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Boardies helping Boardies - The Christmas special


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Me too. I just wish I was able to do more this year. But with dh having surgery this week and being off work to heal we are strapped. I'm glad I was able to do this. It truly hasn't been a headache at all.


I hear ya!! I think I will always wish I could do more?!? There's something about giving to others that is like it's own little gift to me. :)

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If there is anyone with means to help a family with three boys age 12 and under please PM me.


This will make 17 families we've helps so far this year.


I have one elf left to help someone in Canada and one elf able to help with gently used girls items. Otherwise I think I've been able to match up every elf to a family in need. If by chance I've missed someone please let me know.

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I'd love to help. :) I'll send you a message to add me to the list.


Thank you for doing this with so much already going on for you. :)


Thanks a bunch. I sent you the particulars.


(We won't talk about the mistakes and way I mixed up people while doing this with my life in such a crisis. :eek: )

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I just have to share this:


Today I was making some online purchases for our family and dd9 and ds6 were hovering over me to see what I was getting. We started to talk about the things that we were going to be able to send and about how good it makes us feel to be able to do so. Now, my kids have given presents to family and friends before; small little handmade things, inexpensive trinkets, but this is the first year that we've been in a position to give on a larger scale, and to help a family that that really needs help. They both are so eaten up with the "high" they are feeling over doing this...they both went and got their Christmas lists off the fridge, did some scribbling on them (I couldn't see what they were actually doing), and brought them to me. They had both marked out the things on their "gifts from mom and dad" list and said that they would be fine with just the presents from Santa and that we should spend that money on the family we were helping. Dd9 said that "all this helping is feeling way better than tearing through all those presents on Christmas then it being over with".


Well, they both thought I was nuts because I got all teary eyed and squeezed them both so hard that I probably ruptured something. I told them both to remember this feeling because it's probably one of the most amazing, heart filling feelings they will ever have.


So, thank you Parrothead for organizing this, thank you to all the elves for volunteering no matter how large or small your contributions are, and thank you to all the families that are being helped for allowing us to fill our family's hearts with the joy of giving.

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I just have to share this:


Today I was making some online purchases for our family and dd9 and ds6 were hovering over me to see what I was getting. We started to talk about the things that we were going to be able to send and about how good it makes us feel to be able to do so. Now, my kids have given presents to family and friends before; small little handmade things, inexpensive trinkets, but this is the first year that we've been in a position to give on a larger scale, and to help a family that that really needs help. They both are so eaten up with the "high" they are feeling over doing this...they both went and got their Christmas lists off the fridge, did some scribbling on them (I couldn't see what they were actually doing), and brought them to me. They had both marked out the things on their "gifts from mom and dad" list and said that they would be fine with just the presents from Santa and that we should spend that money on the family we were helping. Dd9 said that "all this helping is feeling way better than tearing through all those presents on Christmas then it being over with".


Well, they both thought I was nuts because I got all teary eyed and squeezed them both so hard that I probably ruptured something. I told them both to remember this feeling because it's probably one of the most amazing, heart filling feelings they will ever have.


So, thank you Parrothead for organizing this, thank you to all the elves for volunteering no matter how large or small your contributions are, and thank you to all the families that are being helped for allowing us to fill our family's hearts with the joy of giving.




So sweet. We have a family friend who is (intermittently) homeless. When we ran fireworks stands, we hired him to help us. He has been to our house, showered, used the washing machine, etc.


Today, we ran into him and he's once again homeless.In his case, it is not due to addiction. (It is due to mental illness). He recently had a job at Wal Mart but was unable to keep it and lost the apartment he was sharing. His shoes have holes.


We do not have a Christmas budget this year - at all - but we are trying to cut from our operational budget to get our friend shoes. We are not naive; we will get a Payless Certificate and drive him to Payless. ;)


And maybe we can eek out a Starbucks for him and we can sit and chat. If not, McDonalds has cheaper coffee.

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So sweet. We have a family friend who is (intermittently) homeless. When we ran fireworks stands, we hired him to help us. He has been to our house, showered, used the washing machine, etc.


Today, we ran into him and he's once again homeless.In his case, it is not due to addiction. (It is due to mental illness). He recently had a job at Wal Mart but was unable to keep it and lost the apartment he was sharing. His shoes have holes.


