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Exercise Thread ~ 9/2-9/8

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Thanks for the welcome in the other thread and the info about cortisol. That was interesting.


I did well last week, but Crossfit was really hard and I'm still a bit sore. Yesterday's 5-miler was terrible because it was SO humid, but we got through it. I can't wait for fall!


Thankfully, today is my rest day and I'm doing a little 2-miler tomorrow morning. Crossfit on Tuesday.

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Is there running in Crossfit? We're moving in a few months and the new place we're going to has several Crossfit gyms and I know I would LOVE it but I'm worried about running.


Last year I was training for a half marathon - worked up to 6 miles and started having ITBS in both knees. No doctor here has been able to help me, I've tried a bunch of different things, but no matter what I do I can no longer go more than 1 mile before I'm limping (and it makes me limp around everywhere for about a week afterwards).


Right now I do Insanity, which strangely does not bother my knees at all, and Chalene Extreme for strength training but I am soooooo bored with Insanity! I mean I love it, but I'm on my 7th round of it so it's gotten really old.


Anyways today I did Chalene Extreme

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I'm sorry that I haven't been participating with the threads.


I'm just in a weird place. I stopped talking about exercise to most people I know irl because I got tired of the snarkiness from them.


Then I have days when I really struggle due to my auto immune diseases. Blech.


On a less self pitying note, I watched a couple youtube videos of Jillian Michaels doing interviews. She seems so nice and really believes that a person's body does not define who they are. One woman asked her for advice on motivation about how to get off the couch. She asked the woman why she wanted off the couch. The woman replied so that she will look better. Jillian then told her that we are so much more than our bodies.


She also said something interesting about alcohol. She said it wasn't just the calories/carbs in alcohol that contribute to weight gain or lack of weight loss. The way alcohol is metabolized by the body is different than other sugars. She said something about it triggering the body to produce more estrogen and estrogen encourages weight gain.


Has anyone heard that?

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Ellen Barrett: Live Power Fusion




I stopped talking about exercise to most people I know irl because I got tired of the snarkiness from them.

:grouphug: I've missed you. Glad to see you back. I'm sorry you've been going through difficult stuff.

I hardly ever talk to people IRL about exercise. I'm extremely selective about that.


Then I have days when I really struggle due to my auto immune diseases.


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Is there running in Crossfit? We're moving in a few months and the new place we're going to has several Crossfit gyms and I know I would LOVE it but I'm worried about running.


Last year I was training for a half marathon - worked up to 6 miles and started having ITBS in both knees. No doctor here has been able to help me, I've tried a bunch of different things, but no matter what I do I can no longer go more than 1 mile before I'm limping (and it makes me limp around everywhere for about a week afterwards).


Right now I do Insanity, which strangely does not bother my knees at all, and Chalene Extreme for strength training but I am soooooo bored with Insanity! I mean I love it, but I'm on my 7th round of it so it's gotten really old.


Anyways today I did Chalene Extreme


There isn't a whole lot of running in Crossfit IME. We did do a 5K a couple weeks ago, but dh (who is a coach and has been Crossfitting for 4 yrs now) said that they hadn't done one in 9 months. Mostly they do 200, 400, and 500 m runs as part of a workout. We did have some people row instead of run. They did a 6000m row and finished at the same time as those do us running. The gyms are independent so some gyms could focus more on running than ours. Ours does have a separate running group that meets a few times a week and a coach that will help train you for races, but that's only for those who want to run long distances. I do like that Crossfit is so varied each day that it would be pretty difficult to get bored.


I hope your ITB gets better. I had some hip issues last year training for my half that started when I got over 7 miles. Thankfully, dh works at a healthcare company that specializes in treating soft tissue injuries and they fixed me right up. The doc also treated my ITB just because so many runners have issues with it.

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I'm sorry that I haven't been participating with the threads.


I'm just in a weird place. I stopped talking about exercise to most people I know irl because I got tired of the snarkiness from them.


Then I have days when I really struggle due to my auto immune diseases. Blech.


On a less self pitying note, I watched a couple youtube videos of Jillian Michaels doing interviews. She seems so nice and really believes that a person's body does not define who they are. One woman asked her for advice on motivation about how to get off the couch. She asked the woman why she wanted off the couch. The woman replied so that she will look better. Jillian then told her that we are so much more than our bodies.


She also said something interesting about alcohol. She said it wasn't just the calories/carbs in alcohol that contribute to weight gain or lack of weight loss. The way alcohol is metabolized by the body is different than other sugars. She said something about it triggering the body to produce more estrogen and estrogen encourages weight gain.


