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Food Allergy Moms- Halloween Prep

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I know we have at least one family who is new to allergies this year- can we share how to handle the Halloween candy gauntlet? :)


I am letting my kids participate in Trunk or Treat and go out on Halloween. My super-allergic kid is old enough not to eat anything without permission. My middle son will probably eat something without permission if he thinks it is safe, so I need to review with him the "no eating until we say OK" rule. For instance, Dum Dum suckers are "safe" but there are other suckers that look similar in size but aren't. So for him I need to clarify.


Trunk or Treat will have special cookies, etc. that will look very tempting to my oldest and make him sad to have to skip. So, I had the kids bake at grandma's house this week and they will be bringing their own safe cookies, fudge, and candy to TorT. There are safe manufactured candies they can have, but it's nice to have your own special treat when others have fancy cookies, etc. We use this same technique for Easter and Christmas as well.


In the past we have visited Peanut Free Planet to purchase specialty chocolates that were safe.


Carry your epi-pens with you, have replacement candy on hand and be vigilant to make sure the impulse to pop one of those candies in the mouth before mom reads the label is resisted!

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We had trunk or treat tonight. DD had her own cookies in her special tupperware container. Then we went trunk or treating were I tried to guide her to safe food. She knows skittles are safe so she asked for 1 pack of those in the car then waited till we got home. Then I switched unsafe (which we gave to baby brother who was sick and didn't get to go :( )with safe candy. Thankfully she won't eat much candy so most of it will disappear a few days after Halloweem :)

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Dum dums and smarties are the safest, I've found. :)



My DS is allergic to a ton of things, so he can't eat a lot of candy. We don't go to a lot of houses, he just isn't into ToT'ing because of it. I buy him safe candy, and we "donate" the rest. (ie, my dh and I eat anything without nuts, and we give away the stuff with nuts. :lol:)

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I think skittles and starburst are safe for most, but we only deal with peanut and treenut so maybe I am missing something on the egg/dairy front.


When my kids were littler, they had to wear those knit magic gloves out to trick or treat so that if they felt they just HAD to take a peanut butter cup to be polite, their hands were protected. We usually integrated it into their costume anyhow. (e.g. mickey or buzz lightyear had white gloves)


We trade them safe candy at home and we go out and buy clearance candy the next day too. One year I had a gift waiting for them to trade instead (a black cat Webkinz for each). They loved that and ate less candy that year :)

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I don't mean to hijack the thread, but as someone without food allergies in the family I'm wondering what would be the best thing to pass out that could be enjoyed by the most people? Someone said Skittles, is that one of the safest?


I don't think you can plan on any one item to buy. Different kids have different allergies. Here's what I do:

1. Dh insists we have some chocolate candies. My dc with celiac can eat chocolate and a lot of kis like it. However most chocolate is no good for peanut or dairy allergies.

2. Lollipops I buy a brand that is peanut and dairy safe and also has no articial colors and flavors. I keep the bag label handy for any parents who want to check it out.

3. Stickers or cheap toys.

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We're peanut, tree nut, and egg allergic. Basically the non-chocolate candies are safe. Skittles, dum dums, dots, laffy taffy, sweettarts, nerds. These are the prized candies that my DS gets.


We trick or treat. But when we get home, everyone dumps out their bags and mom and dad go through all the candy and then redistribute it. So mom and dad get most of the peanut-filled candy (yum!), but we do some trading so the girls get some of DS's taboo candy and he gets some of their safe candy. If DS still ends up with a lot less, I buy him more candy from the store to make up for it.

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Guest carolinashore

My 3 year old is allergic to peanuts, tree nuts and eggs. We went Trunk or Treating last night, and I removed anything that wasn't safe for him from his bucket and replaced it with safe candy that I brought from home. Typically he can have Skittles, Smarties, Starburst, Pez, Tootsie rolls/pops, DumDums, fun size Laffy Taffy. Nerds, Sweet Tarts and full size Laffy Taffy have egg in them. I don't let him have any chocolate that is handed out, we stick with whatever I buy that's safe for him.