We do not have a Christmas budget this year - at all - but we are trying to cut from our operational budget to get our friend shoes. We are not naive; we will get a Payless Certificate and drive him to Payless. ;)


And maybe we can eek out a Starbucks for him and we can sit and chat. If not, McDonalds has cheaper coffee.



That's so nice of you, Joanne -- I'm sure he will really appreciate your kindness. :)

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I just have to share this:


Today I was making some online purchases for our family and dd9 and ds6 were hovering over me to see what I was getting. We started to talk about the things that we were going to be able to send and about how good it makes us feel to be able to do so. Now, my kids have given presents to family and friends before; small little handmade things, inexpensive trinkets, but this is the first year that we've been in a position to give on a larger scale, and to help a family that that really needs help. They both are so eaten up with the "high" they are feeling over doing this...they both went and got their Christmas lists off the fridge, did some scribbling on them (I couldn't see what they were actually doing), and brought them to me. They had both marked out the things on their "gifts from mom and dad" list and said that they would be fine with just the presents from Santa and that we should spend that money on the family we were helping. Dd9 said that "all this helping is feeling way better than tearing through all those presents on Christmas then it being over with".



Your kids sound absolutely wonderful, and it seems like they're learning so much from the kind and generous example you're setting for them. :001_wub:

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I just have to share this:


Today I was making some online purchases for our family and dd9 and ds6 were hovering over me to see what I was getting. We started to talk about the things that we were going to be able to send and about how good it makes us feel to be able to do so. Now, my kids have given presents to family and friends before; small little handmade things, inexpensive trinkets, but this is the first year that we've been in a position to give on a larger scale, and to help a family that that really needs help. They both are so eaten up with the "high" they are feeling over doing this...they both went and got their Christmas lists off the fridge, did some scribbling on them (I couldn't see what they were actually doing), and brought them to me. They had both marked out the things on their "gifts from mom and dad" list and said that they would be fine with just the presents from Santa and that we should spend that money on the family we were helping. Dd9 said that "all this helping is feeling way better than tearing through all those presents on Christmas then it being over with".


Well, they both thought I was nuts because I got all teary eyed and squeezed them both so hard that I probably ruptured something. I told them both to remember this feeling because it's probably one of the most amazing, heart filling feelings they will ever have.


So, thank you Parrothead for organizing this, thank you to all the elves for volunteering no matter how large or small your contributions are, and thank you to all the families that are being helped for allowing us to fill our family's hearts with the joy of giving.


This is so awesome!


I have something similar to share. This year, we aren't even as CLOSE to as bad off as we were last year.....but there is literally NOTHING extra either. I volunteered to send some baked goodies in hopes that I could be paired with another elf who had something a little more substantial to offer. To make a long story short, I was asking a (local) friend if she'd want to bring her kids over and bake with us when she had an idea for the family we were matched with. Together, we hatched a plan and I was able to organize a group that was able to pull off an entire Christmas for the family we were matched with. The UPS/FedEx man has been to our house almost daily for the last few days - delivering the gifts that will be going to our family. My kids are so THRILLED. Not only am I thrilled to be able to pay it forward, I had NO IDEA how much of an impact this would make on my family and kids. They have taken a very active role in this.....and I am so thankful for the opportunity to do this. It has truly been a huge blessing to us this year.

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This is so awesome!


I have something similar to share. This year, we aren't even as CLOSE to as bad off as we were last year.....but there is literally NOTHING extra either. I volunteered to send some baked goodies in hopes that I could be paired with another elf who had something a little more substantial to offer. To make a long story short, I was asking a (local) friend if she'd want to bring her kids over and bake with us when she had an idea for the family we were matched with. Together, we hatched a plan and I was able to organize a group that was able to pull off an entire Christmas for the family we were matched with. The UPS/FedEx man has been to our house almost daily for the last few days - delivering the gifts that will be going to our family. My kids are so THRILLED. Not only am I thrilled to be able to pay it forward, I had NO IDEA how much of an impact this would make on my family and kids. They have taken a very active role in this.....and I am so thankful for the opportunity to do this. It has truly been a huge blessing to us this year.