Has anyone heard that?


Sorry that people IRL are snarky! That's pretty annoying. I am really enjoying these threads!


I have always liked Jillian's approach to fitness. She's more concerned about the person than the shape of the body. I also like that she doesn't try to put everyone into the "size 2 pants definition of skinny" box. She seems to recognize that we all have different body types even when in great shape. I sure wish I'd known that when I was younger!


I recently read that bit about alcohol as well in a nutrition packet from my Crossfit gym. I had just thought it was about the calories before. Interesting.

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Ran 3 miles this morning. I've not been on the boards much this past month. Getting into the school routine, working with the chickens, setting goals etc. I'm still on course for my first 10K this fall. The weather is pretty nasty right now, but cooler days are on the way.

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Monday: Jillian Michael's NMTZ (half of it = all circuits one time through, but the last one twice so I work both legs!:lol:)

Tuesday: Jackie Warner's Power Circuit training. Used 8 lb weights. Working my way back up to 10.


Finally settled enough after the move to get back after exercising, though I did have some good "functional fitness" moving boxes/unpacking, etc.


I used to be a six-day a week exerciser, but I think I am going to shoot for just five days per week now. Will something horrible happen if I scale back???

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I did Denise Austin power yoga followed by Bob Harper yoga abs.


My dh has started Insanity. I watched a couple workouts and became annoyed. It annoys me that they take already existing moves and rename them to make them sound cool for the program.


I'm sorry but they are not called suicide jumps. They are burpees! :glare:


The ab workout was a lot of moves that are in the Jillian Michaels 6 Week 6 Pack workouts.


I don't know. It seems like Insanity is a lot of hype for workouts that already exist. I know some of you here like Insanity, but I guess I was expecting something new. I was looking for new moves I'd never seen before. That said I did not watch all the workouts, but what I did see had little to no new (for me) moves.


Want new moves you've never seen before? Tracy Anderson. That woman comes up with contortions (and repetitions) that will have you soaking in a hot bath.

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I did Denise Austin power yoga followed by Bob Harper yoga abs.


My dh has started Insanity. I watched a couple workouts and became annoyed. It annoys me that they take already existing moves and rename them to make them sound cool for the program.


I'm sorry but they are not called suicide jumps. They are burpees! :glare:


The ab workout was a lot of moves that are in the Jillian Michaels 6 Week 6 Pack workouts.


I don't know. It seems like Insanity is a lot of hype for workouts that already exist. I know some of you here like Insanity, but I guess I was expecting something new. I was looking for new moves I'd never seen before. That said I did not watch all the workouts, but what I did see had little to no new (for me) moves.


Want new moves you've never seen before? Tracy Anderson. That woman comes up with contortions (and repetitions) that will have you soaking in a hot bath.


That would really bug me too!

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I did Denise Austin power yoga followed by Bob Harper yoga abs.


My dh has started Insanity. I watched a couple workouts and became annoyed. It annoys me that they take already existing moves and rename them to make them sound cool for the program.


I'm sorry but they are not called suicide jumps. They are burpees! :glare:


The ab workout was a lot of moves that are in the Jillian Michaels 6 Week 6 Pack workouts.


I don't know. It seems like Insanity is a lot of hype for workouts that already exist. I know some of you here like Insanity, but I guess I was expecting something new. I was looking for new moves I'd never seen before. That said I did not watch all the workouts, but what I did see had little to no new (for me) moves.


Want new moves you've never seen before? Tracy Anderson. That woman comes up with contortions (and repetitions) that will have you soaking in a hot bath.


Eh, burpees are when you do a push up instead of just jumping into a plank position. No, there is nothing complicated about Insanity. There are only so many ways to jump up and down, KWIM? The lure is the level of difficulty.


I don't know which came out first, Insanity or Jillian Michaels program. I do see a lot of programs sharing from competitors or use the same moves. Hardly any program does not have variations of planks, pushups, or squats.

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Leslie Walk at Home: 5-Mile Fat Burning


Ok is there a regular exercise thread here? I'm in!


Shannon, welcome. :)


I'm sorry but they are not called suicide jumps. They are burpees!

This made me giggle, even though that was probably not your intention. :lol: I'm not an Insanity/P90X, etc. type, so I really don't know. Too much hype and popularity can annoy me.


Wednesday: BBL - High & Tight

Should have done Bum Bum as well, but had to unpack more book boxes.

I like the names - especially "Bum Bum". :lol:

Hope your unpacking is going well. :grouphug:


I have been so completely lazy about exercising. UGH.

