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DD not sleeping well...

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Our DD has always been a night owl, but she is having a hard time falling and staying asleep (she says). I've found her up at various late hours, drawing, listening to music, reading, sometimes just laying there, etc. She says she can't sleep. I used to be like that as a child at times so I can see that it could be an issue for her.


Any advice on helping her get to sleep easier and stay asleep? She is up at 5:10 am for Early Morning Seminary and we try to get them in bed by 9:30.


What about Melatonin? Could that help?

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Our DD has always been a night owl, but she is having a hard time falling and staying asleep (she says). I've found her up at various late hours, drawing, listening to music, reading, sometimes just laying there, etc. She says she can't sleep. I used to be like that as a child at times so I can see that it could be an issue for her.


Any advice on helping her get to sleep easier and stay asleep? She is up at 5:10 am for Early Morning Seminary and we try to get them in bed by 9:30.


What about Melatonin? Could that help?


They've found that teenagers' circadian rhythms are different, and they seem to be hard-wired to stay up later and sleep in later. I was the same way. There might not be much you can do about it. Is there any way to change her schedule so she doesn't have to be asleep quite so early?

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My 2nd ds has that problem. I brought him to the ped who told me that most teens' natural clocks are just set that way and there's really nothing you can do to change them. They just have to outgrow it. Apparently 12am to 10am is the most common natural sleeping time for teens, but falling asleep anytime between 10pm and 2am is within normal limits.


It is unfortunate that so many programs for teens start so early in the morning. Harvard, who did the study, changed their class start times so that none of the classes start before 10am based on this information.


Melatonin might work to get her to sleep earlier, but it can cause nightmares.

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I would think melatonin would really help. Also Valerian might be worth trying. What is her evening routine like? Would it help if she started winding down about two hours before bed time? Soft music, a calm movie or book? Also, having a regular rising and bed time helps people that suffer from insomnia. Hope she gets some help soon.

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Melatonin is good for falling asleep but not so great for staying asleep. If you decide to try it go with the lowest effective dose. I'd start at .5 a mg for example. Extended release melatonin might be better for staying asleep. You would probably need to use a higher dose for extended release forms.


You could certainly try things like magnesium first. I'd consider looking into cognitive behavioral therapy to help her learn healthy sleep techniques too. That could be a lifetime skill for her.

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She's not a turkey fan unfortunately...and she's lactose intolerant...she really only does milk in her cereal...


The problem is she's not doing well on little sleep. She needs atleast 8 hours like me. Otherwise she'll start to be very cranky and want to nap during the day (which right now I'm not allowing because I'm hoping she'll be tired enough at nightto sleep better). Tonight she started reading at 8:45, took a little melatonin and proclaimed that she was actually tired...I hope she fell asleep quickly and stays asleep. I'm about to go check on her....then I'm off myself to bed.

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I stayed awake tonight...got sucked into a tv program while waiting to check on her and crocheting my soon to be arriving niece's baby blanket. ;).


So she is asleep...has seemed so for some time now. I'll ask her in the morning how she slept. I hope it was good.


I would love to try herbal tea, but I'm afraid that all the honey I'd have to use to sweeten it would be counterproductive, :tongue_smilie:.


Unfortunately now I'll need a nap in the morning! I'm going to be wiped out and unfortunately I'm not tired (she comes by it honestly). Luckily the only thing I have on schedule tomorrow is mowing mine and my neighbors lawn. He's got a nice big zero turn that we use. It shouldn't take me long, lol.

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I try to shoot for exercise every day, but some days it doesn't happen. Yesterday was a long day. We have music and normally run a couple of errands along with a regular school day. They are up early and work hard that day.


She says she slept well last night. We evaluated what we did and discussed that we'll do something similar tonight and also add in some vigorous exercise. Then we'll start her new night time routine:, no electronics after 8:30, a shower, some warm apple cider (her favorite) or warm tea if she'll try it with a snack, a melatonin pill, and a good book for the next 30 to 45 min. She's wanting to delve into Pride and Prejudice, lol. She picked up a 'comic book' of it and remarked that it was a fun read though somewhat difficult because the converstations are lengthy. But she's loving it. She wants to switch to the real version. :D


Here's to hoping tonight goes well too.

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