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Preeclampsia...maybe, but I'm on bed rest.

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I'll be 36 weeks tomorrow, and at my Dr. visit yesterday my blood pressure was 168/110. I had not felt well all day, so he sent me over to the hospital and said I may have to deliver. I was not mentally prepared to have a baby last night!!


They monitored the baby and me for two hours. My bp never rose above 135/85, the baby looked great, my blood work was normal. I was sent home to spend the weekend in bed and collect a 24 hour urine.


Please pray that my blood pressure stays down and I can let this baby cook a little longer. Thankfully I can monitor my bp at home. It's staying in the 130's/ 85-90.


I had so many things to do today around the house, so I might drive you all crazy being on the boards. I was nesting, and now I'm in bed!!!

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Hang in there! That's awesome that you're so far along! I was on bedrest from 31-37 weeks with my 4yo DD for preeclampsia. It was bad but she is healthy and fine! I was on bedrest from 29 to 36.5 weeks with my 1yo DD for BP issues too. Stay in bed and try to stay on your left side as much as possible! You don't want to mess with high bp issues while pregnant! I know it's no fun but it protects that baby! Post away on the boards! :grouphug:

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Have you had a high np reading before? I had.one at 39 weeks, but it was stress, heat and exhaustion...just one reading amd the back to normal. I did take many precautions. I rested, drank lots of water with lime juice. I ate every food I could that had magnesium in it as well. No fast food, all homemade food from.fresh.ingredients. It was my first ever high reading, and it did worry me because I have unusually low bp when not pregnant.


Rest and I hope it goes back down.

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I had pre-eclampia which turned into HELLP at 31 weeks. I wish I had

had a smarter midwife. When my bp was starting to go up at my 28 week visit she told me to EAT EDAMAME (which I have never eaten in my life, and can't even spell...)?????!!!!!! Seriously, what type of advice is that, ever?


I have always wondered if I had been told to stay in bed and rest, if I would have avoided having my dd at 31 weeks. I have heard story after story of people going on bedrest, and avoiding what we went through.


So stay in bed, and it's a good sign that your bp is going down when you rest :grouphug:!

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Will be praying! I am only a week behind you (35 weeks) but can.not. Imagine delivering in the next week! I have so much to do still and just can understand!


Hoping your BP stays down and it was a fluke!! I bought a BP monitor to keep at home for my hubs, but have been using it myself whenever I feel dizziness or sick just in case. You just never know what is going to show up in pregnancy :-/

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hang in there. please be very vigilant! i was in your same shoes, after being in the hospital for several days my BP stabilized and I was sent home with a 24 hour urine collection jug.


I noticed that I was peeing little pieces of something (looked like very small pieces of pink/brown 1/2 cooked ground beef) --nasty (sorry!).

I called my doctor and she said it was likely my mucous plug (i had a failed induction at the hospital).

Turns out I was in kidney failure and the stuff I was peeing was chunks of protein.


Everything turned out okay--i recovered. Expecting our second now :)


Please be careful! Call your doctor if anything weird happens!!!

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Are you getting lots and lots of magnesium? Spend as much time as you can this weekend soaking in a tub with Epsom salts (if you don't have them, a family member can find them at any drug store). That way you don't have to worry about dosage -- your body will absorb what it needs.

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I had it with my oldest, and she was born at 36 weeks at 4 lb 15 oz but was perfectly fine. Perhaps this will make you feel better: I have heard, and it was validated by my tiny, but perfectly healthy, baby, that your body knows baby's time is up and helps baby mature faster than is usual. None of the doctors were particularly surprised by how well she did. No oxygen, no NICU, no feeding problems, nothing! :)



Same here. Hopefully my story will make you feel better too: I developed pre-eclampsia with my oldest at 26 wks: BP was 160/120 (normal for me is 100/60) and I had protein in my urine.


My doctor wanted me to remain hospitalized at that point until I delivered, but my insurance refused.


My son was born a month early. He only weighed 5 pounds, but he was perfectly healthy and we went home 2 days after he was born. He is now a 6 foot 16 year old.


:grouphug: Just remember to rest on your left side as much as possible. :grouphug:

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I had it with my oldest, and she was born at 36 weeks at 4 lb 15 oz but was perfectly fine. Perhaps this will make you feel better: I have heard, and it was validated by my tiny, but perfectly healthy, baby, that your body knows baby's time is up and helps baby mature faster than is usual. None of the doctors were particularly surprised by how well she did. No oxygen, no NICU, no feeding problems, nothing! :)



Same here. Hopefully my story will make you feel better too: I developed pre-eclampsia with my oldest at 26 wks: BP was 160/120 (normal for me is 100/60) and I had protein in my urine.


My doctor wanted me to remain hospitalized at that point until I delivered, but my insurance refused.


My son was born a month early. He only weighed 5 pounds, but he was perfectly healthy and we went home 2 days after he was born. He is now a 6 foot 16 year old.


:grouphug: Just remember to rest on your left side as much as possible. :grouphug:


My Dr. basically said the same thing yesterday, but it's comforting to hear from those that actually experienced it. Thank you!

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Are you getting lots and lots of magnesium? Spend as much time as you can this weekend soaking in a tub with Epsom salts (if you don't have them, a family member can find them at any drug store). That way you don't have to worry about dosage -- your body will absorb what it needs.


Epsom salt bath.....taken and enjoyed. :)

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Hang in there! That's awesome that you're so far along! I was on bedrest from 31-37 weeks with my 4yo DD for preeclampsia. It was bad but she is healthy and fine! I was on bedrest from 29 to 36.5 weeks with my 1yo DD for BP issues too. Stay in bed and try to stay on your left side as much as possible! You don't want to mess with high bp issues while pregnant! I know it's no fun but it protects that baby! Post away on the boards! :grouphug:



The left side position really is making a difference! My BP stays in the 130's/ 85-90 when I sit up too long. If I get on my left side it's down to 110/70 very quickly! I knew about the left side position, but never could see until now how much difference it can make!

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I'm sure you know this, but if you develop a severe headache, blurred vision, jaundice, or swelling in the face, go back in. Even if your bp doesn't go back up, if you have those symptoms, go back in. If you develop HELLP syndrome, they can catch it earlier with bloodwork than by waiting for you to start spilling protein. I hope the bp was just stress and not preeclampsia or HELLP. :grouphug:

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How are you and the baby doing today?


Thanks for checking on me! I had a biophysical profile today and the baby is doing well and growing as expected.


I'm monitoring my BP at home and it does go up if I do much of anything, so the Dr. has me on fairly strict bedrest. I see him tomorrow. His hope is that I can make it to 37/38 weeks without developing preeclampsia. So far, my bloodwork etc. just shows gestational hypertension.


I'm sure you know this, but if you develop a severe headache, blurred vision, jaundice, or swelling in the face, go back in. Even if your bp doesn't go back up, if you have those symptoms, go back in. If you develop HELLP syndrome, they can catch it earlier with bloodwork than by waiting for you to start spilling protein. I hope the bp was just stress and not preeclampsia or HELLP. :grouphug:


One of my friends developed HELLP a few years ago, and that has been a huge fear of mine. Thankfully my blood work is just indicating gestational hypertension right now.


Bedrest is starting to wear on me, but thankfully my mother and my married dd have been here this week to help. I had my 46th birthday this week, so I'm just thankful that I made it this far without major complications. :)

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I'm glad you're still doing okay! I'm 31 weeks today & have been on bed rest for two weeks so far due to contractions and a shortened cervix. It hasn't been too bad yet, but I'm definitely starting to get a bit antsy! You're so close--I hope everything continues to stay under control for you!

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