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How do you REALLY get rid of fruit flies?

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We have trouble with drain flies (and I'm not sure if they are the same as fruit flies). They look very similar to me - small and annoying.


For us, it's prevention. We take out the trash every night, even if it's just to an outside trash can before taking it to the curb. We pour bleach down the drains (all of them, including the bathroom) and put a stopper in the drains as well. (I also routinely do a baking soda, vinegar, hot water flush). We bought covers for our counter top veggies. (They weren't expensive, about $10 from amazon - search for picnic food covers). We refrigerate as much as we can (rather than leaving it out) and I spray down cabinets with mild bleach water (put in a spray bottle).


After a few days, they die off.

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I stop buying bananas, I keep all fruit in the fridge. I don't leave a wet dishcloth or sponge sit out on the counter over night. Drain all saucers under plants. Dry out your sink at night with a towel. If you have a garbage disposal, make sure you run it at night and food doesn't sit in there.


You need to take away all food and water sources. If they can't find real food then they start looking for dampness and water.


Getting rid of their food supply has always worked better for me than trapping still breeding flies.

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Small mason jar, or glass, or plastic cup. Fill with an inch or so of apple cider vinegar. Cover with plastic wrap. Use rubber band to keep in place. Use penicl point or pen tip to several holes in plastic. Fruit flies are attracted to the smell, fly in and can't get out. It takes a few days but they will all be gone.

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You have to make sure you don't have any fruits or other foods that they are able to feed on sitting out.

I have heard of the vinegar and dish soap working for some too. I also boil water on the stove a few times a day and pour it into the drains. (I think I read somewhere that they breed in the drains and this will kill them.) It works very well and should have them gone in a day or so. Hope this helps you!

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Apple cider vinegar, water and dish soap in a jar set out on the counter. The flies like the smell, get too close and the soap breaks the water tension so they sink and die. I keep a jar out all summer and it works well.


A friend on Facebook just posted a picture of this and all the dead fruit flies she collected. I'd try this.

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Apple cider vinegar, water and dish soap in a jar set out on the counter. The flies like the smell, get too close and the soap breaks the water tension so they sink and die. I keep a jar out all summer and it works well.


Yes, this really works!


We try to prevent fruit flies, but inevitably someone pulls a banana off the bunch and accidentally opens another with it and boom, we have fruit flies. Then they have always been a booger to get rid of, even with no fruit on the counters at all.


Finally, I tried the trick listed above and it worked amazingly well. I did stright vinegar & a few squirts of Dawn swirled together and a few days later the jar had many fruit flies corpses and no more flies in my kitchen!

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Yes, this really works!


We try to prevent fruit flies, but inevitably someone pulls a banana off the bunch and accidentally opens another with it and boom, we have fruit flies. Then they have always been a booger to get rid of, even with no fruit on the counters at all.


Finally, I tried the trick listed above and it worked amazingly well. I did stright vinegar & a few squirts of Dawn swirled together and a few days later the jar had many fruit flies corpses and no more flies in my kitchen!


I tried it too. It works. No more fruit flies in my house...:D

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