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I still do not understand what any of this has to do with auto pay. If anything, it is more immediate because there is no waiting period for a check to be cleared - if payment is due on the 15th, it is deducted on teh 15th and is displayed as gone from my account.

I can go and view my balance online every day if I want. I can go online and see whether the riding teacher has cashed her checks or not. I do not see why I need to have a checkbook and paper register to do by hand what I can see on the screen (or, if that is more comfortable for you, on a printout of your account). It has all the same information.


I have auto pay and still use a paper checkbook which I balance online about once a week. I put a little check next to the item when it clears, and I can within a couple minutes know how much I will have when everything clears.

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We are trying to convince my husband's parents to have someone come in once a day to check on medications and things. My MIL has a medication list, and so far so good, but we still worry.


Have you tried a large checklist taped to the cabinet? That's what I have to do when the boys take antibiotics or something.


It really sounds like you need assistance.


PM me anytime. I used to forget my BP meds regularly. Even now I will sometimes have to figure out why at 5:00 I feel so weak and faint....... Only to realize I had been so busy I forgot to eat ALL DAY. :glare:


I got angry at the kids many tmes telling them to REMIND me to feed them when I forgot to do so on my own. :crying: dd9 was a toddler when I suffered my life-altering injury. My kids have GOT to help me remember to feed them. Most times I forget to eat until my blood sugar is too low. Now they are old enough to just grab, or for dd12, cook for themselves


I spent all those hours paying bills today and then was completely drained. Dd12 started to clean up to help out and I didn't realize what she was doing at first. When I realized she was helping me, I COMPKETELY panicked and yelled, "DON'T TOUCH THOSE BILLS!!!" because I knew one hand on that messy stack would ruin it all.


It totally sucks.

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My brain is so fried that I can't remember everything off the top of my head.


Another reason why it takes so long is because I double and triple check EVERYTHING to make sure I haven't missed anything. I went over the bills MANY time and KNOW I forgot something because I have a lot of money sitting in my account, which was balanced numerous times, and I can't figure out why. I went over my list of bills several times, too.


This is SOOOO frustrating!

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Sorry you are having to deal with this.


some thoughts...paying over the phone is about the same as autopay. Someone is taking your information and they could just as easily make a mistake. Not to add stress but I wouldn't count on that as a surefire way of keeping everything safe.


I suggest getting Quicken. You can set it up for any and every kind of account that you have. You simply enter the deposits and your bills. I have mine set up to automatically put in the bills that I pay with each pay period. It automatically deducts from your balance so you always know how much money you have. When I go shopping or spend money the first thing I do when I get home is to enter all the receipts into Quicken. I check my bank account online at least every other day. There is even a check mark box in Quicken to use when payments clear the bank.


I don't understand why you need a paper statement in your hand unless it is security for you. My statements are all emailed to me. My previous payments and any outstanding balances are shown on credit card statements when I login to their websites. I have my bank account information saved on bill websites. I do have to go in and put the amount and the date to pay. I would set up an email specifically for receiving bill statements. I always get payment confirmation in a matter of seconds after making a payment.


I hope you are able to glean from all the replies some kind of system that will work for you and save you time.

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In my dh's case he has to see the paper bill. He needs to see it before it is due. It was different when he was self-employed as our income was sporadic, we didn't want anything on auto pay because of that. Now, he still needs to interact with the bill for a couple of time before it was due. It literally needs to be in his face. He lays them out a day or two before.


If it was on direct pay, he forget about the bill and then use the money for something else before he remembered to check the bill pay. He needs that physical check in place.


If I did the bills then it would turn into me nagging as a reminder (plus there are many other reasons he does the bills). He doesn't have direct deposit at his job.


It's odd because we are very techie. His smart phone is good because it gives reminders, but if those would come when he is work he wouldn't have the opportunity to write it down and then he'd forget it.


It was very different before his head injury and he had only a minor concussion. It's been amazing the changes that have happened since that incident.


YES, YES, YES to your first paragraph!!! I just NEED that bill! I file it in my desk apprentice and recheck those bills nimerous times before they are paid.

