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I meant to mention this earlier. This is a post I made on Facebook the other day. We're about to order 280 coins (some friends and I).

If anyone is looking for Lenten chocolate gold "coins" for St. Nicholas Day, I found a source online that's 1/4 of the cost of Paidea. The only "catch" is that the minimum order is 250 coins. I emailed several local friends and got enough to be able to order (our parish ordered some, too, for the Dec. 5th vespers service / commemoration), so that might also be an option for you. This is not available for order on their website (their usual minimum order is 500, and they're in the process of lowering that). Oh, the cost with shipping works out to about $0.23/coin, whereas with Paidea it's $0.98/coin for 24 coins and $0.43/coin for 200 (prices include shipping). Here's contact info: email - info@foiledagainchocolate.com, phone - 832.533.2896. The website is foiledagainchocolate if you want to read about it. The dark chocolate is dairy-free.

I found them at Aldi's and at Target ($1 section).
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I watched "Ostrov" / "The Island" last night and found it spell binding.... have you ladies all seen it? (This refers to the 2006 russian film, not the 2005 american thriller). There is an amazing scene a minute or two into the film where the protagonist is walking and reciting the Jesus prayer, which I assume is a nod to "The Way of the Pilgrim." It's available on netflix streaming.


Also I read that the actor playing the protagonist is an Orthodox convert.



I've seen it several times. Actually the Jesus Prayer is an intrical part of Orthodox praxis, especially in the monastery. The book just made it more popularly known outside of the monastic tradition and/or having a monastic spiritual father. I just watched the beginning again not that long ago. Love that movie. But, I have found that some people had a hard time with the Orthodox mindset presented in this movie. It brought up some very good conversations. One person felt that we should just ask forgiveness once and be done with it -- not feel guilty, etc. etc.


Pyrotr Mamonov did a movie a few years ago about the relationship between Ivan the Terrible and the Metropolitan Phillip called Tsar It has the same director and is supposed to very good but its still not available at Netflix.


here's a direct link for those who may be interested in watching Ostrov.

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Oh, I have no idea if they are Lenten or not. Didn't even think of that.


Oh, sorry!! I was thinking of that because that's how I'd introduced the first link about chocolate coins (if anyone was looking for lenten ones). Thank you for your reply!!

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Went to DL then found out the class we started going to was cancelled. It was on their calendar, and in their bulletin :( we figured something was wrong when we got to the class and no one else showed up. The choir welcomed us to join them in practice :)


2nd time something like that has happened and I am beginning to think God is trying to tell me something.


My head wants me to stay and learn about the EO, but my heart and soul has been yearning for RC since I was 9. So tomorrow I am attending Mass with my RC friend. Actually they have mass everyday. I just cant sit through another DL service its just not enough. I can be RC until dh decides what he wants to do, go forward with EO catechism or not. I think I need to get this out of my system (returning to RC).

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Went to DL then found out the class we started going to was cancelled. It was on their calendar, and in their bulletin :( we figured something was wrong when we got to the class and no one else showed up. The choir welcomed us to join them in practice :)


2nd time something like that has happened and I am beginning to think God is trying to tell me something.


My head wants me to stay and learn about the EO, but my heart and soul has been yearning for RC since I was 9. So tomorrow I am attending Mass with my RC friend. Actually they have mass everyday. I just cant sit through another DL service its just not enough. I can be RC until dh decides what he wants to do, go forward with EO catechism or not. I think I need to get this out of my system (returning to RC).


To the bold: or it could be the other way around....


When we started getting serious about EO, we came up against MUCH. It was so frustrating but I knew in my heart that the EO was IT, so we kept moving forward. I realize you're not at that same place yet. Hugs and prayers.

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Went to DL then found out the class we started going to was cancelled. It was on their calendar, and in their bulletin :( we figured something was wrong when we got to the class and no one else showed up. The choir welcomed us to join them in practice :)


2nd time something like that has happened and I am beginning to think God is trying to tell me something.


My head wants me to stay and learn about the EO, but my heart and soul has been yearning for RC since I was 9. So tomorrow I am attending Mass with my RC friend. Actually they have mass everyday. I just cant sit through another DL service its just not enough. I can be RC until dh decides what he wants to do, go forward with EO catechism or not. I think I need to get this out of my system (returning to RC).


:grouphug: That stinks about the class. My church is starting one up on Tuesday. If you're up for a good commute, you could come!;) (It's in Alabama...). This is probably not theology sound advice - so mostly just ignore me - but I think you need to go, for now, where your heart longs to go. Things will sort out in time and you'll find your place.

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I'm sorry the class you wanted to take was cancelled.

I understand about dh's not ready to start the catechisis process.

I am meeting with Fr. Apostolos about this very same thing next week sometime when he gets back in town.


LIke Alenee said, there can be many distractions in our journey, and I would encourage you to look at whether or not this may be a wrench thrown in the works to discourage you by the enemy, rather then encourage you to press on in your journey. I've had some speed bumps strewn in my path, but I am determined to continue following the road God is wooing me to follow right now...


May you hear His patient and compassionate voice guiding and leading you on your journey toward Truth.



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I'm sorry the class you wanted to take was cancelled.

I understand about dh's not ready to start the catechisis process.

I am meeting with Fr. Apostolos about this very same thing next week sometime when he gets back in town.


LIke Alenee said, there can be many distractions in our journey, and I would encourage you to look at whether or not this may be a wrench thrown in the works to discourage you by the enemy, rather then encourage you to press on in your journey. I've had some speed bumps strewn in my path, but I am determined to continue following the road God is wooing me to follow right now...


