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Atta-boy! (Post about your kid/teen's accomplishments)

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My special needs teen ds and I just started with a new system for the school year. I use a large calendar to write the independent work he has to do. We school year-round and we are just now trying to finish Geometry and Chemistry. After a "talk" with him and how much his efforts are needed to make this system work... I was not sure what to expect.


Today was a tough day for me health wise and full of putting out fires administratively for our insurance/bills/etc. Son surprised the living daylights out of me at the end of the day -- he read over 10 chapters in his literature reading without being told to do so and did 2 Geometry lessons in one day. All because he wanted a 3 day Labor Day weekend. ;) But he knew on the calendar system, if we missed a day (and we did) it was to be made up on the weekend in order to finish the course by Dec/Jan. Yes!!!


Things like this make me so happy and so proud that my kid is growing up. Feel free to add on to this thread about your kiddo's accomplishments. :)

Edited by tex-mex
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DS13 is gearing up for a 50 mile bike ride. The kid goes all over the place on his bike now rather than waiting for me to drive him.


I'm just shocked at all the *little* changes in him. Last year was a HARD year in our house. I can't even tell you how hard. Immaturity + irresponsibility makes for butting heads a lot. But it's like a light switch went on. We were walking last week with a group of friends and he noticed that the cozy came off his cup (my favorite cup, I might add). Without breaking a sweat he told everyone "hey, I need to go look for this. I'll catch up in a bit." I know, it's little, but it's just a reminder of how much he's turned around in a few short months. He was invited on a camping trip this weekend and took charge of making his list, getting it all packed, and double checking the weather and gear he'd need before heading out the door last night. All I had to do was get down his bag.


I can't wait to see the person he becomes! He's already become such an awesome, awesome kid.

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My older 3 constantly amaze me with what they do. Oldest dd planned and executed a fund raiser, 18 yo ds wrote and self-published a novel last spring and 16 yo ds hasn't needed me to tell him to do anything since he was about 13. It gives me hope the current middle schoolers will turn out ok. Other evidence is currently not encouraging :tongue_smilie:.

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DS13 is gearing up for a 50 mile bike ride. The kid goes all over the place on his bike now rather than waiting for me to drive him.


I'm just shocked at all the *little* changes in him. Last year was a HARD year in our house. I can't even tell you how hard. Immaturity + irresponsibility makes for butting heads a lot. But it's like a light switch went on. We were walking last week with a group of friends and he noticed that the cozy came off his cup (my favorite cup, I might add). Without breaking a sweat he told everyone "hey, I need to go look for this. I'll catch up in a bit." I know, it's little, but it's just a reminder of how much he's turned around in a few short months. He was invited on a camping trip this weekend and took charge of making his list, getting it all packed, and double checking the weather and gear he'd need before heading out the door last night. All I had to do was get down his bag.


I can't wait to see the person he becomes! He's already become such an awesome, awesome kid.


That is really awesome! Thanks for sharing, it made me happy to read this.

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My daughter is heading into the last weekend of her current show. One review posted last week said her performance in the female lead is "remarkably good."


She's into her third week in her new volunteer/intern position at a dance school and is doing really well.


My son went to his first ballet class of the year, after not doing any ballet at all for the past two years. He was very nervous going in, thinking he was going to be so rusty that he'd be embarrassed. Instead, the teacher caught up with him after class and told him to move up to the next level.


The wife of one of the adults who chaperoned my son's choir's recent trip to England told me the other day that her husband was impressed with my son during the trip.

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Love reading about teens doing well :)


My dd's accomplishment doesn't seem like much, but I was proud :D Her idea of exercise is walking across the room to pick up a book. She exercise-phobic like her mom ;) Anyway, she began a fencing class 2 weeks ago. Yesterday was the first real class. They worked them HARD. Ran laps, walked laps backwards, ran through techniques, etc. She came out of class looking like she'd been through a marathon. Utterly exhausted. She also had to use her inhaler during class. Her response? I am NOT quitting, and I am going to start doing laps at home :D

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My dd17's main extracurricular is theatre. She is considering majoring in theatre or doubling majoring with English/creative writing. She was asked to help with a theatre club at her old k-8 school. When she met with the principal and the English teachers last week, she learned that they want her to start and run the club for this year. She gets to choose the grade levels involved, write her own curriculum plans, choose the one-act plays, cast and direct------all within a very generous budget. Dd is so excited!


And I am thrilled she'll have yet-another theatre experience on her college applications and audition resumes :D

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Wow everyone!! :party: Dd19 was just interviewed for a local morning tv show on the value of community colleges, and got the interviewer excited enough about homeschooling to inspire her to do a new segment on it! :D

Wow, indeed!


Keep up on the atta-boys, mommas! I love reading what y'all are up to. It is very encouraging! Yay!

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He started lifeguarding this summer and has done great. School, complete with AP courses, advanced math, etc. started last Monday, and he was scheduled to work every night this week until 8:45. He did it, completed his schoolwork too, and I am so proud of his hard work.


Eldest ds, who has struggled in the past with organization and advocating for himself, started college this fall. On his own, he approached people he needed to at his college to ask about placement and credit, with good results. He has a semester of credit now!

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Oh, thank you! There are so few people who want to hear, so few places it's appropriate to tell... thank you for asking.

■ Earlier this summer, Miss M-mv(ii), 14, was one of three finalists in the annual piano competition. She and Miss M-mv(i), 16, competed in the same division, and while they both played beautifully, the afternoon belonged to Miss M-mv(ii), whose execution and expression were spot on, earning her a place as one of three finalists.


■ I think I may have already shared this next one, but... Given at the conclusion of both the winter and summer seasons, the [insert memorial name here] Award celebrates the swimmer who sets an excellent example of sportsmanship and can-do spirit for the rest of the team. My son received the award his first season on the team, Winter 2004-2005; five years later, Miss M-mv(i) received it for the Winter 2009-2010 season. And for the Summer 2012 season? The award was given jointly -- to Miss M-mv(i) and Miss M-mv(ii)!


■ At this writing, both Misses have an A in Algebra II! And that's not a "mommy grade." (In fact, I am a rather ruthless grader, but that's not the subject of this thread.) Two amazing things about this particular item: (1) Until early this year, Miss M-mv(i) was an uneven math student, at best. Homeschooling allowed her the time she needed to "grow into" math. And now look at her! She will take precalc in either the summer or fall of 2013 at the local college... (2) as will Miss M-mv(ii), who would be a freshman if she were traditionally schooled but is doing all of the same work as my junior, which is, again, a benefit of homeschooling.


They are good people. That they are beautiful and bright is delicious icing, but the buttery-yellow cake underneath is that they are *good* -- kind, forthright, gentle, honest, unaffected. They make me want to be a better person. I am fortunate to know them and to spend so much time with them.

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DS32 just gave me a second grandson. He also finished his emergency medicine residency this summer.


DD12 just finished up as a lead in a children's musical. She is also helping to teach a class at the local community theater.


I love reading about all of these accomplishments no matter how big or small. What a great thread. I hope the mom of the 35 ACT starts a separate thread on how that is accomplished.


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It's lovely to read about these achievements.


For about 3 years, my dd15 has had a desire to hold a dinner to raise money for Africa. A few weeks ago her dream was realized thanks to the pastor of our church who supported her dream and promoted it. She raised about $3700 for Living Hope Watoto in Africa. It was exciting for us to see her follow through with this dream.

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