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Honestly, if neither one of you is able to pay the bills, I see no other choice but to get help. There are systems to use, such as the one I mentioned or a calendar system, but if that is not possible, I don't see another choice.


I have been able to do it so far, and it actually gets easier each month. It is just very hard and depressing because it takes so long. And, I need total silence until I am done. :(


If we ever get into a pickle, I will change things. For the most part I do know what is due when. Today was a nightmare because I had a hige stack of medical bills between the specialists we've recently seen, dd's hospitl stay, dh's burst eardrum, dh's Lymes, ds's procedures on his fert. The extra bills really did make today far worse.

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Mine is just a low-tech Word document. I can pm you a copy.


There's nothing wrong with asking for help, though.


Could you pkease PM it? Thanks.


There are only two people close enough in proximity I would trust to do this. (some friends are no better with finances!). My good friend, who works two jobs, one full time, and is dealing with a HUGE stressor in life right now, and my oldest son. I don't want to ask my son for help unless I *really* need to. He just moved out on his own last summer and I do not want to place this burden on him because it really isn't necessary yet.


I got through a stack of medical bills today, which should make next month easier.

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YES, YES, YES to your first paragraph!!! I just NEED that bill! I file it in my desk apprentice and recheck those bills nimerous times before they are paid.


My dh thanks you, or since he's asleep I thank you for him. :D I will be more patient with him about making sure the bills are out and visible.


He doesn't have a desk right now, another issue, so he likes to keep them in the dining room (small house only table). My cat likes to eat paper and has a bad habit of getting on the table (another issue). So I will put the bills on the kitchen counter (where the cat can't get to them), but he gets irritated when I do that. I'm probably messing with his subconscious reminder system.


Thank you, Denise, this thread has been helpful to me as well. Dh doesn't talk about it much. It's nice to see the issue from his side.

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I feel the same. I like getting the bill. As I said, I only have 2 bills that are auto pay. They are always the same and that helps. One is only for $50 a month (car insurance) so no biggie there. The school loan has been the same for years and years so I'm used to that too.


I once tried doing auto pay with the mortgage. I hated that.


It took me forever to get used to not writing checks. So I'm at least making some progress. LOL


What about getting a really big calendar and writing when stuff is scheduled to be withdrawn. Then once a day for a few minutes just check stuff to see what should be going out, etc. In other words, do this a little bit each day, not once a month for 5 hours!


Sorry you are having such a tough time! :grouphug:


The other thing that really ticks me off about auto pay is that they take too much out one month, not enough the next..... I vent to dh and even HE is calling companies and getting frustrated. Since we got dh's new car in May, auto-paid insurance has been different Every Single Month. I HATE auto pay!


I now have some things written on my calendar, but really, I like paying all bills the first paycheck, all auto pay the second. It just works. If we can keep the medical expenses down.


I didn't even open up that thread about dropping health insurance but I honestly wonder about doing so. It seems like our so-called good plan is a rip-off.

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Just to let you know, I still get paper statements for 90% of my autopay bills. That is a possibility too.


I am getting SO TIRED of calling every single month! i really want all those statements. I check my accounts online and they are all labeled as paper statement yet I don't get them. This never happened before dh set up auto pay. Since I took it off most things, it is lime pulling teeth to get a statement.

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I still do not understand what any of this has to do with auto pay. If anything, it is more immediate because there is no waiting period for a check to be cleared - if payment is due on the 15th, it is deducted on the 15th and is displayed as gone from my account. The more we have deducted automatically, the fewer charges have the delay issues you describe. (Btw, I have never seen a debit card payment not clear immediately- it goes through right away when you use the machine. Must have been a check.)

I can go and view my balance online every day if I want and keep on top of things. I can see whether the riding teacher has cashed her checks or not. If you don't do well with the screen, you can print our your account and look over it.


I do know I had a delay in a debit card purchase, and I had a small debit card purchase of two months ago not clear yet. It was at the local hardware store for around $15. Also, I wrote a check for $28 and it was at a store where the check processes right away. This was in June. My check was written for $28 and my receipt is for $28 and the amount they deducted? $9.99. I have never seen such a thing.

