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Do you post on curriculum boards

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You should still post if you want. My kids are a range of ages, so I probably sound schizophrenic when I post. I have a middle schooler, an early K-er and a couple in between. I'm used to seeing BOB Books stacked next to my daughter's prealgebra textbook. :tongue_smilie:

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Yes, of course. I have the Experienced Homeschooler badge. I get to participate. :D


Me too. :) I have homeschooled for 17 years--my children and other people's--and I was a PS teacher for several years before that. I have graduated a student who went on to excel in college, and I have another about to graduate and go to college. I have dealt with all types of children (and parents) through the years, so I consider myself qualified to answer some--but not all--questions and make certain recommendations.

Edited by ereks mom
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I have a harder time on the K-8 board. So much curriculum has changed or what I used has been updated. I don't post much about curriculum. If whatever experience we had would be helpful, I will post.


I just noticed your ds was 15.:eek: When did that happen? You should still be on the k-8 board. You realize he's going to start driving soon?

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Yes. Just because my kids are now in high school does not mean I can not answer specific questions others have about curricula I have used. I restrict my postings to curricula I am familiar with, or to topics where I feel my subject expertise can be helpful.

There are mothers on the high school board whose children have graduated; they are a valuable source of knowledge and I am glad they decide to stick around and share their wisdom.


ETA: Sometimes the perspective of somebody with older children is even necessary. For example: if somebody is seeking to start a math curriculum series in middle school, it is relevant to know how the series continues in high school, and how things work out. The people who are all just starting with the series' pre-algebra program do not have this insight. Or, as another example: a person seeking to prepare a student for high school sciences needs the advice of somebody who is familiar with high school level science, not just the viewpoint of others with kids in middle school.

Just like I, with high school students, appreciate the insight mothers of college students can share about college prep and application process.

Edited by regentrude
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