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Call me crazy, but I'm excited about our Rod and Staff book.


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I was very surprised last year. We are primarily secular homeschoolers, but my younger son loved R&S English 3, both text and workbook. We have moved on to MCT Town this year, as I could not imagine doing that twice in a row, but we were really pleased with the quality and clarity of it. I did end up combining lessons in places where they either beat a dead horse or were aiming at PA Dutch culture.


My older son can always switch out with Grammarlogues, but I could see going back to R&S for my younger son if we needed a future break from MCT.

Edited by NittanyJen
clarified "going back for my younger son" in last P.
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Our book just arrived. I love the look of it and think it will be a great fit for us. My dd enjoyed the lesson as well. :) I will continue to use selections from PLL, but it just felt too light.


Yesterday was our first day using our book. I like that I can decide what activity I want my son to write and do the rest orally. Best wishes to you.

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I did end up combining lessons in places where they either beat a dead horse


This was the issue we had... in books 2, 3, and 4 (using them ahead of grade level). The books may be a better fit for DS2, for whom I suspect grammar won't come easily, but we'll see.


I wish more publishers would catch on to the sturdy hardback book.




Apologia elementary, Life of Fred, R&S... They all make good quality, hardback books.

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I remember picking up a copy of their sixth grade English at Goodwill. I thought it was dry as toast and gave it away. Since it was recommended in TWTM I decided to give it a try anyway and bought the 3rd grade book. I loved it! Now we use their math and science textbooks too.

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I think dd likes it because it looks like a ps textbook.


That must be why my children love it...they always want to work on it first. :lol:


I wish more publishers would catch on to the sturdy hardback book.


That's what I like about it. I can see us using it 10 years from now with our youngest. I'm always afraid our math books will be oop and I'll have to re-buy all our texts. :scared:

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