May you hear His patient and compassionate voice guiding and leading you on your journey toward Truth.





I have an awesome Priest, but can I be honest and say I am slightly jealous of who your Priest is! ;) You are a very fortunate woman!!! I just have to live vicariously through you for awhile.

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Briva, I have to get to work, but I found it interesting that this book popped up on my Amazon page today. I've never seen this title before, but it looks to be very informative about the Divine Liturgy, it's parts, and what's happening. Just thought you might be interested. I'm sorry it's been such a struggle, but I concur with the others who have said things became very frustrating once we started inquiring into the Orthodox church seriously. We're so glad, this side of things, that we stuck it out because what we're experiencing now is nothing short of awe-inspiring and life changing (eternity changing). Life is STILL hard at times, but we can rest in knowing everything is in God's hands.


I know you will do what you feel you need to do, and that's fine!! God knows, and has you in his care.

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Would you please pray for me tomorrow (Tuesday) at 4pm ET / 1pm PST? It has to do with my job and I will update tomorrow sometime (Lord willing). Many thanks!



Praying for you, and asking for prayers for myself. I have a UTI which is not responding to antibiotics (blergh).

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I forgot to tell you guys... I had posted on the general board asking about how to leave a church. We were so nervous. There were two families that we wanted to keep in touch with. We mailed a letter to the rector of our old church the day that we became catechumen, but we're having a hard time figuring out how to broach the topic with the two families.


The first family was more my friend and our older son is good friends with their younger daughter. She was also our older son's Sunday school teacher. So, she had emailed me about a field trip and said "hope to see you Sunday" since we hadn't been there in a while. I emailed her back with the news and she replied "I'm sorry it has taken me this long to write back.  I'm heartbroken about your switching churches but understand these things happen." and then asked when we could get the kids together. We've gotten together twice since then, so it looks like that relationship will survive.


The other family are the godparents of our sons. That one was harder, both because of the relationship and that we're not really that close. We finally got around to it Sunday night. DH emailed the husband (who is an NT professor at the Lutheran Seminary here; we attended an Episcopal Church. We were told several times that he wanted to be Catholic but his wife wouldn't go for it because of the sex roles). So, this is the response he got back: "Holy shlt DH'sName! I must say that is a frickin' awesome move. That theological tradition has more substance in its little pinkie...if you know what I mean." He went on to say he'd like to get together and that he'd miss us in Sunday school. So, we're done with the goodbyes and it went as well as we could have possibly hoped!

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Oh, and a funny/really not funny. DH was texting his mom to find out if she'd be able to come to church with us when she comes at Christmas since she has fragrance issues. His phone changed his text about incense to read, "they do incest at our church, will you be able to join us?" Talk about d@mn you autocorrect!

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You made me laugh with the text msge to your MIL...

Don'tcha just LOVE Siri or spell check? They take it upon themselves to interpret our messages, adding, changing where they wish. NOT always to our benefit. LOL


SO glad things went well with the two families you needed to communicate your decision to switch churches.

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Oh, and a funny/really not funny. DH was texting his mom to find out if she'd be able to come to church with us when she comes at Christmas since she has fragrance issues. His phone changed his text about incense to read, "they do incest at our church, will you be able to join us?" Talk about d@mn you autocorrect!




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Thank you for your prayers. I had a phone interview for a new, full time position with the main company that I transcribe for. it seems to be a really great company; I've really appreciated various aspects of their operations since I began transcribing for them. The position is "assistant. operations manager" (i.e., scheduling, working with clients, handling tech. issues that come up in the moment, etc.). I'd still work from home, from my computer and phone, but it would be more hours each week, and, from what I understand (although I don't know for sure) it would be more year 'round. It seems like it would be a good fit for our family. Through it all, God knows the outcome and I trust. I should hear something next week, yay or nay.

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Milovany, that sounds like a great opportunity. I will keep praying for you. I know you wanted more hours, so I hope this works out.


Beatlemania, so glad to hear that your talk with Sister went well. Keeping you in my prayers too.


Two praises from me: 1) my UTI is clearing up (yay!), and 2) the car repair that I thought was going to cost $1000+ is only costing $250. PSA: leaving your key in your car in the "ON" position is a bad idea.


Channeling my Rapunzel voice - Oh, and today is my birthday. Just so you know.

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Milovany, that sounds like a great opportunity. I will keep praying for you. I know you wanted more hours, so I hope this works out.


Beatlemania, so glad to hear that your talk with Sister went well. Keeping you in my prayers too.


Two praises from me: 1) my UTI is clearing up (yay!), and 2) the car repair that I thought was going to cost $1000+ is only costing $250. PSA: leaving your key in your car in the "ON" position is a bad idea.


Channeling my Rapunzel voice - Oh, and today is my birthday. Just so you know.



Happy Birthday!! :party:

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I think of you, Yvette, when I see an expression in my Uppercase Living catalog. It's for a little girl's bedroom wall. It says, "Don't let anyone steal your Sparkle!" Hee hee.



I like that!


So, my dh stopped off at Trader Joe's this evening to get me a birthday card and some chocolate, and he comes home and gives me a bouquet of flowers and says, "Now I feel guilty, these are from Trader Joe's." And I'm like, huh? They're really nice, and I didn't expect flowers at all. He says, "No, they're FROM Trader Joe's". Turns out the checker at Trader Joe's gave them to him to give to me since they know him so well, and he told them it was my birthday. LOL.

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