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What's for dinner 10/9?

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Chicken and potatoes in the crockpot with seasonings. Some kind of veggie on the side.


Smothered Pork chops (basically pork chops and rice), steamed squash and zucchini, and okra gumbo.


Those both look yummy, care to share the recipes/how you cook them? I need some new things to try out for non-Taco Tuesday nights. :D

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this is one of my growing trend of 2-meal dinners. Dh and ds 9 had been asking for salmon for a while, but the teens and I are sick of fish (i used to just cook 2 kinds of fish) - so the teens and I are having sausage lo mien, which dh and ds9 dont like but we LOVE and rarely have. oh, and rice for dh and ds9, in the rice cooker. so still altogether easy.


we are all getting sick of the foods i always cook, so more and more its like this - the teens and I eating foods with lots of parts, and dh and ds9 (dh's only child) eating something plain and boring. Except taco night . .. . i have to admit i love tacos, teens wont eat them . . . but i make something for teens where I love having it leftover for lunch the next day!


yes, i cook way too much. its my only hobby . . .

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Beef Stroganoff on egg noodles

I'm omitting the kale from the Stroganoff (yuck!) and using it in a lemony kale salad instead.

Kiett mango for dessert.

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