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I have been able to do it so far, and it actually gets easier each month. It is just very hard and depressing because it takes so long. And, I need total silence until I am done. :(


If we ever get into a pickle, I will change things. For the most part I do know what is due when. Today was a nightmare because I had a hige stack of medical bills between the specialists we've recently seen, dd's hospitl stay, dh's burst eardrum, dh's Lymes, ds's procedures on his fert. The extra bills really did make today far worse.


Medical bills become a whole new issue. I like to take my Explanations of Benefits and match them up with the invoices. If I pay a co-pay at the time of visit, I keep the receipt and attach it to the EOB because I know this amount will come off the total due, and I want my numbers to match. This helps me catch any errors the billing department may have by duplicate invoices. I then make a note on the EOB that it has been paid in full.


Yes, I agree -- it can all be a pain, especially with so many invoices.


Does it make you feel any better that I also do the tax paperwork for my husband's business? At the end of the year, when I should be doing holiday things, I am crying over stacks of receipts, tax reports, and such. I am completely overwhelmed, especially when I realize I have made an error.



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The other thing that really ticks me off about auto pay is that they take too much out one month, not enough the next..... I vent to dh and even HE is calling companies and getting frustrated. Since we got dh's new car in May, auto-paid insurance has been different Every Single Month. I HATE auto pay!


I now have some things written on my calendar, but really, I like paying all bills the first paycheck, all auto pay the second. It just works. If we can keep the medical expenses down.


I didn't even open up that thread about dropping health insurance but I honestly wonder about doing so. It seems like our so-called good plan is a rip-off.


About your first sentence - it seems that you are using the terms auto-pay & on-line bill pay interchangeably. And maybe your bank truly doesn't differentiate. However, my CU's on-line bill pay allows me to enter the amounts to be paid for my bills. We pay almost all our bills this way. I can even set up recurring payments for those bills whose amounts don't change month to month (i.e., mortgage, car insurance payments, etc). Obviously, bills like the electric bills are different each month; so, I log in when I receive those bills and enter the amount and the date for it to be sent out.


So, there is no flubbing of the amounts by an outside party. We don't use auto-pay (meaning the company draws from the account). Is something like this an option for you? I still receive the paper bills from many of the companies. Some I've chosen via the companies' web sites not to have statements sent to me.

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We are trying to convince my husband's parents to have someone come in once a day to check on medications and things. My MIL has a medication list, and so far so good, but we still worry.


Have you tried a large checklist taped to the cabinet? That's what I have to do when the boys take antibiotics or something.


It really sounds like you need assistance.


There's no help for people with head injuries. Not the kind of help where someone can come into the house.


School is starting Monday so we will be back into our pattern of chores, breakfast, school, lunch. When I have a predictable pattern, I do much better.


I don't want to make it sound like my kids are starving. Dd12 is constantly eating/grazing all day long and dd9 is..... Chubby. But I did have to really get after them to remind me. And I still have to get after them to drink enough. I bought them huge stainless steel water bottles.


There is no help for mental illness. There is cognitive rehab for brain injuries. I have tried some but....... They are limited with what they can do. I have spoken to others with head injuries. It's just not something that can't be fixed sometimes.

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Sorry you are having to deal with this.


some thoughts...paying over the phone is about the same as autopay. Someone is taking your information and they could just as easily make a mistake. Not to add stress but I wouldn't count on that as a surefire way of keeping everything safe.


I suggest getting Quicken. You can set it up for any and every kind of account that you have. You simply enter the deposits and your bills. I have mine set up to automatically put in the bills that I pay with each pay period. It automatically deducts from your balance so you always know how much money you have. When I go shopping or spend money the first thing I do when I get home is to enter all the receipts into Quicken. I check my bank account online at least every other day. There is even a check mark box in Quicken to use when payments clear the bank.


