback during the year!


Barreling through Christmas decorations today and trying to keep my chin up! Thanks for the encouragement to cut myself some slack. Not being able to easily do so is one of my worst qualities!

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We started back today. I'm not behind (because my oldest is still so young), but we hit that back-to-school slump where it takes a day or so for the brain to turn on.


We also had donuts for breakfast as it's my anniversary and they are all WIRED. It just means schoolwork took longer and I had an extra lesson in patience. :glare:


I'm all in favor of you taking extra week off! :p

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Already finished the Great Christmas Decoration Put Away and it made a big difference in my mood!! I can see the forest for the trees, so to speak. Making kiddos wash all the sheets today...they hate me! Going to tackle a clutter pile that has been bugging me for a month or two and DH says out for dinner! Maybe, when I wake up in the morning, I will actually be able to get to some of the school stuff.


Still not gonna start on Wednesday, though! ;)

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