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To parents of boys:

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I know all of you out there are striving so diligently to raise these boys into honorable young men and I want to thank you! We have only girls and as I think/ponder who their mates will be, I am heartened when I think of all of you out there fighting the fight for these kids.


My girls have created a "prayer list" for their husbands to be and they pray for the boy that will be their mate every day.


So, to all you moms of boys in the weeds every day, thank you.


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Don't thank me yet! But, I'm trying so hard!


I was just on the phone earlier talking to a friend about how I really want my boys to be good husbands and fathers.


I want my boys to also be self-sufficient. They will be taught not only how to be good, and kind, and responsible, but to sew a button and a hem, iron their own clothes and their own laundry. These things are so important to me. And I think it's important to them.


I would like to thank all of you moms of girls for trying to raise girls who are kind and understanding, who don't insist that a Man's Man is the only kind of man to be. I hope my boys find good mates who compliment them in every way.

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Wow... uh... you're welcome. It's not an easy task to civilize these critters. But right now we're working on using silverware, not analyzing the sound and scent of various bodily functions at the dinner table and wearing a clean shirt every day.


You're already WAY ahead of us. :cool: My son's future wife will need to be very supportive of Advanced Lego Building (including battle scenes from various alien-themed video games), sword-fighting in the hallway, watching Star Trek and any other sci-fi series over...and over...and over... :blink: and sketches all over the house of alien reptiles battling other alien reptiles. :boxing_smiley:

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Wow... uh... you're welcome. It's not an easy task to civilize these critters. But right now we're working on using silverware, not analyzing the sound and scent of various bodily functions at the dinner table and wearing a clean shirt every day.



Yep. I think of my son's future wife every time I force him to change his underwear. And use soap in the shower. And actually TAKE a shower. And tell him not to "toot" on people. He really is the sweetest, kindest, most loving guy. He's just kinda smelly and gross.

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Wow... uh... you're welcome. It's not an easy task to civilize these critters. But right now we're working on using silverware, not analyzing the sound and scent of various bodily functions at the dinner table and wearing a clean shirt every day.



I thought that was just my boy? My 10 year old repeatedly asks us to move to a country where eating with one's hands is polite. He really dislikes using a fork and knife; he'd rather just pick up a steak and tear a bite out of it. And he'll wear the same clothes every day until I sneak into his room at night and steal them from beside his bed.

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I don't think I want my dd thinking that much about a future husband.


DS uses a fork and knife better than most adults I know. We are weird and eat everything wtih a fork and knife. We just always have. Though he asks me every single day if he needs to take a shower. I wonder why he does this. Maybe hoping the answer will change? I dunno. He's the sweetest kid ever though. And he is so strong. He can pick me up. He's only 8.5. THere's a 10 year old girl with a crush on him. She is HORRIBLE. And loud, and obnoxious.....

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I tend to over think things so take what I say with a grain of salt. I don't understand this thread and it rubs me the wrong way. I was a girl once and I don't think I was more civilized than my boys at the same age. I don't see huge differences.


My post was in good humor. My girls are wild animals, yet they are pretty clean. My son is the biggest sweetheart, but he just will not change his underwear. I'm just joking around.

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I tend to over think things so take what I say with a grain of salt. I don't understand this thread and it rubs me the wrong way. I was a girl once and I don't think I was more civilized than my boys at the same age. I don't see huge differences.


Well personally I don't want DD dwelling and praying about the future boy she will meet and marry. That is kinda creepy to me. And I am NOT raising ds to be someone's perfect husband. That's just not on my check list right now. I am raising them to be strong individuals. Not someone for someone else. But being not religious may have something to do with that. I actually didn't know religous people have their girls pray about future husbands so young.

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I tend to over think things so take what I say with a grain of salt. I don't understand this thread and it rubs me the wrong way. I was a girl once and I don't think I was more civilized than my boys at the same age. I don't see huge differences.


Yeah, I'm not really sure what to think of it. My gut reaction wasn't good. Praying for the futures of ALL children seems like a really good idea. But boys aren't in more need of it than girls. I think we are all trying to raise good (in some cases, godly) children.


I don't want my boys to be thinking about their future spouses yet. Unless its their own idea to do it. Maybe they won't be called to marry ever?

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My post was in good humor. My girls are wild animals, yet they are pretty clean. My son is the biggest sweetheart, but he just will not change his underwear. I'm just joking around.


This is hilarious. I know you're joking. My son is the opposite of most boys. He complains to shower, but only because he is busy. He is OBSESSED with being clean and germs. He keeps alcohol wipes in his nightstand.