This is so great!! Isn't it wonderful that the act of giving makes us completely forget what we don't have? (Does that make sense? I have a migraine and feel fuzzy...It makes sense in my head right now so I'm leaving it. :tongue_smilie: )

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This is so great!! Isn't it wonderful that the act of giving makes us completely forget what we don't have? (Does that make sense? I have a migraine and feel fuzzy...It makes sense in my head right now so I'm leaving it. :tongue_smilie: )


I know exactly what you're saying.....and yes, you are absolutely right. Last year, we were the ones who were "elfed" and it was such a big blessing. The feeling was not something I could put into words. This though.......this is SO MUCH better! My heart is so happy.

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I just have to share this:


Today I was making some online purchases for our family and dd9 and ds6 were hovering over me to see what I was getting. We started to talk about the things that we were going to be able to send and about how good it makes us feel to be able to do so. Now, my kids have given presents to family and friends before; small little handmade things, inexpensive trinkets, but this is the first year that we've been in a position to give on a larger scale, and to help a family that that really needs help. They both are so eaten up with the "high" they are feeling over doing this...they both went and got their Christmas lists off the fridge, did some scribbling on them (I couldn't see what they were actually doing), and brought them to me. They had both marked out the things on their "gifts from mom and dad" list and said that they would be fine with just the presents from Santa and that we should spend that money on the family we were helping. Dd9 said that "all this helping is feeling way better than tearing through all those presents on Christmas then it being over with".


Well, they both thought I was nuts because I got all teary eyed and squeezed them both so hard that I probably ruptured something. I told them both to remember this feeling because it's probably one of the most amazing, heart filling feelings they will ever have.


So, thank you Parrothead for organizing this, thank you to all the elves for volunteering no matter how large or small your contributions are, and thank you to all the families that are being helped for allowing us to fill our family's hearts with the joy of giving.


5LittleMonkeys - Your story is so touching and my eyes are tearing up with yours . . . This thread is such a blessing to read. Doesn't it just do your heart *good* when your kids look for ways to give to others or to help - and without any prompting. Last month, our very small church wanted to help a family for Christmas who is going through a lot (the dad with four types of cancer, one child hospitalized, the mom in ill health, etc.) One of the children wanted a John Deere toy. Turned out my ds still had his and they are all like new as he really takes care of his things. He offered those toys and the preacher was shocked and stunned - both at the like-new condition and that he would part with them - said he wished his kids were like that . . . I wish I could be a fly on the wall come Christmas morning when that little tyke opens that package . . .

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We are really in a year of Christmas reevaluation this year as far as how to truly celebrate Christmas (all sparked by a possible layoff for dh which has turned into a blessing is disguise). Ann Voskamp had a great post yesterday about helping our kids have a grateful attitude at Christmas- it was very convicting to me and made me think about how we could more wisely use our money when we have enough to share. http://www.aholyexperience.com/2012/12/the-grateful-christmas-project-7-ways-to-have-more-grateful-kids-this-christmas/

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I think I was forgotten.....We were able to offer a bit of help; do you remember? You did respond to let me know you got it...but if you cant find the mail; let me know and I will send you the particulars again.



No, you weren't forgotten. I've everyone covered at this moment. That is subject to change though at any time. I was almost frantic when I ran out of elves a few days ago. But it all worked out.


If there is anyone in need I do have some people standing by willing to help.

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Does anyone still need some assistance?

I want to know, too!


How on Earth did I miss this thread???


Chucki, do you need any more elves? :biggrinjester: <--pretend that's a Santa hat. :001_smile:


We are good right this moment. That is subject to change so I'll put you both on my list of elves. Thanks so much for offering to help.

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A member is helping me get a gift for my younger kids but if anyone had anything that might interest a 12,14 and 15 year old.I have reworked and reworked our budget and unless i can get the landlord to take half our rent this month and us catch up at tax time there is no way i can get them anything.we vcant even run our van right now because it needs stop leak put in it and we cant afford it this week.

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A member is helping me get a gift for my younger kids but if anyone had anything that might interest a 12,14 and 15 year old.I have reworked and reworked our budget and unless i can get the landlord to take half our rent this month and us catch up at tax time there is no way i can get them anything.we vcant even run our van right now because it needs stop leak put in it and we cant afford it this week.

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