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Do you think everyone knows what ppd means?? (a vent)


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I responded to a for sale ad at a homeschool selling site (not here). The item said "$5.00 ppd". I e-mailed her asking if it was still available and the condition, and I copied and pasted the item and price. She responded that it was hardly used, but did have a few pages with pencil markings and a stain on one page. I said I'd take it and asked if she took paypal so I could pay her right away, I also gave her my name & address. She replied that she didn't take paypal....only personal check or cash. She said she'd drop it in the mail that day. I replied that I'd send a check but needed her name and address. I said that it is fine with me if she felt she needed to wait until the check cleared before mailing the book. She replied with her mailing info and asked for my address and then said, "Don't send me a check until you know what the mailing cost will be though." OK, at this point I'm a little :001_huh:....but I figure how much could it be? I know the book won't cost too much to send....media mail maybe under $2. The item isn't often used/not real popular so it's not often found for sale. New price at Rainbow is $11.95....so I was glad when I found it for $5 (or so I thought). I replied, "Oh, I thought it was ppd. OK, then. Let me know. My address is down below". She replied that she had forgotten that I gave her my address already. No mention of her ppd ad. I was waiting...thinking she'd mail it and tell me the shipping price. I don't hear back from her. Two days later I e-mail her again just saying, "Just wanted to check if you got a total yet." Never got a response. By today (7 days after I last heard from her) I was thinking that if the book didn't get here by Friday I might have to tell her that I was uncomfortable about this transaction and that if she didn't already send the book then I'd like to cancel this. Afterall....I'm waiting on placing my Rainbow order, wondering if I need to order this book or not. Well, today it arrived. The mailing cost is $2.47. I almost tossed the package away, but noticed a paper inside. It's the post office reciept for the $2.47 shipping + $1.19 for the Ready Post mailer...total $3.66. :001_huh: Soooooo.....I guess I'm needing to send a check for $8.66?? Had I known this, I probably would have just said no thank you. But, I have the book now. Is this just a little weird, or it it just me?? I almost have the nerve to send her just $5.00. But, I couldn't do that. I don't think it even pays to contact her about it and complain. I know it's not like a huge amount of money....it's just annoying. I just went to this sellers page and she has over 50 items for sale right now, only 1 item right now says ppd. I know for a fact this book said ppd...because I copied and pasted the ad. I'm thinking this must have been an error on her part to put ppd. But, still....it doesn't make me feel any better.






BTW, I reread all that I said and I'm sure somebody will say that it's my fault for agreeing to it. Which is true. I wish I would have had the nerve to tell her I had changed my mind. Lesson learned.



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I think, because you agreed to it, you should pay the $7.47 with the caveat that you let her know in writing that when someone writes "ppd" it means postage is included in the price, and while you are willing to pay the extra this time, this action may cause her trouble in the future.


ETA: Don't pay for the mailer. That is just ridiculous.

Edited by momto2Cs
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What is ready post mailer? If that is the packaged she shipped it in, no you don't pay for that. Paying for shipping is not paying for the package to ship it. I guess you agreed to pay shipping, but I would have jut said ppd means postage paid. Just like I tell people no thanks when they ask for PayPal fees. I don't play those games. PPD means postage paid, and PayPal does not allow you to charge extra for using there service. I pass up on purchases to not mess with those things....

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What is ready post mailer? If that is the packaged she shipped it in, no you don't pay for that. Paying for shipping is not paying for the package to ship it. I guess you agreed to pay shipping, but I would have jut said ppd means postage paid. Just like I tell people no thanks when they ask for PayPal fees. I don't play those games. PPD means postage paid, and PayPal does not allow you to charge extra for using there service. I pass up on purchases to not mess with those things....


:iagree: I would pay for the actual shipping, but not the mailer. That's her cost.

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What is ready post mailer? If that is the packaged she shipped it in, no you don't pay for that. Paying for shipping is not paying for the package to ship it. I guess you agreed to pay shipping, but I would have jut said ppd means postage paid. Just like I tell people no thanks when they ask for PayPal fees. I don't play those games. PPD means postage paid, and PayPal does not allow you to charge extra for using there service. I pass up on purchases to not mess with those things....



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Yes, everyone who buys/sells online knows what ppd means. Your seller is really green. Feel free to tell her exactly where she went wrong, and please don't pay for the mailer, that's just nuts.


