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S/O Where did you and your dh go on your first date?

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I had known Ron since I was 13 but wasn't allowed to date until I was 16. Ron is 3 years older than me. So, he flew home from Germany(his first duty station) to VA to take me on my first date. We went to Fiji Islands a restaurant in town and then out walking and talking after dinner. I had a wonderful time and knew at that moment he was definitely the guy for me. We married when I was 19 and he was 22. We've been married for 21 wonderful years.

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Does that count? We had been friends for about a year... in fact we met because I had been dating his roomate! In some of the dorms there were small dumbwaiters and it was easy to get in, but you had to wait for friends to let you out at the end of your ride. We got in -- and our friends left us there for a long time -- I think they knew there was something "there" between us. :001_wub:. That's when he kissed me for the first time. And all the friends came to the wedding!


I'll always have a special place in my heart for that Terrace 11 dumbwaiter. :001_smile:

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Romantic, no? ;)


Actually, since we met at a bar, we discovered that we simply weren't done talking when it closed. So he asked if he could buy me breakfast, and since I didn't know him from Adam, so to speak, I suggested we go where everybody went for breakfast (my own, warped little version of Cheers, if you will...)


We sat together, over chicken fried steak and bottomless pots of truck stop coffee, and talked until the sun came up. Kept right on talking until he had to get to work. He dropped me off at my truck, and I only had time to drive straight to work. In my 'going out' clothes. That was fun to explain. "No, really, we were talking!" :tongue_smilie:



That is the best part of a date, when you can stay out all night long and just talk and talk, not even have time to go home and change and go straight to work. That is such a rush! By the time you get home from work, you are completely wore out and then you hear his voice again and the adrenaline rush comes back.:blush:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, we met in a comic book store; for our first date, we went to a restaurant in Massachusetts that no longer exists (boo hoo - we wanted to recreate our first date when we were up there last week during our wedding anniversary, but could not).


Then we went to see "Sniper" (incredibly romantic, all that shooting of bad guys, right? Actually, it was my idea - I had a crush on Billy Zane back then, when I was 18).

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We went to lunch at Subway (it was on campus, I often dated between classes ;) ) and then later we went to the movies. I was late because I had to go by the highschool football game to give my younger sister some money (she was in the band) and he thought I wasn't going to show up.

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We went to hit golf balls at the driving range and then to get a sno-cone. I remember saying to myself, "He's nice and cute, but I don't think I'll be going out with him again!" We've been married 10 years now and have 4 wonderful kids. Isn't it funny how things work out!

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movies (Crocodile Dundee)


taco bell


then to the pool hall


pretty classy, huh?:D


and all on a monday school night! I couldn't believe my mom let me go. She said it was ok when dh showed up at the door because "he'd look good as a prom date."


and at the end of sr. yr. we did go to the prom and he did look so cute with me on his arm, natch!

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Well, we met in a comic book store; for our first date, we went to a restaurant in Massachusetts that no longer exists (boo hoo - we wanted to recreate our first date when we were up there last week during our wedding anniversary, but could not).


Then we went to see "Sniper" (incredibly romantic, all that shooting of bad guys, right? Actually, it was my idea - I had a crush on Billy Zane back then, when I was 18).


For the first five years of our marriage (or so) every restaurant we ate at eventually went out of business. We brought some sort of curse on them I guess.:D Either that, or restaurants are a really hard business to keep afloat.

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I sort of invited myself on his ROTC ski day.:001_wub: But it really wasn't a date because he was not looking for a girlfriend. :001_smile: Well, he did end up with a girlfriend and a wife. We've been married 17 years...

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We met through my co-worker that was married to his best friend. We went to numerous parties/movies/dinners together but for our first "real alone" date was renting a hotel room and going to an amusement park - lot's of fun :) Actually our anniversary is coming up August 1st and I was thinking of repeating the occasion.

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We went to the Omelette Parlor for breakfast in Venice, CA. Then we talked a while and went to Carneys for a chocolate covered banana. We hung out all day, and he dropped me off about dinner time. He went home and wrote me a letter asking me to marry him. He mailed it to my name in care of his address the next day, to prove to me later that he "knew" the first date. He was wise enough not to ask me to marry him for 4 more months... so I had time to get used to him!


True story... I have the letter! He actually gave it to me when he proposed, as his way of asking me; with a ring of course!

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We went to the Omelette Parlor for breakfast in Venice, CA. Then we talked a while and went to Carneys for a chocolate covered banana. We hung out all day, and he dropped me off about dinner time. He went home and wrote me a letter asking me to marry him. He mailed it to my name in care of his address the next day, to prove to me later that he "knew" the first date. He was wise enough not to ask me to marry him for 4 more months... so I had time to get used to him!


True story... I have the letter! He actually gave it to me when he proposed, as his way of asking me; with a ring of course!


What a delightful story. One that will be passed down. That is special.



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We skipped that whole dating thing....;)


Okay. I left this thread and had to come back. You've got my curiosity piqued.


And then again maybe I'm being impertinent and rude, which is likely. But I just love peoples' stories!



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Or maybe he was just a cheap guy at the time.


Our first date was at Burger King and then bowling (only the second time in my life - I am not from a bowling family). Where I proceeded to throw the ball behind me to the seats. I turned around in horror to find him in hysterics. LOL


One consolation - we were only 17 at the time. Married at 19 - now married 16 years. Still the love of my life. :001_wub:

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We were in Kindergarten.

We met again in High School...our first date was a double date and we went rollerskating. I don't recall the first we actually went anywhere alone as we group dated all thru High School.

Lonnnng time ago...

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We were on the floor of the concert hall and at my short 5'3" ended up sitting stradle on his shoulders for most of the concert.* I am guessing this really is interesting position to be in for a first date, we stopped at a Waffle House and ***** 1987

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Dh took me to a Japanese steakhouse for supper then to a freshman dance at the college we attended. (I found out later that he hates dances.) He walked me home, we talked outside for a few hours, and then I went upstairs and discovered that my roommate had a "guest" over. I snuck in, grabbed a change of clothes, and ran downstairs to call my dh at his dorm. I didn't know what to do, so he came to get me, woke up his roommate, introduced us and asked if it was okay if I slept on dh's bed while dh slept on the floor on his roomie's side of the room. That was our first, official date.

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Dh and I met at a party when we were 18. He asked me to go river rafting with him and a friend the next day. So that was our official first day together. We 'hung out' for a few mths before he planned our first real "date".


For our first real date, he told me to dress very nice, but that our date was a surprise.


He had a friend who owned a 1930's car. He arranged for his friend to chauffeured us on a romantic drive, and then dinner at a historic restaurant.


It was a beautiful evening and was incredible sweet considering that the meal was probably a weeks pay for him back then,




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We were both attending the college Bible study at church. For our first date, he took me out to dinner at a chinese restaurant before Bible study. Not too exciting, huh? Most of our dates were just going out to dinner and talking. Some of my favorite memories are the dates where my brother tagged along and we went to Pizza Hut together.

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