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I hate CFS.

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All I have done today was one errand to the grocery store to get milk. Then I came home and rounded up the laundry. My Mom does the actual sorting and washing and drying.


Now I am exhausted. I'm dripping sweat and need to sleep. In all likelihood I'll sleep until seven our eight. I've had a Coke in an attempt to stay awake. Last night I went to bed at midnight and slept until noon.


It's been this way, with varying degrees of severity, since I was thirteen. It's made a mockery of my life. It cost me a regular Jr and Sr high school life. It cost me my high school diploma (I have a GED). I've never been healthy enough to work full time. I'm not even forty yet and I take more pills than my sixty-seven year old diabetic mom.


Whaaa. Welcome to my pity-party. We have fluffy beds for naps.

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:grouphug: Although I'd always been sickly, I got sick halfway through my junior year of high school and never recovered. I was diagnosed with CFS, FM, and NMH (neurally mediated hypotension). I got my GED and was able to finish college and grad school eventually, but I've never been able to work full time either. Sometimes my DH understands and sometimes he hates it more than I do. It sucks.

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If it helps, that's more than I managed to get done today. I just sat outside in the sunshine and waited for the mailman. I have Grave's Disease {auto immune hyperthyroid} and another unknown auto-immune, they aren't sure if it's RA, Fibro, or CFS or a combo of all three. I got sick a year away from finishing a triple major in college, and had to quit.

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I'll join your pity party! LOL


I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder (Addison's Disease) about 7 years ago, and it has been hell. I can't work b/c I get sick about once a month and they get tired of me calling in sick all the time. The ONLY time I have been sick since I became a SAHM is when I catch something DH or DS has. I haven't gotten sick first at all since then. I also get really tired easily, so I get exhausted after just cleaning the house. We recently bought a riding lawn mower after always having a push mower. It is HEAVEN! I can actually mow our lawn now, b/c I don't get exhausted after just 3 passes. I need on average of at least 10 hours of sleep in order to feel human, 12 is better. I can't stand up for long periods of time otherwise I feel like I will pass out, and it is even worse when I'm sick. It has been this way since I can remember.

Edited by somo_chickenlady
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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. You know how when you're just starting to get over being ill and you feel achy, tired, and not exactly healthy yet? I've felt that way for twenty-six years.




I was that way last week, and it was just terrible. I had no other symptoms like coughing, sneezing, or fever, but I felt like I had a bad case of the flu. ALL I wanted to do was sleep under a million blankets. I was like that for almost a week, and it was not fun at all!

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. You know how when you're just starting to get over being ill and you feel achy, tired, and not exactly healthy yet? I've felt that way for twenty-six years.




That's a great description. I woke up from a nap on February 19, 1996 feeling ill and never fully recovered. I had a bad run for almost three years straight. Now that I've learned to manage, I can work/live at my reduced level and most of the time live in my bubble where I'm "normal." But, when I overdo it and try to keep up with others, I pay for it.

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in Texas it is chicken fried steak! I had to click to see what crazy person hates chicken fried steak.


:lol: I don't like chicken fried steak!!! :)


And I have auto-immune issues, too, and am right there with you in the pity party, OP.


Addison's, Hashimoto's, and more... I *had* diagnoses for FM and MS for many, many years. Those issues, thankfully, are better now as we found the root cause. CFS is still an issue, but my doc thinks it's due to a newly discovered protozoa and she's treating me for that now... the treatment makes me feel horrible. Just horrible. Crossing my fingers it's worth it.


Here's hoping for a good day for all!

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I was that way last week, and it was just terrible. I had no other symptoms like coughing, sneezing, or fever, but I felt like I had a bad case of the flu. ALL I wanted to do was sleep under a million blankets. I was like that for almost a week, and it was not fun at all!


We had that virus last week too, nothing obvious was wrong, but it was miserable!



I have fibro as well, most of the time I can keep it at bay as long as I don't overdo heavy house or yard work. But for one week a month, literally my entire body is on fire, not just cramps, but every pressure point, muscle and tendon burns. It is miserable!



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I also have CFS. On Saturday I had to volunteer to work the concession stand at the Vandy game for my dd's cheer team. 9 hours on my feet busting my butt. I made it through but slept for three days to recover. I am an insomniac. I can't sleep at night. I get about 4 hours sleep in the morning after the kids go to school, sometimes a nap in the afternoon. My kids want to know why I am always so tired. They think that since I don't work and I don't homeschool, it should be my job to clean. I do whenever I can but they make no effort to keep it that way and I don't have the energy to do it every day. I am not comfortable driving. That causes major issues in my house because my kids have activites every day. It's just so hard because it is an invisable disease. People don't understand why you are always sick and CFS doesn't have a good reputation as a legitimate disease. It's hard.

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