I don't understand why you need a paper statement in your hand unless it is security for you. My statements are all emailed to me. My previous payments and any outstanding balances are shown on credit card statements when I login to their websites. I have my bank account information saved on bill websites. I do have to go in and put the amount and the date to pay. I would set up an email specifically for receiving bill statements. I always get payment confirmation in a matter of seconds after making a payment.


I hope you are able to glean from all the replies some kind of system that will work for you and save you time.


Do you use quicken instead of a check register?


Having a separate acct just for bills would help immensely. I get so much junk that I really only read anout 5% of my email. I'm sure a ton of stuff gets lost in there. Which is one reason I need that paper statement.

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I'm sorry. I wasn't referring to gov't-approved help. I meant like someone from their church, a friend, something. We are looking into an organization that helps seniors, but I know in my area, there are people willing to help moms with things.


This thread just reminds me a lot of the conversations I have my my MIL who does not suffer from brain injury but who does have anxiety issues, memory issues and issues with change. That's not saying you have those issues as a result of the injury, but with her, we are realizing that she needs some sort of help from somebody local. We are fur hours away. And, with her, if I suggest something, like a pill box for every day of the week, she cannot handle the change enough to try it, so she continues each day feeling frustrated with hoping she doles out the right pills.


The ideas of charts and things are just things that come to mind when I try to help her. Please disregard anything you don't find helpful. :grouphug:


I understand that you work best with a schedule.


There's no help for people with head injuries. Not the kind of help where someone can come into the house.


School is starting Monday so we will be back into our pattern of chores, breakfast, school, lunch. When I have a predictable pattern, I do much better.


I don't want to make it sound like my kids are starving. Dd12 is constantly eating/grazing all day long and dd9 is..... Chubby. But I did have to really get after them to remind me. And I still have to get after them to drink enough. I bought them huge stainless steel water bottles.


There is no help for mental illness. There is cognitive rehab for brain injuries. I have tried some but....... They are limited with what they can do. I have spoken to others with head injuries. It's just not something that can't be fixed sometimes.

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I have no memory problems and bills drive me crazy. I finally put all the utilities on a budget plan and take everything and pay 1/2 the balance due every two weeks when my husband is paid. It is all set up on auto-pay so I don't have to do anything but reconcile the utilities once a year and and monitor the mail. All the payments are set amounts, even our cable and cell phones are set monthly charges. I just check that his paycheck has gone in and what is left on my balance that night is what I have for our grocery, gas, and pocket money for the rest of the pay period.

Edited by melmichigan
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My dh thanks you, or since he's asleep I thank you for him. :D I will be more patient with him about making sure the bills are out and visible.


He doesn't have a desk right now, another issue, so he likes to keep them in the dining room (small house only table). My cat likes to eat paper and has a bad habit of getting on the table (another issue). So I will put the bills on the kitchen counter (where the cat can't get to them), but he gets irritated when I do that. I'm probably messing with his subconscious reminder system.


Thank you, Denise, this thread has been helpful to me as well. Dh doesn't talk about it much. It's nice to see the issue from his side.


I feel like I've given an inaccurate picture of our life. And I'm too tired to sort it all out to explain. Our bulls ARE getting paid, though, and everyone is well niurished, but it did take work.


I do not take good enough care of myself and dh will be the first to tell you I care for everyone and forget about myself. And I am on auto-shipment for coconut oil, my best friend.


EL, show your dh the desk apprentice. I went out and bought a desk, two actually, but neither worked for me. I have the desk apprentice out in the main living area and am PROTECTING IT WITH MY LIFE. :lol: it REALLY helped today because I had everything in ne area, bills to pay, upcoming bills, hilighters, etc. For me I bought large packs of pens and highlighters all in different colors. Each bill paying session is written in a different colored ink in the check register. A different colored high lighter highlights outstanding checks or debits, i don't know why but color coding really helps. When I balance the account, I make little check marks by each individual item, using yet anothet color, a different color than the orevious week's balancing. next week when I go back and quadruple check today's bill paying session and checkbook balancing, I can see a system, if that makes sense. The desk apprentice holds, and organizes, every single thing I need. Had it not been for all the additional medical bills and bank screw ups, I really think today would have worked out well. It's taken four months of trial and error to get here.