Going to the gym later to fix that.

:grouphug: Happens to us all at times, or at least to me anyway.


Wednesday-2 mile run, weights

Good for you. :)


I do see a lot of programs sharing from competitors or use the same moves. Hardly any program does not have variations of planks, pushups, or squats.

This is very true.


I rolled my ankle last week so I am taking it easy.

Hope it feels better very soon. :grouphug:

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Hardly any program does not have variations of planks, pushups, or squats.


Tracy Anderson has no pushups or squats but plenty of plank work.



I watched another workout this time from P90X and I was happy to see some new and different moves. So, I'll have to curb my irritation a bit. ;) My dh is doing P90X and I told him I'd do it too just to do something different. It would be very different for me as I'm all about yoga/pilates/ballet type workouts.


How long are the workouts typically? I need to plan when to get up and if it's doable with my 3 yr old.


Also, my dh was confused about Recovery Week. When do you take it and what do you do during that week?



No, workout for me this morning. My body is not cooperating as it is dealing with the latest gluten exposure. I really really hate gluten. I want to eradicate it from the earth. Yesterday I was able to get in a light workout, but today is not happening. Sigh. Maybe later in the day?


This is when I get discouraged with exercise and my body. Mentally I want to work and push myself but my physical body does not listen.

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Tracy Anderson has no pushups or squats but plenty of plank work.



I watched another workout this time from P90X and I was happy to see some new and different moves. So, I'll have to curb my irritation a bit. ;) My dh is doing P90X and I told him I'd do it too just to do something different. It would be very different for me as I'm all about yoga/pilates/ballet type workouts.


Is your husband doing both P90X and Insanity? That is pretty tough. If you commit to P90X, you will not be able to do your other workouts which appeal to you. I am all about Beachbody but if you like what you like then, you know, what's wrong with sticking to that?


How long are the workouts typically? I need to plan when to get up and if it's doable with my 3 yr old.


P90X is about an hour and a half on most days (especially with YogaX) and twice a week it is only about 45 minutes. I get interrupted a lot by my kids so I just grin and bear it.


Also, my dh was confused about Recovery Week. When do you take it and what do you do during that week?


Your husband should have the schedule. Recovery week is every 4th week of the program. It has a different set of workouts. Basically, it is active recovery, no lifting.


No, workout for me this morning. My body is not cooperating as it is dealing with the latest gluten exposure. I really really hate gluten. I want to eradicate it from the earth. Yesterday I was able to get in a light workout, but today is not happening. Sigh. Maybe later in the day?


This is when I get discouraged with exercise and my body. Mentally I want to work and push myself but my physical body does not listen.


My comments in purple. Sorry that you aren't feeling well. BTW, I did attend a Barre class while on vacation just to see what it was all about. I was sore but I really missed high intensity cardio.


I was supposed to do Max Recovery yesterday but ended up doing LMP Combat instead. I was feeling blah and needed some cardio pick me up. Today I have Max Plyo (Insanity) AND Back to Core (Asylum). We'll see. :D

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We have both Insanity and P90X. We like to save them for the middle of winter. It's nice to have something with direction for those long dark months.



I did 45 mins on the nordic track. My ankle is still a little bit sore from rolling it last week, and I am really missing my barre workout. I hope to be back to it next week. Make sure your kids don't leave their toys where someone can step on them and...roll their ankle :glare:

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im getting disappointed. Cant get near the scale.


I am craving some junk and last night I had a caramel sundae from McDonalds. I have to find something to hit my monthly cravings!!


I have been doing my morning workout...cardio/weights and 4 miles biking everyday. I also occasionally am fitting in a walk with my hubby 3 miles in the evening...but I seem to be stuck on the scale. Grrrr....I imagine it is water weight!


Otherwise, doing good. I am sticking close to my 1200 calorie non diet menu with a few exceptional days! (like yesterday) one day hopefully my body will get the idea it needs to shed a few more pounds :tongue_smilie:

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im getting disappointed. Cant get near the scale.


I am craving some junk and last night I had a caramel sundae from McDonalds. I have to find something to hit my monthly cravings!!


I have been doing my morning workout...cardio/weights and 4 miles biking everyday. I also occasionally am fitting in a walk with my hubby 3 miles in the evening...but I seem to be stuck on the scale. Grrrr....I imagine it is water weight!


Otherwise, doing good. I am sticking close to my 1200 calorie non diet menu with a few exceptional days! (like yesterday) one day hopefully my body will get the idea it needs to shed a few more pounds :tongue_smilie:


When I ate that low, I got no results.

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