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Anyone have a Kia Sedona (or other minivan), 5-8 years old?


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Due to being rear-ended recently, my van is in need of some repair, and since it's a 2001, repair cost may well exceed its value, and I may need to replace it. It's a Ford Windstar, and I like it fine, but given the serious recall issues with that vintage of Fords, I'm hesitant to buy another one. (We were lucky with this one; we got the recalls done, and the vehicle has been fine, but I'm still hesitant.) Given that I may need to replace it quickly, I'm looking at what's available locally in our price range, and I'm seeing a lot of Kia Sedonas from around 2004-2006. If you have one from around then, I would love to hear what you think of it.


I'm also interested in other suggestions for minivans from that same time that are reasonably-priced. (Siennas and Odysseys are too expensive.)

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We have a 2005 Kia Sedona that we bought almost 4 years ago. It drive beautifully and we love it. The only repairs we have had done on it have been general maintenance. We bought it with fairly low miles on it though and my dh has been really on top of getting the necessary things done. From what I heard the body style changed starting in 2006 and the newer ones have a bit more room inside.

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We have an '05 Odyssey with 120k miles on it. No issues from day 1 to present.


Oops, sorry. Didn't see that last bit.


I have a friend who's had her Kia every bit as long as we've had ours and hasn't had any mechanical issues. (She's had body work issues due to deer, but that's not a Kia problem. :) )

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We thought an Odyssey or Sienna would be too expensive when we went looking for a new to us van 2 years ago. We ended up getting a 2004 Sienna for under $9K. I love it.


Coincidentaly, I was just rear-ended a few weeks ago too. The other guy's insurance is handling everything and they gave me a rental van. It's a fairly new (not sure what year) Chrysler Town & Country. While it has more bells and whistle than mine due to being a later model, I still like mine better.

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No major problems with our 2006 Sedona yet, and it just passed inspection/emissions (PA) today. We got it used in 2008. We have four kids in it, with carseats, and everyone has been comfortable. This summer we took two roadtrips without incident. The only thing I dislike about it is the color :thumbdown: It's a weird gold that I don't particularly like, but that has nothing to do with mechanicals.

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I have an 08 Sedona and I have had many problems and a very annoying dealership :(


Brakes wear out quickly. All the cv boots had to be replaced in the past year and I still have two making noise.

Also had a problem with the rear heat which is still a problem but the dealership would not admit to the problem and fix it under the warranty. The rear heat is either HOT or cool. Nothing in between. My kids tend to roast/freeze in the back seat if I forget to keep turning off/on the fan for them because changing the temperature control does not help.


We've had both door motors go out. One under warranty and the other after so it has not been fixed.


The 08's also have a problem where the accelerator stops working randomly (mine stopped the first time the day I drove it off the used car lot with 18,000 miles on it) It's happened three times now and it's been a few years so they may have finally found a solution to fix it.


The tire sensors are finicky. Mine randomly tells me that either the sensors aren't working or that all my tires are low and then two minutes later are not.


Despite all that I love the way my van drives and all the features that I got for my $. We are going to sell it soon because I don't want to be the one owning it when more major problems start to occur. I think we just got a bad 08 because I know other people who have 08s and have not had any of the problems that we have had.

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2006, maybe 7?? here. Only problems have been a deer and something in the automatic door that has had to be replaced twice. (It has broken.) My air bag warning light likes to stay on, but there isn't actually any problem. Just a glitch in the system somewhere that makes it need to be reset. I just ignore it now. My check engine light came on last night for the second time. Got to go have the codes read and see what that's about. Last time it happened, it was just a glitch. The auto parts store reset it for me. I'll try that again. If not, probably an O2 sensor or something simple. (Have had that with other vehicles.) My van, and other long axel kias I am familiar with, have a noise they make when it is cold. It sounds like the vehicle is going to rip in two at times. I've gotten used to it. There is no actual problem, just creaky. Dh doesn't ride in the van often, when he does it is usually in the warm weather on vacation. It scared the heck out of him the other day when the car groaned down its midline. I got a good laugh out of it. All that said, I have owned a Dodge, Honda, and Buick minivan. The Kia has been the most reliable van with the least problems. It has had the best gas milage by far. The Caravan wins for comfort and convenience with the Kia a close second. (I don't like the back seat, all my kids are too big to be really comfortable back there unless they are alone. Ds was little when we got it and said he would always ride back there...Right. He outgrew it very quickly!)



Editing to add: Check engine light is off this morning. Must have just been gremlins.

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We just got a 2005 Kia Sedona this spring, I want to love it, but it has had so many problems in the 7 months we've had it I just can't. Based on what I have spent in repairs on it I could have bought a 2011 used Kia or a 2009 used Toyota, so yes not overly impressed.

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We have a 2006 Kia Sedona and have not had problems with it in the 6 years we've had it. We bought it new at the tail end of 2006. There was one minor issue with a sensor being broken last year but it was fixed quickly and it was under warranty. Other than that, we've never had any other issues. I really love our van!!

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