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s/o Christmas Stocking Thread...what about you and your husband?

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I usually buy for all stockings. Ours always have favorite candy (usually something a teeny bit priceier than we would normally buy), a few fun things, and some useful things. Proportions vary by year. Mine usually includes shopping list pads (I use them a lot), fun socks, always chocolate. :thumbup1:

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I stuff all the stockings except mine--hubby is responsible for that!


In his, I put things like

beef jerky

guitar pics

massage oil

choc covered cherries (favorite candy)




In mine, he puts things like

my favorite lotion (Oil of Olay)


new hairbrush (I'm requesting this this year)

kitchen gadgets (new can opener, spatula, etc--little stuff)


We put stockings on the beds after kids are asleep, and they can open first thing in the am before we all go downstairs. Dh does the late service so he doesn't get home til 1:30 or 2am, so he needs to sleep til at least 8, and this kept the kids busy when they were little. We lay our stockings beside the bed and open them together in bed before the kids come in to say hi on Xmas morning (occasionally, we've woken THEM up, esp the boys bc they sleep late now, at 21 and 23...lol..)

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Sometimes we do each other sometimes not. I don't actually go and specifically buy anything for me, except maybe candy sometimes If I am getting everyone a candy cane full of m&ms, I might get one to shove in my own too :)


So far this year I got dh a universal remote control for his, and I usually put in chapstick or men's toiletry products too. Plus some candy.


He has put candy and candles in mine, and once a gift card to a spa.


Other years he has forgotten the stocking and only done gifts.

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what if your husband isn't the "going out and buying stuff" kind of guy...for gifts for me (both birthday and Christmas) I ususally end up buying it and he will wrap it...so for him to actually go out and buy me stocking stuffers isn't going to happen...and so I was curious if there were other families in a similar situation and if the mom's stocking just went "unstuffed" or if it was actually stuffed by her. Not a big deal to me at all...just curious.

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We do a stocking for each other--we put them together after the kids go to bed. I love seeing what's inside--stockings are my favorite thing to open on Christmas. There's always good chocolate and just fun things--in the past he has put fun kitchen gadgets, hair stuff, lotion, games, books, etc. in my stocking. This year I am putting his 'big' gift in his stocking--he has absolutely no idea that I got it for him and it will be priceless to see his face Christmas morning! I also put his favorite snacks and chocolate in his stocking

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In our family, each person contributes something to each stocking except their own. We've been doing this for a couple of years, since the kids are older now.


I'm going to get reading glasses for DH's stocking. Other than that, his favorite things that fit into a stocking are candy and nuts. DH is notoriously hard to buy for.

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what if your husband isn't the "going out and buying stuff" kind of guy...for gifts for me (both birthday and Christmas) I ususally end up buying it and he will wrap it...so for him to actually go out and buy me stocking stuffers isn't going to happen...and so I was curious if there were other families in a similar situation and if the mom's stocking just went "unstuffed" or if it was actually stuffed by her. Not a big deal to me at all...just curious.


In that case, if I felt like I needed some little things I would get them and put them in there. Why not? Especially candy or the like. My kids don't want to share their special Christmas candy!

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what if your husband isn't the "going out and buying stuff" kind of guy...for gifts for me (both birthday and Christmas) I ususally end up buying it and he will wrap it...so for him to actually go out and buy me stocking stuffers isn't going to happen...and so I was curious if there were other families in a similar situation and if the mom's stocking just went "unstuffed" or if it was actually stuffed by her. Not a big deal to me at all...just curious.


In that case, if I felt like I needed some little things I would get them and put them in there. Why not? Especially candy or the like. My kids don't want to share their special Christmas candy!

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what if your husband isn't the "going out and buying stuff" kind of guy...for gifts for me (both birthday and Christmas) I ususally end up buying it and he will wrap it...so for him to actually go out and buy me stocking stuffers isn't going to happen...and so I was curious if there were other families in a similar situation and if the mom's stocking just went "unstuffed" or if it was actually stuffed by her. Not a big deal to me at all...just curious.


Mine doesn't love shopping during the holidays, but he puts a lot of effort in to making my stocking full of special surprises. He knows I put a lot of effort into the rest of the family's, so he does the same for me. He usually picks a theme. One year it was all based on wine/accessories, another on chocolate. The salted caramel hot chocolate year was really cool (think all the ingredients for a Starbucks type drink). When the kids still believed in Santa, there were a few items everyone got (special chocolate, candy canes) so I did by enough of those for mine too (or the kids would have questioned it). For regular gifts, he shops for mine too. Sometimes I give him suggestions but that's all they are, suggestions. If he sees something else he thinks I'd love, he gets it. He rarely stays in budget but I've learned to expect that aspect.

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My dh and I buy for each other's stockings. It's usually our favorite candy (him-Toblerone, me-Crunchie bars) and a little something. Last year for me it was a new scarf and I got him a new search and find computer game.

We don't exchange gifts otherwise, at least the last several years. But, the boys get both of us something from 'them' that we help pick out. This year, they are building their dad his own Pokemon card deck so he can battle with them without having to borrow a deck. I thought it was very sweet.

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Dh and I always fill one another's stockings. I think it is fun on Christmas morning for all of us to have a fun treat from "Santa". Some years, we only do stockings and don't get each other real gifts. On those years, our stockings may be a bit nicer. Other years, if we are buying actual gifts for one another, we will fill stockings with just candy and small things.

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