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Learning to draw

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Is there really a program that teaches drawing skills to someone who can barely draw a straight line? I've heard of Artistic Pursuits, but the books are grade level and I have a feeling they are cumulative so I'd have to start with an early book. Does anyone know about this program and where to start? Can you suggest a different program? I just want to learn to draw, not learn art history. Is drawing a skill to learn or is it really something you need to be talented at doing?

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Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. There's a lot of text in the book, but it's been great at really explaining why some people have a hard time drawing. I bought the previous edition (maybe 3rd?) and it wasn't too much on Amazon.


It has really helped ds in his drawing this year. It's probably one of the better books I've seen. It's not chock full of assignments, but each assignment explains the why behind the drawing and how to achieve the intended results.


ETA: This is the edition I have.

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The above recommendation is excellent. I will also add that we are using Draw Squad this year, and I have seen a huge improvement in my dc's drawing skills. It's written to kids and he's a bit silly; they really enjoy it.



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Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. There's a lot of text in the book, but it's been great at really explaining why some people have a hard time drawing. I bought the previous edition (maybe 3rd?) and it wasn't too much on Amazon.


It has really helped ds in his drawing this year. It's probably one of the better books I've seen. It's not chock full of assignments, but each assignment explains the why behind the drawing and how to achieve the intended results.


ETA: This is the edition I have.


:iagree:This is what I have used when teaching drawing. I believe that anyone can improve their drawing, given the desire and patience to do so. Not everyone will be a Rembrandt, but there is always room to develop the skill.

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