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If you have to record school days, do you count sick days


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as a school day but mark it in allowed absence? Also, I know in ps she would just pick up where the class is. How do I handle this for hs. Her lessons won't match up her school days. Does this make sense? I don't to push her to hard to get back on track when she feels better, how do you handle this.

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We don't do sick days.

We school year round and if one of us is sick, or sometimes if we just have too many outside commitments, we don't count the day.


I don't know what you mean about lessons not matching school days.


We don't have a problem getting the state required 180 school days in a year.

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If the kids are sick, they don't do school. When they are well, they resume their school work where they left off.

I do not understand what you mean by "her lessons won't match up her school days." Let's say the kid is sick on the day when lesson 22 is scheduled - so lesson 22 is done on the day when the kid is healthy again and resumes school.

(We don't count days, just hours. I count the actual school that happens, not what would have happened if they had not been sick.)

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Depends. If it is kind-of-sick-not-up-to-full-speed, then yes - a bit of math review on Khan, lots of reading (there is always some assigned reading to catch up on), science videos (a Blue Planet marathon) is as much as they might do at brick-and-mortar school some days.


We rarely have out-for-the-count illness, fortunately.

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I count school days. If we don't do school on a given day due to illness or something else that has come up, I do not count it. To make up for the 10 sick days of ps, I usually plan to have 170 days (instead of the ps 180 days) each year. In order to finish up some curriculum, some years we may end up with 1-3 extra days.


If it's bothering you that it puts off your plan for the week/month/year, you may need to rethink your plan. Figure out a way to make it work in weeks where you don't get 5 days of school in. It may be something as simple as not dating the assignments so you can just do the next day's work.

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(We don't count days, just hours. I count the actual school that happens, not what would have happened if they had not been sick.)





With this part in particular. We don't count school unless we do school. However, it is VERY rare for my kids to not do school. Ds has never had a sick day, I think dd has had one. We have had other days when they felt bad and they did lighter school days. Since we count hours not days, we count just the time spent. I don't know if the light days would have been enough to count as a "day".

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If a day of school is planned, and a child is sick, I will usually count it, just like the PS does. A PS child that is sick does not have an extended year because he or she missed a day.




The only exception would be days when mom is unable to get out of bed. Sadly, there has been far too many of them this year.

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The computer software I use for our cover school does include excused absences in "days of school", and considers days marked sick days, doctor's appointments, and so on as excused absences. It doesn't really matter since we school every day we're home unless DD is just plain too sick to do it-and even then, we're usually able to do enough that I code it as a school day. Having taught in PS, I'm aware that there are days that are spent mostly watching movies and doing crafts because the teacher is out sick and the substitute isn't up to actually teaching, so I'm not going to count a day against DD if she spends it watching Netflix and listening to audio books because she gets nauseated if she tries to move.

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as a school day but mark it in allowed absence? Also, I know in ps she would just pick up where the class is. How do I handle this for hs. Her lessons won't match up her school days. Does this make sense? I don't to push her to hard to get back on track when she feels better, how do you handle this.


I also don't understand why your dd's lessons own't match up to her school days. :confused1:

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about lessons matching up to school days: It's very rare that I have seen a subject with exactly 180 lessons- we could be on "school day 72" but "math lesson 56" due to tests, investigations, field trips, etc.


What does *your* state say about days/hours/sick days? In my state (PA) there is no provision for sick days- it is 180 days OR 900 hours (990 grades 7-12) BUT nothing sepcifically defines a school day. In my house, a sick kid watching History or Science DVDs still had a "school day" in the same way that a child who does 2 or 3 math lessons in the same day only counts as 1 "school day." I know that my children far exceed the days/hours, so I don't care what lesson lines up with which day- when we finish the math book, we move on- whether it;s "day 180" or "day 89." Whether it's June or January.


But something I have always done is to go through the books at the beginning of the year and mark out (in the table of contents, in my notes, or even on posty notes in the book) which lessons or topics can be skipped or combined if needed. These might be lessons that were recently covered in another book, the students already know, etc. That way, if we do have an extended illness, or other need that interferes with daily-every-lesson-in-the-book school, we are intentionally missing the least necessary parts- not just feeling more and more behind and never getting to the end of the book.

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