Uh, wait, just remembered that you said she has 50+ things for sale right now. Does she have any feedback from previous sales? Weird.

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I'd just go ahead and pay it rather than get into an argument with her. But I'd also tell her what ppd means and that you wouldn't have agreed to buy the book if she'd been up front with you about the real cost. It does sound like she's probably clueless and not intentionally misleading people.

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I would pay for the book, and the postage. However, if you feel like you should pay for the mailer, feel free to subtract the cost of your envelope and stamp to send it ;). She's nervy, that one.


:iagree: I would NOT pay for the mailer. And I might deduct my stamp anyway...

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What is ready post mailer? If that is the packaged she shipped it in, no you don't pay for that. Paying for shipping is not paying for the package to ship it. I guess you agreed to pay shipping, but I would have jut said ppd means postage paid. Just like I tell people no thanks when they ask for PayPal fees. I don't play those games. PPD means postage paid, and PayPal does not allow you to charge extra for using there service. I pass up on purchases to not mess with those things....


It's a thin white mailer from the p.o. (it says Ready Post on it....although I see that's crossed off and Media Mail was stamped). It's not padded or anything.


I would pay for the book, and the postage. However, if you feel like you should pay for the mailer, feel free to subtract the cost of your envelope and stamp to send it ;). She's nervy, that one.


I like the way you think. :lol:


Yes, everyone who buys/sells online knows what ppd means. Your seller is really green. Feel free to tell her exactly where she went wrong, and please don't pay for the mailer, that's just nuts.


Uh, wait, just remembered that you said she has 50+ things for sale right now. Does she have any feedback from previous sales? Weird.


It's at homeschool classifieds. They have "ratings" there....but she didn't have anything...but a lot of sellers don't have anything. In fact, another person I bought from there last week had no clue there even were ratings. So, I didn't really take it as a red flag or anything.


:iagree: I would NOT pay for the mailer. And I might deduct my stamp anyway...




definitely pay postage since you agreed, but she's charging you for the package? i don't think so. >{


I guess that would be considered "handling"....which she never mentioned. So, I will pay the $5.00 plus the shipping...not for the mailer. I'll enclose a note (not nasty) that she might need to be careful about listing items as ppd if she expects the buyer to pay postage...and that not everyone will be as nice as me. :D Although, on the other hand......maybe I won't pay anything. I got the book.


Just kidding!!! :lol:

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How could she not know what it means. When you make a listing on homeschoolclassifieds.com it says in the form you fill out "Postage" and next to it is a drop down box with two choices "Included in price (US)" or "Buyer to pay additional"


I'm not sure how she could misconstrue what "Included in price" means when she picked it.:confused:

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It's at homeschool classifieds.


At homeschool classifieds PPD is the default entry. My guess is that b/c the other entries don't have PPD that this was an accidental oversight. Could it be that she just threw the receipt into the envelope to show you the shipping charges?


And yes, even though you copy and pasted her PPD part into your email, again this could still be an oversight.

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if she had one item for sale only, then i can understand her saying she didn't realize the ppd default meant postage paid. if she has a lot of items for sale, then that's ridiculous. i only deal with paypal though. i would not agree to receiving anything without knowing the total cost. i'm sorry that happened to you:grouphug: i've sold and purchased a ton from homeschoolclassifieds over the years & i've never had someone not understand what "ppd" means.

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What is ready post mailer? If that is the packaged she shipped it in, no you don't pay for that. Paying for shipping is not paying for the package to ship it. I guess you agreed to pay shipping, but I would have jut said ppd means postage paid. Just like I tell people no thanks when they ask for PayPal fees. I don't play those games. PPD means postage paid, and PayPal does not allow you to charge extra for using there service. I pass up on purchases to not mess with those things....


:iagree: I have had a few strange transactions like this on other HS FS sites, but only one here. I avoid the others now because it isn't worth the hassle.

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It's at homeschool classifieds.


At homeschool classifieds PPD is the default entry. My guess is that b/c the other entries don't have PPD that this was an accidental oversight. Could it be that she just threw the receipt into the envelope to show you the shipping charges?


And yes, even though you copy and pasted her PPD part into your email, again this could still be an oversight.



I would send her the cost of the book plus postage, not the mailer. I would also include a printout of her listing page and highlight every place it reads "ppd," along with a short note suggesting she check the hsc website for the definition of ppd so that she can avoid any misunderstandings in future transactions.

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