I will tell you, though, if people start taking my supplies in any way, it will do me in. So I bought dd's colored pencils (dd9 animal print, dd12 neon, both huge packs of colored pencils and erasers, dd12 pens) and got dh a beautiful blown glass vase, short, (SO PRETTY yet $6.99 at Homegoods) which holds numerous packs of pencils and pens. I have given my warning a million times and given them more than adequate supplies. I need all my different colored stuff. And so I don't need to hunt down yet another calcukatir, I downloaded one on my Ipad. These are just practical ways I have dealt with it all.



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I'm sorry. I wasn't referring to gov't-approved help. I meant like someone from their church, a friend, something. We are looking into an organization that helps seniors, but I know in my area, there are people willing to help moms with things.


This thread just reminds me a lot of the conversations I have my my MIL who does not suffer from brain injury but who does have anxiety issues, memory issues and issues with change. That's not saying you have those issues as a result of the injury, but with her, we are realizing that she needs some sort of help from somebody local. We are fur hours away. And, with her, if I suggest something, like a pill box for every day of the week, she cannot handle the change enough to try it, so she continues each day feeling frustrated with hoping she doles out the right pills.


The ideas of charts and things are just things that come to mind when I try to help her. Please disregard anything you don't find helpful. :grouphug:


I understand that you work best with a schedule.


You have been VERY helpful, Dawn, and I have really appreciated your input.


Everyone is different, but those pill organizers are a lifesaver!

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I have no memory problems and bills drive me crazy. I finally put all the utilities on a budget plan and take everything and pay 1/2 the balance due every two weeks when my husband is paid. It is all set up on auto-pay so I don't have to do anything but reconcile the utilities once a year and and monitor the mail. All the payments are set amounts, even our cable and cell phones are set monthly charges. I just check that his paycheck has gone in and what is left on my balance that night is what I have for our grocery, gas, and pocket money for the rest of the pay period.


How can you do that with electricity? Our bills fluctuate wildly. Our cells and cable are the same but It works better for me to get the bill, neither of which I did but my compulsive checking and doubke checking shiwed me today that I needed to pay them without a bill.


And with this, I an going to tey to destress so I can sleep tonight.


Thank you SO MUCH, everyone. I need to share the link to this thread ti Caroe Diem because she struggles with this, too.

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I feel like I've given an inaccurate picture of our life. And I'm too tired to sort it all out to explain. Our bulls ARE getting paid, though, and everyone is well niurished, but it did take work.


I do not take good enough care of myself and dh will be the first to tell you I care for everyone and forget about myself. And I am on auto-shipment for coconut oil, my best friend.


EL, show your dh the desk apprentice.




Thank you, I will look into your suggestions. I try to be helpful, this will show me how I can do that more efficiently.

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How can you do that with electricity? Our bills fluctuate wildly. Our cells and cable are the same but It works better for me to get the bill, neither of which I did but my compulsive checking and doubke checking shiwed me today that I needed to pay them without a bill.


And with this, I an going to tey to destress so I can sleep tonight.


Thank you SO MUCH, everyone. I need to share the link to this thread ti Caroe Diem because she struggles with this, too.


I put our electric and gas on the yearly budget plan that the utilites offer, so I have a set amount due each month and then a reconciliation month. I just keep an eye on the bills as they come in to have an idea of where the balance is so I don't owe at the end, the averages printed on each bill so I know if we are on track from last year. My water is only billed quarterly but they cannot deny a payment that is sent to them so I just figured out what I need to send every two weeks so that I don't have anything owing on the account when the bill is due. If I'm ahead when the bill comes then I just program auto-pay to skip a payment or two so I don't get to far ahead. The only thing to remember is that once or twice a year you will have three pay checks in a month. I just let it pay as normal on anything but utilities, and have it put to principal. For things like my car payment that has no interest I am a month ahead at the end of a year.

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You have been VERY helpful, Dawn, and I have really appreciated your input.