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My middle daughter has Celiac Disease and braces. My oldest has braces this year. They don't eat anything until we get home and then we spread out the "loot". :)


If there is something special they really wanted in their bag (and it's safe) they put it in their stack. Everything else is dumped in one big stack and shared. My gf girl knows what is safe and what isn't. My oldest will be given her treats rather than picking her own (autism). I will purchase a couple of bags of mixed 'good' candy and ate it to the mix. If we have too much, I send it to work with DH or give to his friends.

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Peanut, tree nut, coconut, banana, and wheat here.


DS TorTs with gloves as part of the costume. When he gets home, he empties his candy into the big pot we use to pass out candy because he likes the other non-allergic kids to have it. Then he puts his collection container on the kitchen table and goes to pass out candy. While he does that, the Switch Witch comes and takes away his container, replacing it with a fresh one full of safe candy and goodies. Last year we were at Great Wolf Lodge, and they played along with us - so he *met* the Switch Witch! Very exciting!


Safe candies for us ... I ordered ahead of time. For party type treats, I bake & bring his treats along...


Keep the epipens handy!


ETA: I am a bad FA mama! In that little list of allergies above - I forgot sesame! Aaaack!

Edited by Spryte
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Last year we were at Great Wolf Lodge, and they played along with us - so he *met* the Switch Witch! Very exciting!



This made me tear up, to see that someone aside from parents played along. I always just think it's so sweet when a non-family member makes it a point to do something extra nice for a kid.


DD was allergic to dairy when she was a toddler, and somehow, she heard that Easter meant chocolate bunnies and talked about wanting a chocolate bunny a lot. I remember being so seriously grateful when I discovered a Lindt store near us, and it had dark chocolate bunnies that were safe for her to eat. She's no longer allergic to dairy (no, now it's an anaphylactic reaction to bee stings, sigh), but I feel for all of you dealing with this. And thanks to the poster who asked about what candies were safer for more people -- our street doesn't do ToT, so we don't hand out candy, but I appreciate the info for the future.

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This made me tear up, to see that someone aside from parents played along. I always just think it's so sweet when a non-family member makes it a point to do something extra nice for a kid.


DD was allergic to dairy when she was a toddler, and somehow, she heard that Easter meant chocolate bunnies and talked about wanting a chocolate bunny a lot. I remember being so seriously grateful when I discovered a Lindt store near us, and it had dark chocolate bunnies that were safe for her to eat. She's no longer allergic to dairy (no, now it's an anaphylactic reaction to bee stings, sigh), but I feel for all of you dealing with this. And thanks to the poster who asked about what candies were safer for more people -- our street doesn't do ToT, so we don't hand out candy, but I appreciate the info for the future.


Congrats on your DD outgrowing an allergy!


Re: the Switch Witch, GWL won my heart over that one. :)


She knocked on our door, and called out, "It's the Switch Witch!" Then came in with a bag of goodies, and could even talk about his allergies a bit because she really listened to me when we arranged it all. It was just the sweetest thing!

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Nerds, Sweet Tarts and full size Laffy Taffy have egg in them. I don't let him have any chocolate that is handed out, we stick with whatever I buy that's safe for him.


(to the red/bolded) Oh no! really?? :crying: I'm sure I've given these to my egg allergic kids, thinking they are safe. *sigh*

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My dd is not okay with skittles or starburst but Jolly Ranchers are fine. Almost all chocolate candy is fine for her except those that have peanuts. She has citric acid allergy and peanut allergy.


That's really interesting Chris, I've never heard of that. Is she allergic to corn too? My youngest is allergic to corn and can't have Citric Acid because it's derived from corn. Did you know it's a mold grown on corn? I find all our preservatives to be curiouser and curiouser (as Alice would say).




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We have gluten, wheat, oat, barley, peanut and tree nut allergies with my 5 yo DD. For my son it's Gluten.


We let the kids eat a few pieces of safe candy during the festivities, then we sort through the loot at home and trash any not safe candy.


Skittles, Starbursts, Nerds, Smarties, and a few chocolate candies are safe for us.


For parties, we just bring our own treats. Better to be safe than sorry.

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