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I am stunned by my sister's weight loss.

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My sister went to India last year to teach at an American school. I was shocked when I picked her up at the airport last week. She has lost so much weight and looks fantastic. She probably has dropped 3 dress sizes in 9 months.


She said since the meat is not very good where she lives, she has been eating a lot of vegetables, yogurt and whole grains.


Forget South Beach and Weight Watchers. All I have to do to lose my extra 10 pounds is move to India for a year!!

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At first I thought you were concerned, but it sounds like it's a good thing.


My sister went to India last year to teach at an American school. I was shocked when I picked her up at the airport last week. She has lost so much weight and looks fantastic. She probably has dropped 3 dress sizes in 9 months.


She said since the meat is not very good where she lives, she has been eating a lot of vegetables, yogurt and whole grains.


Forget South Beach and Weight Watchers. All I have to do to lose my extra 10 pounds is move to India for a year!!

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My sister went to India last year to teach at an American school. I was shocked when I picked her up at the airport last week. She has lost so much weight and looks fantastic. She probably has dropped 3 dress sizes in 9 months.


She said since the meat is not very good where she lives, she has been eating a lot of vegetables, yogurt and whole grains.


Forget South Beach and Weight Watchers. All I have to do to lose my extra 10 pounds is move to India for a year!!


OK. I'm off for a year in India? Anybody else want in????

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Hey yea! Me too. Can we bring the entire family? I'll call it a homeschooling trip! Actually, I've always wanted to go to India!


Sounds good to me!!


ROAD TRIP :auto:


Well, maybe more like AIR TRIP (which is how I'm kinda feeling these days!!) :lol:

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My sister went to India last year to teach at an American school. I was shocked when I picked her up at the airport last week. She has lost so much weight and looks fantastic. She probably has dropped 3 dress sizes in 9 months.


She said since the meat is not very good where she lives, she has been eating a lot of vegetables, yogurt and whole grains.


Forget South Beach and Weight Watchers. All I have to do to lose my extra 10 pounds is move to India for a year!!


When I was 16 I went to Guatemala with my aunt, uncle and cousin, they are missionaries there. I stayed there from Dec-Feb and lost about 20 lbs! Best diet ever. Took me until the last couple weeks to get used to the food and the very last week found candy I liked. My family was surprised to see my wight loss and all the kids at school thought I had a baby then came back. :tongue_smilie:

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I would love to go....years ago I worked with a lady from India....oh my...she would cook fore me all the time.


She gave me several Sari's and I finally mastered putting one on.


I could stand to drop 3-4 dress sizes.....I'm with ya....:lol:

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Y'all are too funny! Count me in for a trip to India.


Actually, I really could go because my sis is going back to teach another year. Too bad I don't have an extra $5K saved up to fly out there with my kids. Darn finances.


The other thing that amazed me is how much money she is able to save living there. Her salary is less than what she was making in the states, but the American school pays for her apt., utilities, transportation, and even a maid so she has very little expenses.


She said her pupils are great, eager to learn and respectful, and that the parents are involved in their academics. This was a big contrast to her teaching experience in California.


Anyway, I just can't get over how much weight she lost by getting away from our crazy American diet. It really made me think about how much junk we eat day to day without even thinking about it - buttered popcorn, white flour baked goods, soda and the whole fast food scene. Interesting.

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Okay, I'll join the "air trip" to India :) I've lost 20 pounds since May 23rd, but still have a ways to go :)


HOW did you do that!!! Wow, that is fantastic. I have 1-13 to lose and I'm about to go nuts over it. I want to be back at 127 agian....waaaaaaahhhh.

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Snort! I'm with you on the diet, but I'm not going back to India. When I was there for a short term mission trip, we ate like the poor of India...mostly rice. It was whole, but I don't remember many veggies. After we had meat one evening we noticed the goat was gone from the compound...:001_smile:


I lost weight when I contracted a lovely infection in some mosquito bites on my ankles. Off the airplane at home and straight to the hospital for three days.


Of course, that was twenty five years ago. India has grown up a lot since then.


Best wishes to your sister for continued health plus joy in her Indian experience.

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Wouldn't work for me, unfortunately. We love, love, love Indian food around here. If I went to India, I'd probably manage to gain even more!
So do we!!! That's why I wanted to go! But, I do see your point there! I can get fat on Indian food right here! :) We also love the Mango Lassi's which I'm sure are not non-fat!:tongue_smilie:
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because of prosperity. Many of them eat meat now, and richer, more expensive fats. They aren't nearly as fat as Americans though. The young people just look meatier than their parents did. In India, obesity isn't a problem... yet.


Anyone else buying crates of honey mangoes right now? I could live on these all summer. Forget pineapples and watermelons, strawberries and cherries. Honey mangoes in season are the most delectable. We can buy them in boxes of six at the Indian stores for the next month or two.

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My sister went to India last year to teach at an American school. I was shocked when I picked her up at the airport last week. She has lost so much weight and looks fantastic. She probably has dropped 3 dress sizes in 9 months.


She said since the meat is not very good where she lives, she has been eating a lot of vegetables, yogurt and whole grains.


Forget South Beach and Weight Watchers. All I have to do to lose my extra 10 pounds is move to India for a year!!



I bet it's real yogurt too. It sounds wonderful.

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My dh and I went to India about 12 years ago. I was not a real big fan of "real" Indian food..I had only ever had the Americanized version, kwim? So I ate a lot of rice, flat bread, eggs, chai, water, and mixed veggies if I could get them. Lots of bananas, mangoes....and we did walk everywhere. I lost over 12 lbs in three weeks. Oh, and then there was that UTI, but that's another story.


I've often thought I should go back on the "Indian Diet" but well, the M&M's are never that far from calling my name (I didn't like the Indian versions of "American" chocolate!)


I've always wanted to take my daughter..maybe in a couple years... Woe betide when India gets more Westernized..there goes my weight loss plan!

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  • 2 months later...
Hey yea! Me too. Can we bring the entire family? I'll call it a homeschooling trip! Actually, I've always wanted to go to India!




We took the kids over to India for a quick trip in June.

Had a great time, and we are planning on heading back over in December.


You will find our trip to India on my blog ( in the archives)

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