I had to make him stop asking people when visiting if they washed their hands after using the washroom. It was pretty bad. He agreed, but asked me to please get strongly scented hand soap so he could smell people's hands instead. I said ok but don't make it obvious. Once he had a friend over and the kid obviously wasn't in their long enough. He asked to smell his hands. I was pretty embarassed. It's like having a germ watch dog in the house. At my mother's house he tells the nieghbor kids to wash their hands for 20 seconds before playing the Playstation. It's kind of hilarious. Somehow he doesn't sound obnoxious though. He says it's a house rule LOL

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Love this!


My ds (only boy!) will often quip:


"Mom, I can't find a wife in Alabama. Proverbs 31 says, 'She is not afraid of the snow. . . ' and that clearly eliminates ALL southern girls!"

Funny, that boy.


Now, if I can just get him to shave a shower regularly. . . . . ;)

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Love this!


My ds (only boy!) will often quip:


"Mom, I can't find a wife in Alabama. Proverbs 31 says, 'She is not afraid of the snow. . . ' and that clearly eliminates ALL southern girls!"

Funny, that boy.


Now, if I can just get him to shave a shower regularly. . . . . ;)


Ha! That's funny!

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This is hilarious. I know you're joking. My son is the opposite of most boys. He complains to shower, but only because he is busy. He is OBSESSED with being clean and germs. He keeps alcohol wipes in his nightstand.


I had to make him stop asking people when visiting if they washed their hands after using the washroom. It was pretty bad. He agreed, but asked me to please get strongly scented hand soap so he could smell people's hands instead. I said ok but don't make it obvious. Once he had a friend over and the kid obviously wasn't in their long enough. He asked to smell his hands. I was pretty embarassed. It's like having a germ watch dog in the house. At my mother's house he tells the nieghbor kids to wash their hands for 20 seconds before playing the Playstation. It's kind of hilarious. Somehow he doesn't sound obnoxious though. He says it's a house rule LOL


You've just described my DS7. Although he sometimes DOES sound obnoxious, mostly with his brothers - maybe that's it.

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Well personally I don't want DD dwelling and praying about the future boy she will meet and marry. That is kinda creepy to me. And I am NOT raising ds to be someone's perfect husband. That's just not on my check list right now. I am raising them to be strong individuals. Not someone for someone else. But being not religious may have something to do with that. I actually didn't know religous people have their girls pray about future husbands so young.


Yep. The praying for a future spouse kinda creeps me out, and I am religious. My mom made me do this. Apparently she thought I was only good for popping out kids. I'm not saying everyone who makes their kids pray for a future spouse feels that way.


I do still think of the wonderful woman who will look past my son's supreme dorkiness (inherited from his mother) and save me from ds living in my basement while running a Star Wars fan site. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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I tend to over think things so take what I say with a grain of salt. I don't understand this thread and it rubs me the wrong way. I was a girl once and I don't think I was more civilized than my boys at the same age. I don't see huge differences.


Well, my boys are mostly very, very different from the way I was at their age: wilder, noisier, messier, dirtier. DS8 will wash his hands without being asked. DS11 is pretty much a wild animal.


I do agree that if I had a daughter I would almost certainly discourage her from dwelling on any possible future husband. If she had to pray I'd encourage her to pray for a successful, fulfilling career.

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Yep. The praying for a future spouse kinda creeps me out, and I am religious. My mom made me do this. Apparently she thought I was only good for popping out kids. I'm not saying everyone who makes their kids pray for a future spouse feels that way.


I do still think of the wonderful woman who will look past my son's supreme dorkiness (inherited from his mother) and save me from ds living in my basement while running a Star Wars fan site. Not that there's anything wrong with that.


This is what I am hoping for LOL...kidding. But yeah he's never leaving me. I think he will be a fine catch. As will DD. They are both perfectly quirky

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You're already WAY ahead of us. :cool: My son's future wife will need to be very supportive of Advanced Lego Building (including battle scenes from various alien-themed video games), sword-fighting in the hallway, watching Star Trek and any other sci-fi series over...and over...and over... :blink: and sketches all over the house of alien reptiles battling other alien reptiles. :boxing_smiley:


This sounds like mine, but now at age 19 he has added electric guitar to his skill set. He also comes with 19 year's worth of yearly Christmas tree ornaments! I hope his future wife will be good with Darth Vader and Frodo Baggins on their Christmas tree...

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