Everyone is different, but those pill organizers are a lifesaver!


Perhaps you just needed to vent. :) I always end up acting like the guy in these situations -- trying to fix. I'm the same way around here. As soon as someone mutters something about something not working, I rush in and try to fix it.


I'm sorry things have been difficult for you.

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Do you use quicken instead of a check register?


Having a separate acct just for bills would help immensely. I get so much junk that I really only read anout 5% of my email. I'm sure a ton of stuff gets lost in there. Which is one reason I need that paper statement.


Yes, I just use Quicken to record all of my transactions. I haven't used a register in probably 15 years.


I saw someone mention lights bills--you can call your light company and ask for budget billing. They will average the last year of your bills and the payment will be the same every month--makes things so much easier!

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Having a separate acct just for bills would help immensely. I get so much junk that I really only read anout 5% of my email. I'm sure a ton of stuff gets lost in there. Which is one reason I need that paper statement.


I have been on a major campaign to unclutter my email box. I have unsubscribed to a number of things or have asked for a weekly email--as opposed to the daily. I also recommend highlighting email subject lines in red if it is something like a bill or something that needs a response that you cannot do immediately. Good luck.

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Maybe you could get a credit counselor or someone to help you reduce the sheer number of bills you need to pay. And make multiple payments when you can. For example, I pay for my kids' activities a semester or year at a time - whatever I can get the teachers/coaches to accept. Usually they are quite happy to get the money earlier than usual.


Also, a lot of vendors accept PayPal payments, which charge your credit card. So, no need to make separate payments to each one. I also have my car insurance and cell phone hit my credit card. This way I don't have to have the actual cash on the day the bill is due, so the auto-pay feature is not an issue. The other bill I never paid was daycare: I filled out a form allowing the center to debit my bank account for up to a set amount each week.


For me, paying online is a lot faster than paper checks. Just a few clicks and you're done. I keep my credit cards and bank account in my internet "favorites." For bills that don't accept credit card payments, I usually use my bank's online bill pay feature. You enter the address etc. for the vendor, and then each time you need to pay, you just enter the amount and press the button. There are also various ways to get automatic reminders when bills are coming due.


If you must pay paper checks, consider printing out the addresses (yours and the creditors') on sticky address labels. A lot faster than writing them out each time on the envelopes.


Just some thoughts. It doesn't take me much time to pay my bills each month, but I don't do it all in one sitting, so I'm not sure how much it totals.

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Our income is highly variable, so we never do auto pay. I am in charge of our credit card bill, which i pay at the same time every month. We try to put everything that we can on the card, because it has great rewards (cash!) and that way we have fewer bills to pay.


Dh is in charge of mortgage, electric, insurance,...he pays electronically out of our banking acct. Comcast is paid automatically (the only one) but it is billed to our credit card, and s not a large amount.


I check my balance on my cc every couple of weeks, look at the charges, and then see how much we have in our bank account. If we need more to pay it, i tell dh, who will transfer the needed amount from his business to our personal. It is not ideal; i have wished for 10 years that he had a "regular" income that i could plan against....but he doesnt. So i just set my budget and stick to it. If he says it is going to be a tight month, i will cut back as much as possible.


Anyway, he says it takes him 20-30 minutes to pay the bills. He has them due at the same time (end of month) so he sits down on the 25th or whenever and pays them electronically.


We have had a late fee once, when i thought i had paid amex but forgot to hit submit online :glare:

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I am up to my ears in medical bills.


That is a big problem, one that I share. I finally got a handle on it by using my latest system. It probably isn't the best system, but it works for me.


1. I have a file folder for each medical provider -- even for different departments in the same hospital.


The files are in alphabetical order on a rolling file cart I bought at Amazon. The cart makes them easier to access.


2. Each person has a file folder labeled, for example, Sally Medical/Ins. These are in alphabetical order, behind the medical provider files. In them goes the paperwork I get from the insurance company which tells me how much I have to pay, how much they paid, etc.


