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Any weight lifting video's like C25K? Video's online? Pilates, Yoga?

Michelle My Bell

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First of all, I am looking for some free beginner weight lifting video's either on Netflix Instant or Youtube. Any recommendations?


Secondly, I have had a lot of success with C25K and wonder if there is anything like this in the weight lifting world? I want to build up. I can't even do 1 good push up. I need something that I can follow along with online if possible.


Thirdly, I would love some links to easy Yoga and Pilates video's too.


I am going to spend the winter working out at home to save time so I need a playlist of videos to get me going. Thanks!!!

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Fitness Blender has Pilates and strength videos. BodyBuilding.com has various training programs with video demonstration, but most of them assume you have access to a fully outfitted gym.


In answer to your question: yes, many of the BB.com training plans are set up with daily training, weekly changes, etc. But it's lifting, not strength training. They will not likely have you using your 3-5# hand weights, but have you in the meat head room at the gym, throwing a barbell around (an Olympic bar is 45# before you add plates).

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I don't have time to put the links (sorry, maybe I'll be able to later today), but for yoga, www.yogatoday.com have a free video every week. You can't save them, only stream. But they are well done and worth checking out.


I don't do weight lifting, but I do kettle bell. If you want to look at that www.ontheedgefittness.com (lauren Brooks) has some free demo's and routines on her site (youtube videos).



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  • 9 years later...
On 11/27/2012 at 9:46 AM, Tracy in Ky said:

It's not a video, but I started lifting weights last year and began with using the book The New Rules of Lifting for Women. It changed my life. I recently moved on to P90X with no trouble, because the book prepared my body so well. I have a couple of friends who used the book too with amazing results. No gym required 😄

Seconding this!

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I follow many. This doesn't mean that I do them all. I'm selective, have limited time, and only do what interests me. 

Jessica Smith is on YouTube. I also recently started her streaming, since she had a great deal. I stream two instructors - hers and Ellen Barrett, both of whom I love, and who do a variety of workouts. Ellen's streaming is reasonably priced, and she adds a new workout every month. I believe that both offer a free trial, which is a great option if you're undecided. With Jessica, you can get many free workouts on YouTube, but there aren't as many free new releases as before. You can always view her past videos and see what interests you. 

Here are those that I subscribe to on YouTube. 

Jessica Valant Pilates - she's a physical therapist

Lift with Cee - love her! She barely talks. I love them when they don't talk excessively. 

Yoga with Kassandra - adore her!

Bailey Brown - my daughter told me about her. She's young and her videos are pretty. I've only done a few of her older ones so far. 

Burpee Girl Short Workouts - Burpee Girl is great, since she doesn't talk. Just music. Mostly cardio, but also weights. New videos every day. 

Burpee Girl - she has two channels

Olivia Lawson - absolutely love her. Again, no talking. You do need to include your own warm up and cool down, however. 



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