3. There is another file in front of everything else call Unpaid Medical Bills.


4. I put prescription receipts all in one file. I don't get billed for those.


So, I have a medical bill in my hand.


First, I pull the file of the person the bill pertains to.


Second, I check the insurance company's form to make sure I am being billed the correct amount. If I have no paperwork from the insurance company, I don't pay the bill.


Third, I staple the insurance company's form to the bill. To date, I've never received duplicate forms from our insurers. I frequently receive duplicate bills from medical providers -- that's what makes everything so complicated -- duplicate bills and statements on top of that!


Fourth, I pay the bill either online or via snail mail.


Fifth, I put the stapled paperwork in the file labeled with the payee's name.


If the bill is for a co-pay, I call DH to ask him if he paid it already when he was at the doctor's office. Usually he did not, and how he gets away with that, I don't know.


Our situation is also complicated by the fact that DH's insurer is always refusing to pay bills, claiming he has a pre-existing condition. He doesn't, and while he's getting it straightened out with the insurance company, we get many duplicate bills and statements because the insurer hasn't paid anything yet. Until the insurer pays, we don't know what we actually owe. It makes me so mad that if it continues until I have time, I'm going to sue them for that -- if there is a consumer protection statute in PA -- I don't know.

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Your system sounds very much like mine. Difference is, we don't have enough different providers to have separate folders. Each family member has a separate folder, there is a dental folder, and prescriptions go into the person's folder because we do pay for these.


I have found that duplicate bills occur rarely but because of cross-over in the mail. Their system is designed to spew out another invoice at a certain date, and my payment may be on the desk somewhere in their facility. If the first week of the month has passed, a medical bill goes in my envelope for the next month's bills.


I have three envelopes labeled by the month -- so right now, there is OCT, NOV, DEC since I paid all September bills. When I pay OCT, I scratch out that name and rename it JAN and place it behind DEC. When an invoice comes in, I place it in the envelope.


Oh, and our Anthem plan has a co-pay, but it's weird because it's on the card but not really in the policy as clearly. So, often the doctor will ask me if I have a co-pay. Other times, they look at the card. It's either $20 or $30, but it matters little since we still pay everything up to the allowable charge until our deductible is met. It's not a REAL co-pay, because the doctor still ends up invoicing us the $180 or whatever, it's just the co-pay comes off what we owe in the end.


That is a big problem, one that I share. I finally got a handle on it by using my latest system. It probably isn't the best system, but it works for me.


1. I have a file folder for each medical provider -- even for different departments in the same hospital.


The files are in alphabetical order on a rolling file cart I bought at Amazon. The cart makes them easier to access.


2. Each person has a file folder labeled, for example, Sally Medical/Ins. These are in alphabetical order, behind the medical provider files. In them goes the paperwork I get from the insurance company which tells me how much I have to pay, how much they paid, etc.


3. There is another file in front of everything else call Unpaid Medical Bills.


4. I put prescription receipts all in one file. I don't get billed for those.


So, I have a medical bill in my hand.


First, I pull the file of the person the bill pertains to.


Second, I check the insurance company's form to make sure I am being billed the correct amount. If I have no paperwork from the insurance company, I don't pay the bill.


Third, I staple the insurance company's form to the bill. To date, I've never received duplicate forms from our insurers. I frequently receive duplicate bills from medical providers -- that's what makes everything so complicated -- duplicate bills and statements on top of that!


Fourth, I pay the bill either online or via snail mail.


Fifth, I put the stapled paperwork in the file labeled with the payee's name.


If the bill is for a co-pay, I call DH to ask him if he paid it already when he was at the doctor's office. Usually he did not, and how he gets away with that, I don't know.


Our situation is also complicated by the fact that DH's insurer is always refusing to pay bills, claiming he has a pre-existing condition. He doesn't, and while he's getting it straightened out with the insurance company, we get many duplicate bills and statements because the insurer hasn't paid anything yet. Until the insurer pays, we don't know what we actually owe. It makes me so mad that if it continues until I have time, I'm going to sue them for that -- if there is a consumer protection statute in PA -- I don't know.

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